LeDroitParkA public forum for the LeDroit Park neighborhood of Washington, DC. Administered by the LeDroit Park Civic Association. Note: If you wish to receive only announcements directly from the LeDroit Park Civic Association, set your Subscription to this main group as No Email and subscribe to the Announcements subgroup.Created:
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Lee-County-ARES / Lee County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (LeeCARES)Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) consists of licensed amateurs who voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment, with their local ARES leadership, for communications skills for the public when disaster. Lee County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (LeeCARES) is active in Lee County, Texas. This is a closed group only available to active LeeCARES members.Created:
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LeeARES / LeeARESWELCOME! LeeARES is also known as ARES in Lee County, Florida. Our Emergency Coordinator is Rich Schnieders KR4PI. Membership in this group is open to members of Lee County ARES. This outlet is intended to serve as a forum for discussing and disseminating topics related to ARES and emergency communications. Please visit Leeares.com for more information about our organization.Created:
21 Members,
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LEECANDOThis is a Community Action Group based in Lee County, Virginia. This group is to promote a support system with which individual and community prosperity will be the main topic and goal.Created:
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leecupps26Share your views about lifeCreated:
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LeedhamFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For the discussion and sharing of information regarding the Leedham surname.Created:
5 Members,
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LeedsFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Leeds surname.Created:
8 Members,
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Leeds-ADHD-Support-GroupA small support group for people in Leeds coping with ADHDCreated:
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leedsrubything / Leeds Ruby ThingLeeds Ruby Thing was an informal social event for anyone interested in the Ruby programming language. All skill levels are welcome; come along with your newbie questions or tell us about your advanced Rails core contributions. As of April 2019, currently on hiatus and NOT meeting up, but this group can be used to contact the organisers and previous members, and discuss Ruby development with locals...Created:
19 Members,
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LeedsSchoolLibrarians / Leeds School Librarians groupThis group is to provide support and help Librarians in the Leeds High School Librarians group to share resources.Created:
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LEEF / London Environmental Educators' ForumLondon Environmental Educators Forum membersCreated:
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leefamilyBG / Lee Family BGWe are the extended family of Samuel Lee & Alice Paul (Fung) who settled in British Guiana S.A.Created:
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leesrooster / LeesroosterAl je ideeën, vragen, exegetische vondsten, preken zijn welkom! Het doel van de oecumenische e-mailgespreksgroep 'Leesrooster' is een via e-mail verlopend gesprek over de lezingen van het Oecumenisch Leesrooster zoals die gepubliceerd worden in het blad 'De Eerste Dag', een uitgave onder verantwoordelijkheid van de Raad van Kerken in Nederland. Het gesprek mag in ruime zin opgevat...Created:
187 Members,
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LeeTorrenceReunionThis group is for the Lee Solomon Torrence Family Unit bases out of North Carolina.Created:
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LeewardOahuARES-All / Leeward O`ahu ARES DistrictThe Leeward O`ahu ARES District is one of four on the island of O`ahu (Honolulu County) and one of ten across the State of Hawai`i, also recognized as the ARRL Pacific Section. Geographically, Leeward O`ahu includes the areas of `Ewa (96706), Kapolei (96707), and Wai`anae (96792); those areas to the south and west of the Wai`anae mountain range. The district is divided into two communities: the ...Created:
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LeewayOverleeCAThe Leeway Overlee Civic Association (LOCA) is a designated Arlington County, Virginia, civic association (map of Arlington civic associations). The civic association provides an organization for the local neighborhood to raise and address issues in regards to Arlington County government. The civic association is not a home-owner's association.Created:
81 Members,
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LeFanClubDeDiondeCeline / Le Fan-club de Dion de CelineLe Fan-club de Dion de Celine. Les nouvelles et l'information frappent de Celine Dion ! News and information club about Celine Dion! The Original Yahoo. Group translated into English, Celine Dion.Created:
13 Members,
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Lefever-genealogy / Lefever & variants genealogyA Genealogy group for the discussion of Lefever surname and common variants such as Lefevre, Lefebvre, Lefeuvre and Lefebure. There is some information on the Lefever Surname Study websiteCreated:
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leftreadinggroupReading group for books on political theory.Created:
9 Members,
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LeftwichLeftwich Family Genealogy ResearchCreated:
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