SBE43Sacramento Chapter of the Society of Broadcast Engineers. You do not have to be an SBE member to subscribe to this group.Created: 7/26/18
59 Members,
226 Topics,
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Feb 12
SBE72 / Society of Broadcast Engineers Chapter 72For SBE members in Chapter 72, SE Louisiana, Baton Rouge and New Orleans areasCreated: 10/29/21
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sbe82Group for members and friends of the Society of Broadcast Engineers, Southeast Michigan Chapter 82.Created: 10/18/19
16 Members,
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Mar 7
SBerrysStories / The Writings of SBerryDiscussion of the writings of SBerry between fans and the author, plus announcements from the author and sneak peeks.Created: 11/17/19
33 Members,
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SBFCExecutiveSaint Bernard Fanciers of Canada executive list. This list will enable the executive of the Saint Bernard Fanciers Club of Canada to share info on upcoming shows, meeting dates, rescue efforts, etc.Created: 11/02/20
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SBFCMembersA group for regular members of the Saint Bernard Fanciers of Canada to help distribute information on shows, rescue, meetings, etc. This will also help share stories on our dogs, ask for health info, behaviours and funny stories about our Saints. Limited to members of the Saint Bernard Fanciers of Canada club.Created: 11/08/20
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sbfreelance / Santa Barbara FreelanceA group for freelance workers or those looking to hire freelancers in Santa Barbara. Email the group if you're looking for help, have leads, or just want to network and reach out to the community in our beautiful town!Created: 1/30/20
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SBG / Stafford Bee GroupStafford Bee Group (SBG) is a friendly group where beekeepers meet during the winter to talk about bees.Created: 2/08/19
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sbgc / South Bay Gaming Club (SBGC)The South Bay Gaming Club (SBGC) is a loose association of friends, acquaintances, and guests playing miniature wargames in the southern San Francisco Bay area. Members are military history buffs and generally play historical miniatures wargames, although sometimes science-fiction, fantasy, and board games are played also. Land, naval, and air wargames are played and some games are a mix of the ge...Created: 10/06/17
200 Members,
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Mar 16
sbgirlsgroup1Social group (homeschool, public school, neurotypical or not) for girls of age 10+ to build social skills and long term and friendship and for parents to find supports. For convenience, siblings are welcome.Created: 5/24/19
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SBHOA / Stonebridge Homeowners Association GroupThis is a private chat group for Stonebridge owners and tenants. Members can post requests, questions, commentsand photos. The site is closed to non-members and is not accessible to search engines, prospective buyers or real estate agents. A household may have more than one account. Discussion should remain respectful and civil.Created: 8/01/23
37 Members,
130 Topics,
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Mar 12
SBIGA site for sharing information about use of SBIG Astro Cameras & Software including research of issues in the use of their gear & CCDOPS software.Created: 8/21/20
90 Members,
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Mar 16
SBIS / South Bay Indigenous SolidaritySouth Bay Indigenous Solidarity is a multi-ethnic group dedicated to: specifically, supporting grassroots efforts to preserve threatened cultural, burial, and sacred sites; and generally, to supporting Indigenous-led efforts to promote human rights, preserve heritage, and protect the environment of ancestral lands. Our primary focus at present is to help organize support for the Amah Mutsun Tribal...Created: 4/02/20
35 Members,
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Mar 14
SBL-LeagueThis mail group is for members of the Schwantz Baseball League to communicate with everyone in the league. The SBL is a strat-o-matic based baseball league. Started in 1988, the league has 16 teams comprised of current major and minor league players. Not only will you play a mix of home and away games during the 162 game season but you’re also the GM navigating the team through trading, free ag...Created: 11/25/24
17 Members,
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Sbm / Stop. Bloody. 'Membrin'...Welcome to Stop... Bloody...'Membrin'... This is an alternative universe to the NBC show "Constantine", and we welcome all canon characters as well as originals. Please note that the events in the episodes 'Non Est Asylum' and 'The Darkness Beneath' had taken place, however from there is where this site springs from and is AU. So please look around, and if you l...Created: 8/24/20
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SBMetalSouth Bay Metal (SBMetal)is a group of metal working hobbyists based in the South SF Bay Area.Created: 6/29/21
33 Members,
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SBMHLStu Blake Memorial Hockey League (Strat-O-Matic)Created: 8/07/20
18 Members,
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Mar 17
SBMHP / South Bay Mental Health Professionals Networking GroupSouth Bay Mental Health Professionals Networking Group SBMHP is a networking group for mental health professionals in the South San Francisco Bay area, centered in Santa Clara County. Our goal is to create a positive networking environment for mental health professionals, and those in complementary fields, to share information, provide support, and help establish referral sources. This group was f...Created: 8/07/10
1,460 Members,
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SBMS / SBMS San Bernardino Microwave SocietyThis group is to support the San Bernardino Microwave Society.Created: 1/10/23
127 Members,
568 Topics,
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Sbnnl / "Straight"...but not narrow ladiesDiscussion group/forum for SBNNL membersCreated: 3/15/20
4 Members,
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