OLR-CCOLR-CC or Ohio Lodge of Research Correspondence Circle is open to Active and Associate Members of the Ohio Lodge of Research under the Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Ohio. Other interested Masons may join upon proof of lodge membership but may be limited or moderated regarding posts to the group.Created:
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olschwanger / Olschwanger FamilyOlschwanger@groups.io is an online discussion group for individuals with the Olschwanger/Olsvanger/Alschwang (and other variations) name throughout the world, including North America, England, Australia, Israel, Lithuania, Latvia, and South Africa. As a member of the group, you can post and request information about your family.Created:
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olseatofwisdom / Our Lady Seat of Wisdom - A Catholic Homeschool Network of Lake County, ILA Catholic Homeschool Network of Lake County, ILCreated:
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Olson25 / OLSON 25This group is dedicated to the Olson 25 ULDB Sailboat and all those who are fans of the design. The Olson 25 was designed in 1984 by George Olson as a dry-sailable sport boat. A cross between the radical Olson 30 ultralight and the traditional designs of the day, the Olson 25 can perform better than cruising boats much larger, and yet is capable of comfortable family weekending. Manufactured by Pa...Created:
121 Members,
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OLSTroop51 / TroopThis is the email distribution group for the OLS Scout Troop 51 at Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Saint Louis Missouri.Created:
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oltOnline training group in support of instructors and staff engaged in online training.Created:
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Olu-Rides-LiveTracking / Olu Cycles!Get Live Updates to see where I am during Cycle for the CauseCreated:
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OLWCareerNetworkGroup of OLW friends who want to super charge their job search and help others in need. Mission Statement: Pay if forward.Created:
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oly2100This group supports the Olympus C-2100uz camera and related topics, as well as sharing and improvement of our photography. Group 9th anniversary on March 3, 2010 Please visit our group photo galleries at: www.pbase.com/uzgroup Uploading instructions for our group photo galleries are at http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Oly2100/files/pbase.html Group Website http://www.pbase.com/uzgroupCreated:
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OlyAuthors / Olympia AuthorsThis groups is strictly for the Olympia area authors plus.Created:
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OlympiaCrossdressers / Olympia CrossdressersA social group for Crossdressers and transgender girls of all sorts in the Olympia WA area.Created:
12 Members,
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OlympiaGamingCausal historical gaming in Olympia is group of folks who get together in the South Puget Sound area to play (mostly) historical miniature wargames on a weekly basis. If you want to play/try a game or a set of rules just ask. Most of the time we get together on Tuesday nights here in the Olympia area, but we have been known to make the occasional road trip for a special gameCreated:
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olympic-village / Olympic VillageCovid discussion and support for neighbours within the Olympic Village area. Please update your name and address in account settings and make your account visible to other members. Messages are public.Created:
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OlympicQuietSkiesMission to preserve quiet over the Olympic Peninsula and eliminate Navy EA-18G (Growler) training over quiet areas such as the Olympic National Park and Olympic National Forest.Created:
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olympicwildcraft / Olympic Wildcrafters CollectiveA collaborative initiative of the Center for Inclusive Entrepreneurship, the University of Washington’s Olympic Natural Resource Center and The Nature Conservancy, funded in part by a USDA Rural Business Development Grant to enhance the wildcraft economy on the Olympic Peninsula. The listserve's team of moderators are sponsored by Three Peas Farm in Port Townsend, WA.Created:
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OlympusXA / OlympusXADo you own, want or use a camera in the Olympus XA range (XA, XA-1, XA-2, XA-3 or XA-4)? So, join in, and let's discuss anything XA related! This group has stemmed from the OlympusXA yahoogroup. Share your expertise, experiences, tips, worries, questions and ideas! Limited buying and selling is okay, (As long as it is from the XA series) but please keep any commercial messages to the absolute ...Created:
23 Members,
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om-power / OM Power Amplifiers User GroupUser group for OM Power amplifiers and accessories. This group was created to invite member from the Yahoo group that will be closed soon. Please provide callsign when applying for membership.Created:
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OMAChoir / Ottawa McGill Alumni ChoirWelcome to the Ottawa McGill Alumni Choir (OMAC) events page! OMAC is an amateur choir founded by McGill alumni in 2005. The choir is opened to all of you in the National Capital Area who enjoy singing a variety of songs in harmony (SATB). You DO NOT NEED to be a McGill University Alumni to join our choir; everyone is welcome! We have two sessions a year -- one from February to June and the ot...Created:
52 Members,
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omaha-dstarFor folks interested in Omaha/Nebraska D-Star.Created:
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OmahaModelRailroadTHE BUGEATER RAILROAD GAZETTE (Moved from Yahoo Groups) "All the news that fits!" News about and information for model railroaders in the Omaha / Lincoln NE - Council Bluffs IA metro area. This is not a club site. You will find out about a lot of operating sessions, work times and special events. Many of the members of the group are either active or retired railroaders. You are free to joi...Created:
38 Members,
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