JunFanJeetkunedo / Jun Fan JeetkunedoThis Group's purpose is to be a platform for genuine JKD instructors and their students that aim to perpetuate the original Teachings of Bruce Lee as preserved by Ted Wong and his peers, and have a proven recognised certification in the art. No Concepts Methods, No Ving Tsun with a bit of this or that mixed in, No Mixed Martial Arts etc etc etc. No self promotion, no commercial activities.Created:
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JungeFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname - Junge and all variationsCreated:
4 Members,
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junglecomicsWelcome to the MAIN Jungle Comics Group! A home for jungle genre comics of past and present...We'll also browse the jungle book/pulp mags genre from time to time.Created:
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junglecomicsfour-tarzantalesAnother archive group for jungle genre comics of past and present...Group Four-this one specifically dedicated to Tarzan comics and those of all his jungle family. And occasional visits to Pellucidar, Barsoom or Venus are also encouraged...Created:
22 Members,
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junglecomicsthreeArchive group for jungle genre comics of past and present...Group ThreeCreated:
17 Members,
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junglecomicstwoArchive group for jungle genre comics of past and present...Group TwoCreated:
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jungledrumsWelcome to Jungle Drums...a group for Tarzan fans and all those who love the jungle movie genre of past and present. May the drums never fall silent... from the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations "Misquotations have cultural cache as well. The dictionary cites 44 of historic merit. The phrase "Me Tarzan, you Jane" never was included in Edgar Rice Burroughs' original book, or any of th...Created:
19 Members,
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JuniorTechLawScholarsPoland / Junior TechLaw Scholars PolandCreated:
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juniperhillstcJuniper Hills Community groups is to provide information from the Juniper Hills Association, Juniper Hills Town Council, and the YOYO Committee to the residents of Juniper Hills.Created:
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Junkyard-DIY-Projects / There's no such thing as junk, only resources for which there is no immediate application.There's no such thing as junk, only resources for which there is no immediate application. This the place where you will find photos and plans of homemade projects. All of the projects here were made mostly from surplus steel that was just lying around getting rusty. Check out the files and links section. There's lots of new and totally cool stuff ther...Created:
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juno-reco-ml / Energy and Vertex Reconstruction in JUNO with Machine LearningThis is a mailing list to facilitate preparation of a paper on energy and vertex reconstruction in JUNO with ML techniques.Created:
16 Members,
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junta-celfosc / Junta directiva Cel FoscJunta directiva de Cel Fosc, asociación contra la contaminación lumínicaCreated:
12 Members,
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JuntaAEPPlataforma de trabajo online para junta AEPCreated:
8 Members,
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juntacaramellesroserJunta de l'Associació Caramelles del RoserCreated:
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JuntaDirectivaAEPPlataforma de trabajo online para junta AEPCreated:
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juntaiedmexicoGrupo de la Junta Oficial de la Iglesia Evangelica Dominicana de Av. MexicoCreated:
10 Members,
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JupiterDeflectionUsing amateur telescopes to measure Einstein's Relativistic deflection of stars near Jupiter in late October 2023.Created:
30 Members,
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JupiterMoonDeflectionsUsing amateur telescopes to measure Einstein's Relativistic deflection of the Galilean moons near Jupiter.Created:
16 Members,
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jupyterjuPYter (under construction)Created:
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jupyter-phpDiscussion group for Jupyter-PHP development.Created:
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