ilws-cornerstones / Cornerstones Chapter of the IL Widows SonsGroup for the IL Widows Sons Cornerstones Chapter, a 501(c)(3) in NE counties of IL.Created:
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ILYMRepsThis listserv is to support communications between ILYM and the Monthly Meeting and worship group representatives and between meeting representatives.Created:
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iMacChat / iMacChatWelcome to iMac Chat! This is a user-to-user support mailing list and Web group for Mac computers, iPhone, iPod, iPad and other Apple products. Anything related to their use is on-topic here. We aren’t just about iMacs. This group is recognised by Apple as a Macintosh user group and has a friendly membership with full-time moderators to keep things on-topic. We try to be helpful, wh...Created:
191 Members,
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ImaconUsersA discussion group for users of Imacon and Hasselblad high-end scanners. Topics include using and maintaining the scanners.Created:
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imagecraft-usersPrimary group for ImageCraft's users. Mainly for announcements etc. Subgroups exist for ICCAVR, JumpStart C for AVR, JumpStart C++ for Cortex, JumpStart API, Smart.IO and other users.Created:
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ImageMuse / Image MuseABOUT IMAGEMUSE A discussion group of cultural heritage imaging, DAM and publishing professionals who pose questions and share information on topics ranging from color management and science to cultural heritage photography and workflows in DAMs and publishing. MEMBERS Members of ImageMuse hold professional positions at the institutions listed on our website, however their employers are not ...Created:
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images-stereo / Images-stereoTous échanges d'informations sur la stéréoscopie (3Ds). Toutes les techniques qui, par au moins deux images issues de points de vue différents, permettent de voir le relief et la profondeur, sont discutées ici. Cela va des méthodes de dessin aux appareils photo en passant par le film, la vidéo, le laboratoire, la collection, ou les méthodes numériques. Toutes les annonces de réunions...Created:
134 Members,
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ImagesPlusDiscussion of image processing techniques and results for users of ImagesPlus image processing software.Created:
2,180 Members,
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ImageStreamingTeaching, development, extension and applications of ImageStreaming concepts presented in Win Wegner's Project Renaissance.Created:
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imaginationpodcastnews / Imagination podcast news and contributionThis list is for The Imagination Podcast. Here, you will see official updates on new eppisodes, and can help vote on new eppisode ideas that are suggested by listeners from all over the world.Created:
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imaginemindfulness / Imagine Mindfulness Alumni GroupFor alumni of to keep in touch!Created:
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imbacIndianapolis Mayor's Bicycle Advisory CommitteeCreated:
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IMCClubTucsonIMC Club of Tucson, AZCreated:
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IMDCD / Immune-Mediated Disease in Cats and DogsA place for cat and dog owners to discuss their experiences with their pets' immune-mediated diseases, including IMHA (immune-mediated hemolytic anemia), ITP (immune-mediated thrombocytopenia), IMNP (immune-mediated neutropenia), and others. Topics of discussion can include onset and symptoms, diagnosis, possible causes, treatment with immunosuppressive medications, prognosis, cost, and the em...Created:
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imdesignershavenIncredimail Stats N' Tutorials You Must Have Incredimail and Letter Creator. which are available free from Incredimail We are English Speaking This is a G-Rated group, no AC/SAC/EAC, Goth or Satanic Allowed! No Halloween This is a Designers ONLY group. Return of Pending Questionnaire Required. E-cards are posted on Holidays. Delete if you do not wish to read. Sharing stats. Sharing...Created:
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imeamerica / Independent Manuscript Editors of AmericaCrime Writers of North America is a politics-free alternative to discussion groups that are heavily populated by political and social activism. While LGBTQ, feminist, minority, and other driving issues might have places in some forums, they do not appear here--at least, not for long. Please leave your desire for political and social change at the door. This is a place for us as mystery/crime auth...Created:
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IMFFATSP2020Created for the IMFFA TSP 2020.Created:
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imfugWhat is the IMF UG? The Interoperable Master Format (IMF) User Group (UG) is a forum for the worldwide community of end-users and implementers of the IMF family of standards. Read more what is IMF and how it works! The IMF UG brings together content owners, service providers, retailers and equipment/software vendors to enhance and promote the use of IMF globally, across domains of applications. ...Created:
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IMG-NeighborsA group for neighbors living near Ian MacLennan Garden in Forest Hills, Queens.Created:
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imgurindiesAn email list for Imgur Indie Game Developers. The purpose is to help each other out with feedback, reviews and support. Also, this can be used to advertise expertise, join/create teams and help people with technical issues.Created:
26 Members,
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