gegen<font face="arial" size="3"><b>WELCOME TO GEGen - The General Electric Gen Group</b></font><font face="arial" size="2">This <b>specialist</b> Yahoo rail email group exists to allow members to share gen, report sightings and discuss rail topics relating specifically to the UK Based General Electric Locomotives. This covers th...Created:
21 Members,
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GEHAMS / Golden Empire Historical And Modeling Society (GEHAMS) - The largest model train club in Central California.Welcome to the Golden Empire Historical And Modeling Society (GEHAMS) . GEHAMS is the largest model train club in Central California. The Club has 2 large layouts depicting various historical areas and railroading venues of KERN County California. The layouts are generally open to the public every Saturday 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. The HO layout is 30' x 120' in size and the N scale is 18'...Created:
21 Members,
520 Topics,
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GeigerCounterEnthusiasts-ArchivesArchive of the original GCE Group on Yahoo Groups: GeigerCounterEnthusiastsCreated:
27 Members,
3 Topics,
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GeigerCountersThis is the new incarnation since yahoogroups has been unreliable. DO NOT UPLOAD ANY OF GEORGE / GEO / K0FF'S DOCUMENTS / FILES / PHOTOS.Created:
246 Members,
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geiqvitiGroupement d’employeurs pour l’insertion et la qualification. Objectif : résoudre une partie des problèmes de recrutement des exploitations viticoles en Cher & Nièvre en créant des parcours d’insertion et de formation sur mesure adaptés aux besoins des exploitations et demandeurs d'emploi.Created:
1 Member,
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Gelderland-genealogieThis list is intended for genealogy research purposes and communication on genealogy subjects only. It concentrates on families originating from the Dutch province Gelderland. Anyone can join the list, but we want only serious subscribers with the intention to help each other in their family research and share information. Good luck on finding your ancestors! Most messages will be in Dutch, but fe...Created:
85 Members,
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geldzaken / GeldzakenDeze groep is voor iedereen die van alles wil uitwisselen omtrent geldzaken en dit kun je breed zien. Zo worden er regelmatig folders van allerlei winkels geplaatst, maar worden ook ervaringen gedeeld over alles wat maar met financiën te maken heeft. Strenge regels zijn er niet behalve dan respectvol omgaan met elkaar. Voel je vrij mee te doen.Created:
51 Members,
21,039 Topics,
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Geleidehonden / GeleidehondenDeze informatieve, interessante, en ook gezellige mailgroep is er voor geleidehondgebruikers, aspiranten, gastgezinnen, fokgastgezinnen, en mensen die om een andere reden met (aspirant)geleidehonden werken of omgaan, of om een andere reden betrokken zijn bij de blindengeleidehond. Allerlei onderwerpen over geleidehonden en kritische reacties daarop mogen aan bod komen. Verschillende meningen...Created:
83 Members,
566 Topics,
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gelofaz / Gel of ArizonaGentlemen Enjoying Leisure Mission Statement GEL is a non-sectarian, social organization of contemporary senior men, who are no longer fully committed to their life's work and who want to participate in GEL as an opportunity for camaraderie and for individual growth through diversified group activitiesCreated:
163 Members,
2,326 Topics,
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GELV / General Electric Low Voltage Lighting switching system help & support group.GELV System Installation and MaintenanceCreated:
51 Members,
555 Topics,
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GEMajApplDenverRetirees / GE - Major Appliance Denver RetireesGroup Email Files, Address Book, "In Memoriam" list. PhotosCreated:
15 Members,
4 Topics,
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Gemini-II / Gemini-II User GroupPlease note that there is no manual published for the Gemini-2 controllers Note: The Gemini-2 mount controller is basically finished with only minor updates as needed. The latest updates are at There is a new Firmware uploader that can help you keep your Gemini-2 updated Please use the following to post errors logs. Please do...Created:
1,333 Members,
4,211 Topics,
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Gemini-II_BetaThis is a private group and is not a Yahoo advertised site. Request for membership from non-invited guest will not be honored! FEATURES * Full Color Graphic Touch Screen clearly displays all functions * Classic four-button pattern for guiding, centering, moving and slewing on both the touch screen and a tactile membrane on the rear * Support for the original four-button controller * For Losmandy G...Created:
49 Members,
1,241 Topics,
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Gemini_ASCOM_Driver / Gemini_ASCOM_DriverThis group supports the ASCOM Driver for the Losmandy Gemini-1 and Gemini-2 Mount controllersCreated:
548 Members,
1,087 Topics,
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Gemini_usersThis group gives users of Losmandy's Gemini system a forum to discuss its capabilities.Created:
1,733 Members,
6,584 Topics,
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geminiangel1964 / Welcome to Bourbon & Aspirin Literary Society !Cabal (def.) Followers of Bourbon & Aspirin on AO3. A place for the cabal and the idiot to share pictures, etc.Created:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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geminicatamarans / Gemini CatamaransDiscussion of Gemini Catamarans built by Performance Cruising. This group welcomes anyone with an interest in Gemini's. This group is the continuation of the Yahoo Group, Gemini_Cats.Created:
851 Members,
3,677 Topics,
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GeminiUpdateDriverGemini Telescope controller ASCOM driver update and developer groupCreated:
13 Members,
319 Topics,
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GEMS / GEMS - Global Egyptian Mau SocietyA PRIVATE - "MEMBERS ONLY" group focused on the advancement, discussion, and promotion of the Egyptian Mau. Two references from current members required for group entry.Created:
32 Members,
347 Topics,
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gemstategrotto / Gem State GrottoThis site is for Gem State Grotto members and interested members of the National Speleological Society. Please feel free to use the message board to post to the entire group, the calendar to alert members of upcoming events, the files section to share files and images, and the links section to share links to other cave related sites. Access is limited to grotto members and approved NSS members. Do...Created:
27 Members,
98 Topics,
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