elenataInformationen zur Hardware Namens Elenata für HAM Anwendungen. Details zu den einzelnen Revisionen und Hilfestellung zur Hardware.Created:
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elevate-ctosElevate-CTOs is a UK-based group founded by Adroit, designed exclusively for Chief Technology Officers and senior technology leaders. This community provides a collaborative platform for sharing insights, discussing trends, and addressing challenges faced by CTOs. Elevate-CTOs fosters networking, knowledge exchange, and professional growth through peer support, making it an essential resource for ...Created:
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Elevation314A group for the residents of Elevation 314 in Takoma, DC.Created:
64 Members,
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elevenelevenbandChurch band at FUMC Fort WorthCreated:
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ELFLooking for participants worldwide to submit a screen shot of their ELF signals as it compares to the host specific ELF signals for analysis.ranging from .1 - 960 Mhz.Created:
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Elgar-CipherReplacement for the Yahoo! Groups Elgar-Cipher groupCreated:
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elgheko / ElGheko Neighborhood AssociationEmail list for the ElGheko neighborhood association on Tucson AZ. This association is bounded by Kolb, Speedway, Wilmot, Carondlete, Jessica, and Broadway. When requesting membership to this group, please provide your street address for verification.Created:
47 Members,
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ElginAmateurRadioSociety / Elgin Amateur Radio SocietyAmateur radio group for those in the St Thomas, Ontario club, Elgin Amateur Radio Society.Created:
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ElginAreaCameraClub / Elgin Area Camera ClubElgin Area Camera Club is a group of photography enthusiasts in Elgin and the surrounding community. We meet twice a month from September through May for club meetings and have outside photo events throughout the year. We’d love for you to attend one (or many!) of our meetings! Our club meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday in the basement conference room at St Joseph’s Hospital...Created:
35 Members,
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ElginAreaMensShed / Elgin (Illinois) Area Mens ShedElgin (Illinois) Area Mens Shed. Project specific project information and bulletin board.Created:
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ElgoibarkobandaElgoibarko bandaren mailing listaCreated:
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elgoibarkomusikariakElgoibarko Musikarien ElkarteaCreated:
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elgroup12This is a group to test groups.ioCreated:
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elhukA group for students and staff at English Language House.Created:
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elibadatoDeneme amaclı grupturCreated:
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elibri-announcementsW tej grupie będą wysyłane informacje o zmianach technicznych w serwisie elibri.com.plCreated:
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elijahscave / Elijahs Cave listserv of the St. Joseph OCDSElijah's Cave listserv for the members of the St. Joseph community of Discalced Carmelites Secular in San Francisco.Created:
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elimuhublinux / Linux commands on androidCreate macro and linux projects, manage and assign permissions and deploy the projects to applicationsCreated:
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EliotSummerSchool / Eliot Summer School 2022The forum for the International T. S. Eliot Summer School for July 2022. Please contact Director Anthony Cuda at ajcuda@uncg.edu or Ria Banerjee at ria.banerjee@gmail.com if you have any questions.Created:
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EliteCardsAn elite group of card makers by invitation only.Created:
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