NedchesterA group to take over from the previous Nedchester yahoo groupCreated:
21 Members,
205 Topics,
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Nederland1Groep van mensen die allemaal lid willen worden van deze groep om echt te laten zien dat bijna alle inwoners van Nederland de huidige gang van zaken beu is! Tijd voor aktie!!!Created:
1 Member,
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NederlandseATCgroep / Nederlandse ATC groepWelkom op de NEDERLANDSE ATC groep. Dit is een besloten groep voor mensen die ATC's willen maken en ruilen gemaakt met verschillende technieken, zoals b.v. stempelen, borduren, collages, mixed media en soms ook 3D. Eigenlijk gebruiken we alle technieken die op papier, maar ook op stof mogelijk zijn. Artist Trading Cards zijn kleine kaartjes op het formaat van de baseball cards zoals ze die i...Created:
10 Members,
2,006 Topics,
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NedraThe National Electric Drag Racing Association (NEDRA) exists to increase public awareness of electric vehicle (EV) performance and to encourage through competition advances in electric vehicle technology.Created:
158 Members,
5,449 Topics,
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nedraboard / National Electric Drag Racing Association - Board of DirectorsDiscussion group for Board Members of the National Electric Drag Racing Association to manage the activities and operations of the organization.Created:
16 Members,
99 Topics,
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NeedlefeltingSuggestions, tutorials, advice, on how to use your sewing machine for needle feltingCreated:
4 Members,
0 Topics,
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Needlepushers / NeedlepushersA group of expats knitting and sewing clothing for the children of the Lake Chapala, Jalisco Mexico, area since 1962. Needlepushers meets every Tuesday at 10:00 at Lake Chapala Society in Ajijic. New members always welcome.Created:
32 Members,
855 Topics,
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NeedlesUpNeedles Up was created in 1993 - providing smiles, grins, humor and whatever interesting articles comes along. Political humor is not exempt and will be passed along regardless of anyone's political flavor.Created:
20 Members,
2,402 Topics,
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neelyscanyon / Neely's CanyonGroup for owners and residents of Neely's Canyon Condominiums, Austin, TexasCreated:
106 Members,
615 Topics,
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NeexesfakerstopDatos e informaciónCreated:
1 Member,
1 Topic,
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NefeshBNefeshNefesh B' Nefesh GroupCreated:
7 Members,
0 Topics,
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NefeshBNefeshCommunityNefesh B' Nefesh GroupCreated:
3 Members,
2 Topics,
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NEFree-mo / New England Free-moThis is a discussion area for sharing ideas and information on free-form modular model railroading in New England. Topics may include design, construction, operation, standards, news about Free-mo meets and groups, and any other topic related to Free-mo modular model railroading. Membership in this Yahoo Group is NOT limited to NE Free-Mo members. Any modeler interested in Free-Mo and/or Free-Mo...Created:
121 Members,
955 Topics,
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NEGA-ARES / NE Georgia ARES District EC ListservA listserv for ARES Emergency Coordinators in the NE Georgia ARES DistrictCreated:
43 Members,
2,377 Topics,
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NEGA-ECsA message board for ARES Emergency Coordinators in the NE District of GeorgiaCreated:
3 Members,
0 Topics,
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NEHRSNew England Historical Radio Society. Owners and operators of coastal radio station, WNE in Stoneham, MA.Created:
5 Members,
131 Topics,
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NEIARedCrossHamsThis group provides for communications with amateur radio operators across Nebraska and Iowa with an interest in supporting the American Red Cross activities in those two states.Created:
28 Members,
6 Topics,
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neiarg / N.E. India Amateur Radio GroupGroup created for dissemination of information regarding all things, but not limited to, Amateur Radio activities in N.E. India.Created:
2 Members,
0 Topics,
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NEIDPAThis is the North East IDPA Members GroupCreated:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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Neighborhoodneighborhood communicationCreated:
26 Members,
33 Topics,
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