email alias for administration of tockify calendar tool
3 Members, 35 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Group for the WCLSC news editors to receive monthly articles and attachments from WCLSC news paper content creators/submitters and advertisers. Additionally, for the news editors to collaborate in the creation of each monthly newsletter.
1 Member, 151 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WCML / Wilt Chamberlain Memorial Basketball League
PC Action basketball league
15 Members, 2,253 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
WCML-Gen / West Coast Main Line (WCML) Gen
A group to share gen and workings on, or heading to the UK's West Coast Main Line. Any working or WCML-related info is allowed, even regular unit workings and wagon consists - the latter is positively encouraged. There's no obligation to post anything, but any gen and discussion is welcome. This group isn't for sharing lots of your own photo plugs with no relevance to the gen.
300 Members, 63,435 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wcmonwedbicyclists / Walnut Creek Monday/Wednesday Bicyclists - NO LONGER USED
Originally a group of friends that decided to get together for bicycle rides on Monday's and Wednesday's. The rides depart from the Heather Farm Softball field located in Walnut Creek, CA. The rides are also listed on the Valley Spokesmen ride calendar.
102 Members, 1,686 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WCO-users / RASC Calgary Observers
The purpose of this group is to help RASC Calgary Centre members coordinate their visual observing activities with each other. Members can post their intention to go observing at the WCO or other local sites, or ask if anyone else is planning on going out. Other members would then know that someone would be out there if they wanted to go observing as well. We invite you to post a short introduct...
129 Members, 1,009 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wcouspsa / WCO USPSA
Western Colorado Section - USPSA
158 Members, 479 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
WCRA / WCRA Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs
Welcome to the reflector of the Wheaton Community Radio Amateurs. WCRA is an amateur radio club based in DuPage County, Illinois open to all those interested in learning and exchanging information about the many facets of the hobby. Effective 4/16/2021, the reflector is for club members in good standing as a benefit of membership. If you haven’t already joined the WCRA, please take a moment t...
24 Members, 200 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WCRC / WCRC Group Page
Washington Crossing RC Flyers Association. General info, chat, etc.
82 Members, 2,526 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WCSailors / West Cornwall Sailors
West Cornwall Sailors A discussion group for all sailors and those interested in sailing based in West Cornwall. If there is interest we will meet up over the winter months, maybe organise an occasional talk or presentation. Information sharing and support for our fellow sailors, possibly including: Tool sharing Help needed Looking for crew Book swops or loans or recommendations Share your blogs L...
6 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wcscfolksonspokes / Folks on Spokes
Walnut Creek, California's Seniors Club Bicycling Group affectionately named 'Folks on Spokes'. To join the group, you must be a member of the Walnut Creek Senior Club which has a nominal annual membership fee. The membership allows participation in the Senior Club's other activities and a subscription to their quarterly publication on upcoming events.
29 Members, 2,494 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
White Crane Springs Community Garden is located in the Inner Sunset neighborhood of San Francisco. Over 70 garden members tend individual plots and common areas including a small orchard, California natives area and herb and flower gardens. For more information, visit our website. Open to the public, it is a place to relax and enjoy nature in the City.
95 Members, 2,374 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wcsix-VZGTE / wcsix-VZGTE

24 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Supporting the National Weather Service SKYWARN program for Windham County Connecticut. This is an open net for the purpose of training and communicating during severe weather events. Weekly weather nets: Wednesdays, 8:00 PM, K1MUJ/R 147.225 mHz PL 156.7
4 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
A test group for WCUPA Faculty, to see if we want to use groups.io
10 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
WCURadio / Catamount Amateur Radio Group - At WCU
Catamount Amatuer Radio Group- K4WCU @ Western Carolina University.
22 Members, 51 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Washington County Wisconsin ARES/RACES Main address
3 Members, 10 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Wine Country Wood Turners, an association of wood-turning professionals and hobbyists.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
wd-satern / Western Division SATERN
SATERN consists primarily of Amateur Radio Operators who are part of the Salvation Army's Emergency Disaster Services Group. SATERN provides Auxiliary communications to the Salvation Army as well as other agencies who need communications support during disaster responses. This Official group for the Salvation Army's Western Division SATERN group. The Western Division encompasses Nebra...
36 Members, 380 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
wd0hwt / WD0HWT - Midwest Area Repeater Association (MARA)
WD0HWT is the amateur radio callsign for the Metro Area Repeater Association (MARA), a Twin Cities based group which supports local amateur repeaters and events. For more information, visit us at http://wd0hwt.net/.
5 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: