OmniaRPGCreation / OMNIA - The RPGThis group is a repository of ideas, design patterns and mechanics for the OMNIA RPG. OMNIA is a point-based creation tabletop RPG highly inspired (as in "some things are 100% stolen") by Peter Knutsen's Sagatafl RPG, currently still in development. I thought I'd come up with this group mainly as a way for me to think some topics out loud and have a single repository where most of ...Created:
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OmniaTransformationThe program is based on the fundamentals of ketosis. I created this 6 week guided program because women an approach rooted in biology and also connection! Which is why I will guide you week by week with a step-by-step approach that spells out a doable action plan (RESULTS). The other bonus is this program provides a community of other women to keep you motivated and accountable with tangible r...Created:
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omnibotThis is the place to meet and talk about all models of the Tomy Omnibot robots. These robots were produced throughout the 1980's and include the regular Omnibot, Omnibot 2000, Radio Shack Robbie Sr, and Hearoid. Sponsored by:
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omnisteelsupplyOmni Steel Supply Based in NY. The best steel distributor in the US, we can provide you with the best aluminum, metal and any shapes. One of the cornerstone’s of our business is our diverse inventory of sizes produced by North American steel mills and consumed by the thriving iron works industry.Created:
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OmniversalOn online repository and forum for discussing all things relating to the Brown & Sharpe "Model O" Omniversal Milling Machine.Created:
12 Members,
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OmnulisUser group for OmnulisCreated:
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omrA place to discuss the Open Metadata Registry Project (FOSS)Created:
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OMRSGroup for members of the Olympic Model Railroad society, to conduct official business, keep in touch, and help to promote model railroad in the Olympia WA Area.Created:
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OMSreModelsDiscussion site for OMS(re)Models and OMS Railways. OMS(re)Models is a custom model train shop, specializing in rebuilding and upgrading HO Model Trains. OMS Railways is a HO layout built on older Marklin technology that has been upgraded to current DCC standards and uses numerous custom electronic controls.Created:
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omstallningsnatverketnorr / Omställningsnätverket NorrOmställningsnätverket Norr är ett nätverk för alla omställningsintresserade i Umeå med omnejd/norra Sverige. Omställningsrörelsen ställer om till ett samhälle som respekterar planetens gränser. Vi börjar lokalt, vi ger varandra stöd, uppmuntran och inspiration. Vi testar nya sätt att göra saker bortom den fossila tillväxtekonomin. Nätverket har även en förening med samma namn s...Created:
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omsys-devQuestions and discussions regarding the development or reuse of tools developed by Omni Systems (1980-2014), specifically Mif2Go, DITA2Go, and uDoc2Go. While no longer officially supported, files are available for download from and the source is available on Github at Questions here may be answered by other users in the community.Created:
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omusubiOmusubi is a fun and caring multigenerational community of LBTQ+ women and trans people of Japanese ancestry based in the Bay Area. Omusubi started out from a caucus meeting at the 1989 National Asian and Pacific-Islander Lesbian and Bisexual Women’s Network (APLBN) Conference in LA. At that time there were approximately 10 women who met each other and decided to keep in touch. The Omusubi lists...Created:
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omvna-certThis is the migration site from the yahoo omvna-cert.orgCreated:
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OMVNAtalk2 / Old Mountain View Neighborhood AssociationThis is the new listserv for the Old Mountain View Neighborhood AssociationCreated:
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on-microwaveBelgian Microwave enthusiastic and active radio amateursCreated:
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On3 / {On3}for model railroaders in O scale - 3ft narrow gaugeCreated:
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On30-in-the-UKChat group for modellers of On30 in the UK. Acceptable chat topics On30 DCC DCC sound UK suppliers for On30Created:
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On30conspiracy / On30 Conspiracy ioFor model builders working in On30.Created:
1,790 Members,
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On30yardsale / On30 Yard SaleFor selling personal items in On30scale. No dealers please. Please include set prices on all items offered for sale. If you want to solicit offers, go to eBay.Created:
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On3yardsaleA great place to sell all your On3 or On30 kits and products.Created:
199 Members,
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