imhoGroup of current or former appraisers with nothing better to do.Created:
6 Members,
143 Topics,
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IMHOFWhere Ladies come for a good time and good friendships! This Group is for "Women" only and you must use IncrediMail to be Member in this Group.... which is available for "free" on-line! Like any other IncrediMail Group we share anything to do with IncrediMail. However, No Lurkers are allowed in this group! We want members that love to share with others while making new friendshi...Created:
1 Member,
2,192 Topics,
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ImLegallyGorgeousCopyright compliant IM sharing group. Sit back and enjoy snagging gorgeous stationery by several awesome creators...Created:
15 Members,
1,822 Topics,
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immapetGroup created to discuss about training related ideas.Created:
1 Member,
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ImmigrationCV / Immigration Task Force for the Chippewa ValleyThis is an email list for the Chippewa Valley Immigration task force to form a small reading group where people could individually listen/read/summarize current immigration information.Created:
3 Members,
3 Topics,
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ImmigrationLawyersA place for Immigration Lawyers to ask questions of other Immigration Lawyers, to bounce things off of each other, to complain, to mope, and to share ideas.Created:
5 Members,
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ImmiNonprofitSanDiegoThis is group is for nonprofit immigration attorneys in San Diego to connect, strategize, provide referrals, and band together for the next four years.Created:
21 Members,
8 Topics,
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Immortal-Stand / Immortal StandImmortal Stand is a crossover RPG PBEM that encompasses Stephen King's epic, 'The Stand,' as well as aspects from the Highlander universe. If you've want to rebuild the world, with Frannie Goldsmith, Stu Redman, Methos and Duncan MacLeod, you've come to the right place. Game play has begun but there are several canon roles open. Members should be able to post at least once eve...Created:
11 Members,
6,182 Topics,
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IMMRSF / IMM announcementsAn electronic announcements list for members and friends of the Ithaca Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers). Please keep announcements to things pertaining to events of the IMM and other Quaker bodies.Created:
172 Members,
1,701 Topics,
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IMNMUSICThis is a IncrediMail group to share stats with music. Waves no MP3's. If you don't have IncrediMail you may share just waves.Created:
1 Member,
40 Topics,
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imo-network-admin / IMO Network AdminGroup for administration of the IMO Video Meteor NetworkCreated:
10 Members,
480 Topics,
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imo-news / IMO-News Mailing ListMailing list of the International Meteor Organization.Created:
169 Members,
401 Topics,
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imoveisABC-SPgrupo para compra , venda e locação de imóveis no abc de spCreated:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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impact-detection / Impact detectionThis is a user group for planetary impact detection software ("DeTeCt") and the Jupiter/Saturn impact detection project ( This consists of attempting to detect flashes provoked by small bodies hitting and burning in the atmosphere of gaseous planets by analyzing video acquisition of planetary imagers, and estimating the freq...Created:
173 Members,
90 Topics,
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impact10x-machine / The *Impact-10X* MachineCreated:
3 Members,
0 Topics,
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impactengineportfolioImpact Engine Alumni ListservCreated:
0 Members,
0 Topics,
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Impalers2Marcel support groupCreated:
1 Member,
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ImpchatImpchat is the official social chat line of the International Courts Internet Services, under the authority of the International Court Council. Subscription is open to all members in good standing of the International Court System. This is a heavy volume list. For official information of the International Court System and the Individual Chapters in the North American Continent, or to request subsc...Created:
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ImperforateAnusA group intended for caretakers of children with anorectal malformations to provide support, relate experiences, and share useful information related to your family’s medical journey. (All content is meant as useful guide for how to talk with your medical team about care needs, and *not* as medical advice.)Created:
2 Members,
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ImperialAdventuresThis group is for the discussion of adventure and Imperial literature from Britain and the British colonies. This is list is designed to talk about such fiction writers as Joseph Conrad, Daniel Defoe, H. Rider Haggard, Rudyard Kipling, Talbot Mundy and Robert Louis Stevenson (just a very small sample). It is also open for discussion of the works by such explorers and adventurers such as Richard Bu...Created:
2 Members,
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