telnetbbsguide / Telnet BBS Guide Monthly Mailing ListThis is the mailing list for the Telnet BBS Guide - a list of telnettable BBSes from around the world. Visit us at https://telnetbbsguide.comCreated:
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telstar / The Telstar Videotex SystemThis is the mailing list for the Telstar Videotex System. This group is intended as a support group and mailing list primarily for those wishing to implement a custom videotex system using the Telstar components. For more details of Telstar, see For details of the system components, see For Telstar related videos, see https://youtube.comCreated:
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telvue / TelVue User GroupTelVue develops innovative solutions for live, linear and VOD broadcast and streaming videoCreated:
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TelvueUsersThis group is for users of all Telvue products such as the HyperCaster, Cloudcast, Infovue and Adcaster products, as well as their legacy products such as the older Telvue Princeton B3400 and B1400 servers. It is intended to share experiences, to ask and answer questions, to get advice and improve everyone's experience with these products. This group is independent and is not affiliated with...Created:
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TemariChallenge / Temari Challenge For EveryoneBeginners through advanced temari stitchers are invited to join us! Welcome to our forum for exploring the techniques and designs of the ancient folk art of Japanese temari. We are a group of experienced temari stitchers who freely exchange ideas and help answer questions that go beyond the basics of temari. We thrive on the exchange of thoughts and experience in the development of temari designs...Created:
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TemenosLMSOrigination / Temenos LMS - Loan Origination User GroupTemenos Lifecycle Management Suite Loan Origination Module - User Group A customer-driven forum for users of the Temenos LMS Loan Origination module - aimed at collaboration to allow users to get answers and share best practices.Created:
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temescalartscommunity / The Temascal Arts CommunityThis group is dedicated to the membership of Temescal Arts Collective.Created:
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Templar-Neighbors / Templar Neighbors GroupThis is the email & communications group for the Templar Place neighbors. This site is a private, invite only group. We will use this for all types of neighborhood communication and activities, from neighborhood discussions, safety alerts, to bock parties and emergency preparedness.Created:
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Template / TemplateAn email class on creating a plot-subplot template...taught by Laurie Schnebly Campbell from Feb. 3-14, 2025 with daily lectures and instructor comments on (always optional) homework. For registration email Laurie at for the ($40) PayPal address or ($35) check mailing address. Or if you'd like a PayPal link, just copy-and-paste the following -- which may look like two ...Created:
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template-toolkit / Template ToolkitDiscussion group for users and developers of the perl Template Toolkit. Get the latest information, tips & techniques, propose your new features and share your experiences and success stories.Created:
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TempleCityCERT-Radio / Temple City CERT RadioGroup for Temple City CERT ham radio team to ask questions and learn more about ham radio. Open to any Temple City CERT member with a ham radio license or members interested in learning about ham radio.Created:
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TempleOfAntinous / Temple of AntinousThis is the official discussion forum of the Temple of Antinous, dedicated to the continuation and revival of the Mysteries of Antinous in the world. The worship of Antinous was spread by the Emperor Hadrian throughout the Greco-Roman world, and the city of Antinooplis was the center of the Mysteries. All ancient and modern aspects of the Mysteries of Antinous are welcome here.Created:
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TempleOfAnubis / Temple of AnubisThis is the official discussion forum for the Temple of Anubis. This is a religious list dedicated to ancient Egyptian worship and its practice in the modern world. All historical and modern religious discussion is welcome here. Anubis is one of the oldest Egyptian deities and this forum serves as a focus point for the continuation of his worship.Created:
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TempleofBaalThe Temple of Baal is a discussion group for the history and worship of the ancient Canaanite and Phoenician god Baal. In the ancient world, the god Baal stood as one of the most significant deities in the pantheon of Canaanite and Phoenician religion. As the god of storms, fertility, and the cycle of life, Baal represented the raw power of nature—a force that could bring both life-sustaining...Created:
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TempleOfGeshtinanna / Temple of GeshtinannaThis is the official discussion forum for the Temple of Geshtinanna, dedicated to the worship of the Sumerian Goddess. Geshtinanna was the sister of the God Dumuzi (Tammuz) and the Goddess of Wine, Dreams, Prophecy, and writing. This forum is open to all topics of Sumerian worship of this Goddess as well as modern religious practice.Created:
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TempleOfGlycon / The Temple of GlyconThe Temple of Glycon is dedicated to the honor of Glycon, the snake god of fertility and health who embodies a later form of the healing power of Aesculapius. The God Aesculapius was always pictured with a snake as a symbol of healing. The worship of Glycon was introduced by the Greek prophet Alexander of Abonutichus after a divine vision regarding the snake of of the god Aesculapius in around 16...Created:
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Templeofiarhibol / THE TEMPLE OF IARHIBOLThis is an email list for the temple of Iarhibol, the Sun God of the ancient Syrian cities of Palmyra and Dura Europos which became part of the Roman Empire in the 1st Century CE. Iarhibol ('YAR-hi-boll', alt. spelled "Yarhibol") was worshipped throughout the Near East, and even in Rome near the temple of the Capitoline Triad by Roman Citizens of Palmyran origin. As a solar d...Created:
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templeofinannaanddumuzi / Temple of Inanna and DumuziTemple of Inanna and Dumuzi is a temple dedicated to honoring the Deities of the world's earliest civilization, Sumer. Inanna is a Goddess of civilization, love, and the defense of the state against invaders. Her husband Dumuzi is a God of herding and agriculture. He is an abundant and loving God Who teaches us to honor ourselves, honor each other, and honor the Gods. We also celebrate the...Created:
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tempo-2020 / Tempo 2020 / Uniden 2020 Users GroupUniden 2020 / Tempo 2020 group offers support for users of this vintage transceiver, providing helpful tips for repairs, parts availability and exchange of information among users. No politics, religion or crude language or jokes. We're all about camaraderie and enjoying the Ham Radio Hobby! And we're proud to be a forum that WELCOMES all new Hams to our ranks. Please identify yourself...Created:
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TEN-TEC-Classic-Argonauts / TEN-TEC CLASSIC ARGONAUTSThe purpose of the Classic Argonauts Group is to share experience and ideas about this classic line of Ten-Tec radios, including the Argonaut Models 505, 509, 515, and matching 405 Amplifier, as well as accessories for each. We shall help each other with friendly suggestions on how to repair, refurbish, maintain, and operate these classic radios. Everyone with an interest in this topic is w...Created:
115 Members,
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