VITAsavesVolunteer tax assistance program leaders that focus on incorporating financial well-being strategies with their services. Asset Building coalition and financial institutions who work with tax preparers to offer savings, education and credit building products. Anyone else who seeks to increase economic opportunities for low-income taxpayers who wants to share consumer-facing strategies and discuss...Created:
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VitWomen / VitWomenFounded in about 2003 with Debby Zygielbaum as our fearless leader we created a email listserve and group to create safe spaces to ask questions about winegrowing, agriculture, wine business and help support and lift up women in the industry. We grew from a group of 6 women who met regularly to network, lift up, encourage and educate ourselves and the next generations of women interested in agri...Created:
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VivamediMedical team!Created:
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Vivitar-lensesThis group is meant for all those who are using Vivitar lenses (and other Vivitar equipment) with their photo gear. I have noticed that there are groups for the main brands, like Canon, Nikon, Minolta, etc., and for users of Sigma and Tokina lenses. Vivitar seems to be not considered a great brand; however, I have used and still am using Vivitar lenses. In particular the older Series 1 lenses are...Created:
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vivorOnline plekje waar Vivor documenten deelt met ervaringsdeskundigen.Created:
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vixen / VIXEN MOUNTS & TELESCOPESDiscussion group for Vixen mounts and telescopesCreated:
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vixen-ss2k / Vixen SkySensor2000 support groupA group dedicated to the support of the Vixen SkySensor 2000 telescope GOTO controllers.Created:
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Vixen21DIY / Vixen21DIYVixen21DIY is a group used to communicate updates and repairs done on 1986- 1998 Vixen21 RV’s.Created:
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VixenrvDIYVixenrvDIY is a group used to communicate updates and repairs done on 1986- 1998 Vixen21 RV’s.Created:
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VIZSLAMega-zineGetting the ball rolling on organizing people and information for a Mega-zine about Vizslas.Created:
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VJMC / VJMCVJMC was the CVJMC California Vintage Japanese MotorCycle/MotorcycleClub. Many enjoyed CJMC (Club) but MANY of us could not actually attend events, yet did want a group without the restrictions of discussions mainly to be about club events. had to move as did CJMC. Nov 19th 2020 we become VJMC of IO Groups, it being in tune with aspects besides riding in club events, & repla...Created:
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VJMCProject / VJMC Membership System Replacement ProjectVintage Japanese Motorcycle Cub membership system replacement project. Project Team use.Created:
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VJSETEAMPROMOTIONSA Group of Team members from VJSETEAM dedicated to cross promoting our shops and items on Social Media to raise relevancy, increase visibility and ideally increase sales. From here, group will share ideas and discuss outcomes with a view to testing the efficacy of these off site promotional activities and decide whether to continue or not.Created:
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VK-DMR / Australia's VK-DMR NetworkFor VK amateurs to share information about DMR and DMR radios. Also to keep up to date with the VK-DMR (MARC) network. This replaces the old & defunct VK-DMR Yahoogroup. Also check out our files section which has much info & software for the most popular DMR radios.Created:
151 Members,
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VK-Microwave / Australian Amateur Radio Microwave GroupThis group is for Australian and NZ Amateur Radio operators interested in operation in the microwave bands from 23cm (1296 MHz) upwards. Discussion subjects include home and field operations, equipment construction and modification, re-use of commercial equipment and other subjects related to amateur microwave activities.Created:
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vk1-dstar / VK1 D-Star and related topics discussion and net information.Discussion and co-ordination of the Amateur Radio digital voice mode D-Star in the Canberra, Australia area.Created:
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vk1-reflect / VK1 Amateur Radio OperatorsThe VK1 reflector users mailing list promotes communication between amateurs in the VK1 region. Details about the Canberra Region Amateur Radio Club can be found at:
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VK2-Microwave-Users-Group / VK2 Microwave Users GroupThe VK2 Microwave Users Group is a loose affiliation of microwave oriented amateur radio operators in VK2 The group is actively involved in the operation and construction of equipment on the Amateur Radio bands of 1296Mhz and up. The purpose is to share what we are building, where we are operating, hill top events and more. If you are in VK2 and are active on 1296Mhz and up, you are more than wel...Created:
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vk2byi-dmralert / DMR AlertDMR Monitor is a Windows desktop application that scans the content of the Monitor page on the VK DMR (IPSC2-VKDMR) repeater website for any callsigns from a user-definable list. As callsigns from the list are detected on the dashboard, the corresponding rows in the display are highlighted and a voice announcement is made to alert you to the presence of the monitored callsign. Download Soft...Created:
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vk2byi-ftrestore / FTRestoreFTRestore is a Windows desktop application that is used to upload, download and compare memory channels and menu settings in the Yaesu FTDX1200, FTDX3000 and FT-991/FT-991A model Amateur Radio transceivers. Details of the Regular Memory Channels and the PMS Memory Channels can be uploaded from the transceiver into a worksheet grid control where they can be modified as required, before being ...Created:
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