jurcekafamilycabin / Jurceka FamilyGroup for the Jurceka Family CabinCreated:
8 Members,
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Juriconnexion / Liste JuriconnexionListe de discussion liée à l’association Juriconnexion.Les messages qui y sont publiés ne reflètent pas la position officielle de l'association.Pour tout problème concernant la liste Juriconnexion, merci de vous reporter à la FAQ (foire aux questions) Pour vous désabonner, envoyez un message vide à : juriconnexion+unsubscribe@groups.io Bienvenue sur la liste Juriconnexion La liste a...Created:
760 Members,
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juriformationJuriformation est un groupe de travail ouvert à tous les adhérents de Juriconnexion qui souhaitent s’y investir. Il est composé de documentalistes juridiques qui examinent les fonctionnalités des plates-formes et dialoguent directement avec les éditeurs pour faire évoluer ces outils. Leur expérience, leurs habitudes de recherche et leurs contacts quotidiens avec les utilisateurs finaux (a...Created:
14 Members,
290 Topics,
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juristische-sprachmittlung / Juristische Sprachmittlung - Übersetzen und Dolmetschen im RechtsbereichDeutschsprachige Mailingliste ausschließlich für professionelle Übersetzer*innen und Dolmetscher*innen im Fachgebiet Recht. Fragen zu Terminologie und Rechtsvergleich, die sich bei Übersetzungen ins Deutsche und aus dem Deutschen ergeben, Fragen zu juristischen Themen, Fachliteratur und Lexika sowie andere berufsbezogene Themen, die diese Berufsgruppen betreffen. German-speaking mailing list f...Created:
135 Members,
544 Topics,
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just4ulettersntagsThis is a group where I share my creations with matching tags that I offer to tag for you. If you are a creator and like to make matching tags for your letters, and would like to tag them for our members , we would love to have you join us.Created:
16 Members,
307 Topics,
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JustChatNothing off topic. Just a group for edification and sharing.Created:
4 Members,
963 Topics,
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JustChattingLadiesAplace to chat and have fun ..ladies only...Created:
1 Member,
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JustConversationandFun / Just Conversation & FunThis group is all about conversation and fun. No IncrediMail allowed! Adults Only....If you're looking for a chat group with IM, please check out the link below.Created:
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justcoveredcallsplus / Just Covered Calls and Cash Secured PutsThe purpose of this group is to provide a forum for discussing Covered Call and Cash Secured Put option trading, and related topics.Created:
537 Members,
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justfortoday / Justt for todaysupport for addicts/alcoholicsCreated:
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JustGimmeTheTruthWe're a collective group of thinking beings who care, love, and want to research ongoing world events and share them with each other. We're free speech and free thought, but no nudity, dick pics, rudeness, or harmful posts allowed!Created:
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JustGoodStuffThis group was founded many many years ago on AOL, but with all of AOL's email limits and crackdowns they crippled groups abilities. Yahoo groups took over and we had 7 years of fun, now we need another. group.io is our new connection hub. PS - This is a private email list and is covered by TITLE 18, PART I, CHAPTER 47, Sec. 1030 and Internet Privacy Law. Sharing done, within this group, is fo...Created:
5 Members,
43 Topics,
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Justice-League-Super-Friendsopen forum to discuss DC comics Super friendsCreated:
11 Members,
5 Topics,
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JusticestormNew students and adults learning.Created:
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justiceunleashedJustice for all...Created:
2 Members,
571 Topics,
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JustinI'm me I like pizzaCreated:
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Justingrad / Justingrad/SokolivkaThis group is for the descendants of people from Justingrad/Yustingrad/Sokolivka, a small shtetl north of Uman in present-day Ukraine (formerly Russia). Our goal is to collect the history of the town and facilitate genealogical research. This was formerly a Yahoo Group.Created:
38 Members,
27 Topics,
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JustMakeBelieveThis group is for sharing fantasy, fairy tale, myth, and other make believe stories.Created:
36 Members,
282 Topics,
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JustMyTagsI will send requests each Monday and FridayCreated:
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justplainwomenfriendsLovely women's group, for chit-chat, support and more...........Created:
6 Members,
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