NE-VROC / North East Members of VROCA forum for posting Local Ride and Event Info for Northeast members of VROC. (Primarily: NJ, PA, NY) Still No Rules Where is Ground Zero (GZ)? - Triplets, Rte 209, Stroudsburg, PA, 570-421-6566 (Hosts: Alex & Vicky Kotretsos)Created:
18 Members,
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NE1AR / NEAR - New England Amateur RadioNEAR - New England Amateur Radio; STARS - Sci-Tech Amateur RadioCreated:
10 Members,
8 Topics,
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NE1DXG / New England Amateur Radio DX GroupNew England Amateur Radio DX GroupCreated:
4 Members,
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NE4GA / NE4GANortheast Georgia Amateur Radio Club email list located in Commerce, GACreated:
31 Members,
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NE4ST / Scott County Amateur Radio Club (Kentucky) - Scott County Amateur Radio Emergency Services (SCARES)Scott County Amateur Radio Club (Kentucky) - A group of local FCC licensed citizens utilizing the radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communication. Our club is located in Georgetown, KY and holds regular meetings at the Georgetown Community Hospital and occ...Created:
10 Members,
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nea-rm / NEA Records Management RoundtableA place for members of the New England Archivists' Records Management Roundtable to discuss topics related to our work as well as to plan events and conference sessions.Created:
54 Members,
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neaccThis group was established to facilitate the flow of ideas and information about improving ARRL affiliated amateur radio clubs in the New England Division.Created:
32 Members,
69 Topics,
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NEAdiscussThis list was created to enable members of New England Archivists to communicate with each other about items of common professional interest. The following categories of messages are appropriate for the list: announcements of archival programs not sponsored by NEA, announcements of exhibits with a significant archival content, questions about archival practices, discussion of archival issues, disc...Created:
563 Members,
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neadvocacy / NE Advocacy Mailing ListThis will be a mailing list that you can join to get all the updates and newsletters from our advocacy organization partners Here you will see our monthly newsletter and related news to the disability population in the state of New York. Thank you for joining our newsletter.Created:
1 Member,
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neal / NEALA genealogical mailing list for discussing and sharing about the Neal surname and variations in any place and at any time. This replaces the list at, which will be shut down by Ancestry on March 2nd, 2020. It is also a merger with the Neale list.
29 Members,
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neamprNEAMPR - North East Aviation, Maritime, Photos and ReportsCreated:
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neaprsWelcome to our group! Our goal is to prototype and test what APRS capabilities we would like to use in a RACES setting, and how do we prepare ourselves regularly for that. One such outcome may be incorporating an additional net focused on APRS into our standard monthly set of voice and data nets. It may go beyond the standard message sending you see in our Winlink nets to include other APRS ac...Created:
26 Members,
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NEARadioTraders / Northeast Arkansas Ham Radio TradersAmateur Radio operators of Northeast Arkansas Email group listing for sale, trade or wanted gear. Eliminating the need for shipping and keeping our money in our local economy.Created:
20 Members,
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nearaneednearaneed nearaneed nearaneedCreated:
1 Member,
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NearlyinsaneQuilters of the Nearly Insane quilt.Created:
314 Members,
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NeatReceiptsAssistance / Neat Receipts Assistance --- versionBecause of inactivity, I changed one Group setting. Some Moderation is now in force. None of us want to get SPAM, and so far that was not a problem... For users or those interested in using Neat Receipts from NeatCo. This is a friendly, on topic Group with no affiliation with NeatCo. Discussions of problems encountered are OK, but un-defined Product bashing is not acceptable as it is counter produ...Created:
6 Members,
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NEBCR / NEBCR VolunteersThis group is for volunteers of New England Border Collie Rescue. If you would like to become a volunteer, please click on the link to fill out the Volunteer Form or Foster Home Application! Volunteering is not only limited to fostering - we have many other needs as well! We will post pleas for foster care, transport, needed supplies or special funding, people needed to help with educational tab...Created:
132 Members,
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NEBirds / Nebraska BirdsWelcome to NEBirds, the e-mail discussion list for Nebraska birders and those interested in Nebraska birds and their ecology. By subscribing to NEBirds, you will be able to: * share information about bird sightings in Nebraska * review recent bird sighting reports and rare bird alerts from across the state * learn (and ask) about places to look for birds in Nebraska * discuss and debate the occurr...Created:
688 Members,
28,733 Topics,
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NEBLGroup for the New Era Baseball League, a retro-baseball league for Strat-O-Matic Baseball, beginning with the 1914 season.Created:
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NEBList / New England BlacksmithsNEBList is the primary medium for electronic communication among the members of the New England Blacksmiths (NEB). New England Blacksmiths is an educational organization dedicated to the dissemination of information on blacksmithing and ornamental metal-working. We will use this group to announce events, ask for advice, share tips and tricks, and just talk about any topic that would interest memb...Created:
216 Members,
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