Fibervision / FibervisionFibervision, founded in 2002, is a group of California quilt artists who reside in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo counties. Fibervision promotes the quilt as art, and members participate in collective and individual exhibits, as well as monthly Saturday meetings in Goleta. Membership is by invitation only and limited to 25 active members. For more information please visit us at www.fibervisiona...Created:
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FibrMembers of Fibr in Lafayette, INCreated:
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FiccaoCientificaFiccao Cientifica, para quem consegue ler portuguêsCreated:
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ficcionespeculativaGrupo dedicado a la relacion entre la Ciencia Ficcion y las ideas en su vertiente Especulativa (que pasaria si...), y fundamentalmente en su relacion con la Politica, la Sociedad, la Economia, la Filosofia, la Sociologia y cualquier otra disciplina aplicable, en pasado, presente y futuro. Nos gustaria tratar sobre predicciones acertadas y fallidas; sistemas politicos y sociales hipoteticos, futuro...Created:
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FICGN / Formerly Incarcerated College Graduates NetworkThis is a national network of people who have been to prison and either received a college degree there or obtained one afterward. It includes people from varied educational backgrounds-- AA to JD/PhD/PsyD/EdD as well as careers ranging from staff members to State and Federal Administrators, Executive Directors, Attorneys, Professors, a College President, and a mayor. We expect this network ...Created:
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fiction-zju / FICTIONFormal Verification Group of Zhejiang University.Created:
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fictionhousefactoryA group for all fans of Fiction House Comics and related memorabilia. Dedicated to the late Nigel (Phabox) who began the group many years back-we continue his legacy.Created:
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fidgeo1Discussions about openness topics related to geoscience academic publishingCreated:
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fidgetyfeet / Fidgety FeetDC's kick-butt, take-no-prisoners Lindy Hop Dance TroupeCreated:
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FieldDay2018Group for Field Day 2018Created:
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FieldEngineerWe live in the digital world. These days, people tend to turn to the internet for everything they need. Whether we talk about people looking for a field engineer vacancy or about a company that needs someone to handle the duties of a field engineer, everyone tends to use the internet to fulfill their requirements. It is here that Field Engineer steps in to make things feasible for all concerned. F...Created:
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FIELDOFDREAMSThe Field of Dreams Strat-O-Matic LeagueCreated:
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FieldofDreams1890s / FOD 1890'sWelcome to Field of Dreams 1890s! 1919 is our 27th season. 1893 Cincinnati Reds over Philadelphia Phillies 4-1 1894 Boston Beaneaters over Cleveland Spiders 4-2 1895 New York Giants over Chicago Colts 4-2 1896 Boston Beaneaters over Chicago Colts 4-3 1897 Cleveland Spiders over Pittsburgh Pirates 4-3 1898 Chicago Colts over Philadelphia Phillies 4-2 1899 Cincinnati Reds over Baltimore Orioles 4-...Created:
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FieldofDreams1928Field of Dreams 1928Created:
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FieldofDreams1940sWelcome to Field of Dreams 1940's FOD League that began with the 1941 Season Red Sox have won the World Series 11 times, Dodgers and Yankees have 5, Indians 4, Giants 3, White Sox and Cardinals 2 each - 9 different winners in 34 years. 1941 Dodgers 4 Senators 3 1942 Red Sox 4 Cardinals 2 1943 Cardinals 4 Yankees 0 1944 Red Sox 4 Cardinals 3 1945 Red Sox 4 Braves 0 1946 Red Sox 4 Cardin...Created:
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FieldRecordingByEarSound field recording specifically for visually impaired people. A place to discuss the subject, equipment, experiences, post processing, documenting, tips and examples of recordings. Anything on this topic really.Created:
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FieldsofFireBackupAO / Fields of Fire :: Reloaded - Back Up AOWelcome to the Fields of Fire :: Reloaded Back Up AO. This is the emergency backup meeting spot in the event the forum goes down for a lengthy period of time, or is hacked. This is not the regular Fields of Fire community, and those wishing to join that community, must access our forum here:
5 Members,
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FieldStationBerlin / Field Station Berlin Veterans GroupThis group site is for the veterans of the United States Army Field Station Berlin, and its predecessor units and outstations. It was the largest SIGINT station in the world, and existed in Germany from shortly after the end of World War II until just after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Soldiers and airmen from both the US and UK who served 'on the Hill' and the other sites for the Field S...Created:
233 Members,
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fiero / Fiero GroupA general discussion list for Pontiac Fiero owners and enthusiasts. Get help from members with maintaining and repairing your Fiero. Buy and sell Fieros, parts and related items. Please read the list guidelines that are sent upon subscribing for more information.Created:
187 Members,
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FIF-FlyballFirst in Flight Flyball team groupCreated:
16 Members,
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