Adventurewagen / AdventurewagenInformation-sharing for owners of Adventurewagen van conversions.Created:
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AdvertiseThis group may be high volume as advertisers are allowed to post. Members will be allowed to send their own ads and they may send ads quite often. If you can't handle that this is not the group for you. Need more members? Then come check us out. We are an advertising group for AOL, yahoo, google, This is a place to post your ads with optional swapping. If you don't have an...Created:
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AdvertisingAnythingAnytime00Ads ads come oner come all great place to advertiseCreated:
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advisorycouncil-nrhsThis is a private group for the use of the NRHS Advisory Council to encourage communication and discussion.Created:
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AdvisoryWAMUNETThis group forum is meant for all Advisory Committee members of WAMUNET.Created:
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AdvocacyForMHProvidersThis group invites thinkers and doers in the field of mental health, and have a special interest in advocating for MENTAL HEALTH PROVIDER'S pay, justice, legislation, and care. It's about identifying avenues for change regarding clinical pay by insurance companies, recognition of our training and expertise to determine best client care, and greater appreciation for the therapist-client rel...Created:
10 Members,
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advocates-network / Advocates NetworkEastern Iowa group for immigration advocates, formerly at (Google Group).Created:
18 Members,
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advocats / EveryCat AdvoCatsEveryCat Health Foundation's Volunteer Group communication and info sharing platformCreated:
35 Members,
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adxa / Albuquerque DX AssnThe Albuquerque DX Association is focused on chasing DX (distant stations), Contesting (Radiosport), and related aspects of Amateur Radio. We are affiliated with the national association of radio amateurs: the American Radio Relay League. We meet the last Wednesday of each month (except December) for dinner at the Copper Canyon, 5455 Gibson Blvd SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 at 5:30 p.m. Our meeti...Created:
50 Members,
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adyke / adyke (Ain't Dead Yet Kick-Azz Eventsadyke (Ain't Dead Yet Kick-Azz Events) is a list to facilitate the creation of community for lesbians 40 and over, living in the San Francisco Bay Area. There is no such thing as too old on this list. Part of our mission is to remove the stigmas, both internal and external, associated with age. The primary focus of adyke is to post personal invitations to other adykes. It is not an announcemen...Created:
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AdzByDesignzAdz By Designz Formerly known as Ad Swappers! WE ARE BACK, under a new name and a new website!! If you are looking for a working advertising place, Stop right here cause this is the place to get your ads seen! Do you want new members? All you need to do send me your ad with your link info under your ad, I will add it where you want the ad to be placed! If you need more members, there's ...Created:
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AEA-HAMLINKThis group is aimed at providing existing and/or future users with Operational Tips, Modifications, Upgrades, Trouble-Shooting and Repair information for the "AEA" HL-60 "HamLink" and RL-1 "RadioLink" units! The 1990's era AEA HL-60 HamLink is the nifty little interface unit that allow one to remotely control and operate their fixed-station HF (or VHF/UHF) radio* via ce...Created:
15 Members,
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AebersoldFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Aebersold Ancestry Mesage Board:
3 Members,
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aecimoMailing list for Audrain Emergency Communications Inc. We are an amateur radio club located in Audrain County Missouri.Created:
4 Members,
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aecra / American Embassy Commissary and Recreation Association (Jakarta)The American Embassy Commissary and Recreation Association (AECRA) in Jakarta is an employee and community association that includes diplomats, expatriates, and local residents of Indonesia. This is the coordination group for the Board of Directors and is intended as a platform to ensure collaboration and information sharing among current and past Board members. At the Board of Directors' dis...Created:
10 Members,
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aecreations-help / AE Creations Help and Support ForumsHelp and support for AE Creations products. Welcome to the AE Creations Help and Support Forums! If you're looking for assistance on any of the Firefox/Thunderbird extensions from AE Creations, or want to help other users, you've come to the right place. Anyone can browse the forum posts, but to create a new post or comment on existing posts, you must subscribe to the forum. To get started...Created:
20 Members,
108 Topics,
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AEDC / Atlanta Eating Disorder CoaitionPLEASE READ THIS INTRODUCTION IN ITS ENTIRETY Welcome to the Atlanta Eating Disorder Coalition! This is a FREE networking group for the eating disorder behavioral health community that is open to clinical professionals, aspiring students, those who support the practice or delivery of services, and local behavioral health programs. The purpose is to share resources, develop professional r...Created:
95 Members,
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AEDCAJudgesEdThis group is for the American Eskimo Dog Club of America Judges Education Committee to communicate and coordinate AKC Judges Education Seminars, develop AKC Judges Education materials and address issues regarding judging the American Eskimo dog.Created:
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aedilesThis is the mailing list of the aediles of Nova Roma.Created:
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aedilitas / OFFICIUM AEDILICIUM - The Office of the Aediles of Nova RomaThis is the office mailing list of the Officium Aedilicium of Nova Roma for the joint staffs of the aediles curules and aediles plebis.Created:
12 Members,
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