carlaradionet / California Amateur Radio Linking AssociationThe California Amateur Radio Linking Association (CARLA) is an ARRL recognized org for Emergency Communications via Amateur (HAM) Radio in Northern California and Nevada. We have a growing network of over 30 Linked & Local repeaters covering major portions of Northern, Central & Southern California plus Western-Central Nevada. CARLA is an OPEN, somewhat intricate, wide area repeater syste...Created:
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CarletonKaggleClubThis is where we will have group discussions regarding Kaggle projects and data science ideas.Created:
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CarlisleNativePlantsTaskForce / Carlisle MA Pollinators and Native Plant Task ForceThis is a broad group of folks in Carlisle called Carlisle Pollinator and Native Plant Task Force. My hope is that this group (just starting up) will spread out and help plant native plants, research and observe all that is happening in Carlisle as it relates to our native plants. Everyone will have different interests that range from: inventory plant and wildlife species in Town looking at ...Created:
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CarlisleNatureGroup Description A forum about nature in Carlisle, MA and adjacent towns. I debated whether to do a bird list or a more flexible list. I will start with a mostly biology list--maybe including geology and astronomy. If that becomes cumbersome, I will split off the bird list. We are primarily interested in birder and vernal pools but we are flexible. Let me know what you prefer. Please feel fre...Created:
50 Members,
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1 Member,
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CARLOWIRELANDGENEALOGYHISTORYGROUP / CO CARLOW IRELAND GROUPResearching the whole of Co Carlow and its people, places, family history, headstones, area, we are the original Co Carlow group. from Rootsweb.Being hosted by Cara and Michael Brennan ( from his garden).Created:
135 Members,
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Carlsbadresidents of CarlsbadCreated:
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CarlsenStreet / Carlsen Street neighborhood mail list.Neighborhood list forum for the neighbors on and around Carlsen Street, Oakland California.Created:
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CarlT / CarlT's programsA group for people to check for new versions of my Fanfiction Updater /Downloader and a few tools. >Current Version: 0.9 F6< Please notice that the programs in the tools folder were written without distribution in mind. As such they are not exactly 'user-friendly'. Should you want to use any of them and have some problem feel free to contact me with any questions. Or visit my Homepag...Created:
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carma / CARMA, The Chicago Area Radio Monitoring AssociationMailing list for the Chicago Area Radio Monitoring Association (CARMA). CARMA is the premier scanner club in the Midwest. In order to have your Group membership approved you MUST send an email to to verify your interest. Please provide your name and city/state and why you are interested in this group. If no such email is received within 24 hours of your subscription request...Created:
553 Members,
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carmarthenamatureradiosociety20The Carmarthen Radio Society was first formed above a pub on the quay in Carmarthen in the early 1980’s. The club assembled the Carmarthen repeaters , on 70cm GB3CMand GB7FG and on 2m GB3FG. The repeaters are funded by donations. MEETINGS Meetings are held at the Cwmduad Community Centre, Cwmduad, SA33 6XN Our membership is varied and comes from across Carmarthenshire, a few even travel f...Created:
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Carmel900sAn email list for the residents of the 900 block of Carmel Ave., Albany, for sharing news about neighborhood events. This groups replaces the defunct Carmel_900s Yahoo group.Created:
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Carmella-IM-Creations-Designs / Carmels DesignsWelcome in this group l will be sharing my new and old stationary,tags,and extras as a replacement group to my yahoo groups closing down. Plus free samples from my own designs and photo's,tubes and presets samples,ideal for web,blog,tag,scrap book,card designs.Created:
8 Members,
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CarmodyFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – CarmodyCreated:
10 Members,
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carnageandgloryii / Carnage&GloryII Computer Moderated Wargame Rule SystemsA group for the users of Carnage&GloryII computer moderated wargame rule systems written by Nigel P. Marsh. There are six separate Tactical Tabletop Systems: Wars of Napoleon, 1796-1815 Wars of Frederick the Great (including AWI), 1740-83 The American Civil War, 1861-65 Wars of von Moltke, 1864-71 Warfare in the Age of Marlborough (including GNW), 1700-1721 Pike and Shot (including TYW and EC...Created:
255 Members,
605 Topics,
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carndearg / Carn Dearg Mountaineering ClubA group for members of Carn Dearg Mountaineering Club to communicate about upcoming trips and member informationCreated:
50 Members,
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CarneSoft / CarneSoftTechnical support for CarneSoft products.Created:
1 Member,
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CarneyVegasVegas Vacations | 1999 to the presentCreated:
7 Members,
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CaroleKingCaroleKingForum to discuss the music of Carole King & Gerry Goffin and their contemporaries.Created:
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Carolgibsons-storagegroupThis is where i store my incredimail imf files. not accepting members at this moment. hugs carolCreated:
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