Gdynia-Radio / Gdynia Radio SPC/SPH
Grupa Gdynia-Radio w założeniu może być łatwo dostępnym miejscem ciekawych, miłych czy też śmiesznych wspomnień i dyskusji byłych pracowników Radiokomunikacyjnego Centrum Odbiorczego Gdynia Radio w Rekowie Górnym.
2 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
ge-cctld-board / GE ccTLD Advisory Board - Internal - GE "საკონსულტაციო საბჭოს" შიდა განხილვების ჯგუფი
For internal discussion among GE ccTLD Advisory Board .GE დომენის ადმინისტრატორის "საკონსულტაციო საბჭოს" წევრებს შორის შიდა განხილვების ჯგუფი
7 Members, 5 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ge-delta-ranger / GE Delta Ranger
The goal of this group is to exchange information about GE Delta and GE Ranger radios... This group is Moderated against SPAMMERS... All files, photos, and attachments that could be copied from our Yahoogroup have been copied to this site and I've given credit to those that uploaded them there... Sorry to lose 12 years worth of emails but there is no easy way to copy them.
64 Members, 12 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
GE-MASTR-2 is a free, specific group devoted to GE MASTR series radios and was created to focus on gaining and sharing information on using these radios (repeaters, base stations and mobiles) for full-duplex links or as amateur, commercial and GMRS repeaters. Please use this group to support, buy, sell, trade and to help promote the use and re-use of this equipment. These radio sets are in service...
142 Members, 127 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
GE-MASTR-III is a free, specific mailing list devoted to GE Mastr III radios. Created for gaining information on , and using these radios for full-duplex links or as Amateur & Commercial Repeaters. Buy, Sell, Trade, Help and promote the re-use of this equipment. This group is to promote the use, and provide information on programming and maintaining these workhorses. Discussion...
98 Members, 49 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Ge-Orion is a support group for non-commercial users of GE, Ericsson,Ma-Com and/or Harris Radios circa 1980's and 1990's, mostly supporting re-tasking these radios for amateur radio and non commercial purposes. Families of discussed radios are based on Programmer and older DOS supported programming.
277 Members, 148 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
GE-SuperRadio / GE-SuperRadio
This group is for GE Super Radio model 1 and model 2 owners. Discuss operation, performance, comparisons between similar radios, etc. Don't to forget to visit the SWL'ing post and check out this fine resource. There is a comparison of some of the top AM/FM and a few SWBC radios here:
31 Members, 16 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Gorge East Amateur Radio for ham radio activities centered in The Dalles Oregon
22 Members, 630 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Has anybody ordered anything from and been sent the wrong items? I ordered and paid for 4 12 Watt lamps and received 3.2 Watt lamps. The link I was given was, but this didn't work (non-existent) . I went to their online chat and was given another link that was an event ticket sales site. Eventually, they said they would "send me a ticket by ema...
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This is a group for those interested in all categories of non-derailleur equipped bicycles. This includes all geared hub, fixed gear, and single speed bikes, both historic and current production, including shaft drive and recumbent versions as well as hybrid drivetrains. Gear hubs from Bendix, BSA, Shimano, Sturmey Archer, NuVinci, SRAM/Sachs and Rohloff are of interest as well as bikes using them...
568 Members, 3,065 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Formerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Gearheart
4 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A mailing list for the USGenWeb Project's Geauga County web site
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
For Govt. Engineering College, Thrissur, Kerala, India
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
geddesfarms / Geddes Farms Community
The Geddes Farms Community Group is a local Ann Arbor discussion board for residents and stake holders in our neighborhood. Please feel free to share information, questions, concerns related to the community here. Beyond news and events, you are welcome to share wildlife activity, contractor recommendations or requests, or general recommendations for in and around Ann Arbor.
29 Members, 76 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
geekdinnerbe / Geekdinner .be - Where geeks wine, dine and get their freak on
7 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Test 123 123 123
2 Members, 7 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
GeekTechSailor /
All high tech electronics / communications / navigation things that Geek Tech Sailors crave. Photo posting is on our website We hope that you will stop by the website, view the photos and join in the comments. Post what you would like to educate the group on.
1 Member, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
Mobile Development by GeekyAnts
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Geekystufriends / Geeky Friends of Stu
For Geeky friends of Stu. Geeks only are allowed. Non geeks are allowed if you can pass this simple test: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
59 Members, 7,883 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
GeezerBowling / Geezer Bowling
Geezer Bowling is Drop-In bowling Group of Seniors in the Central Iowa area.
14 Members, 32 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post: