This will be used as an email group for the FFSHC of North Alabama.
9 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
We are a group in Eugene, Oregon working to educate about “5G and "Smart meters”. We are also advocates of wiring internet (no Wireless)
11 Members, 4 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Ffx-deutsch / Deutschsprechende in Fairfax County
Die Webseite ist für alle Deutschsprachigen im Raume Fairfax County gedacht. Damit koennen hilfreiche Informationen ausgetauscht und verschiedene Treffen organisiert werden. Suchbegriffe: Deutsch, Prince William, Washington D.C., Loudoun, Schweiz, Oesterreich, Deutsche, Schweizer, Oesterreicher, Deutschsprechend,
34 Members, 194 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FFXIV-LightAndDarkness / FFXIV: Light & Darkness
A group for writing our FFXIV stories on. Threads need not be completed on the board and there is no posting requirements/minimums.
3 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FGC5494 / R1b-FGC5494 YDNA Haplogroup & Subclades
R1b-FGC5494 YDNA Haplogroup & Subclades The goal of this Y DNA project is to provide a vehicle for further research of subclade L21>DF13>FGC5494. Initially a novel SNP FGC5496 was found in 0FW1RA, a Full Genome NGS (NextGenSeq) Y-Chromosome tested DF13* person was matched to person with a public dataset: PGP50 (CG, R-DF13) along with FGC5494, 5495 & 5496. Also shown were two 1000 ...
75 Members, 609 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is for Friends of the Great Escarpment Trail (GET)
13 Members, 9 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FGKids / Fort Greene Kids
The Fort Greene Kids mailing list has been created for the parents and caregivers of children living in the Fort Greene/Clinton Hill neighborhoods of Brooklyn, NY to engage in lively and informative discussion about issues affecting our lives. Discussion should be focused, at least generally, on germane topics -- e.g., children, the community, caregivers, child-friendly businesses, schools, child ...
1,124 Members, 12,208 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fgpca / Forest Glen Park Citizens Association
for the communication of the residents of Forest Glen Park in Silver Spring, Maryland
204 Members, 2,474 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
If you are here you know why! This is the place for us to support our friend, or our friend to support us, or us to support each other!
2 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
fharc / Flint Hills Amateur Radio Club
Email group for the Flint Hills Amateur Radio Club
24 Members, 169 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fharefundtracer / How To Be A Successful Third Party Tracer
This group contains many questions asked by you, on becoming a successful Third Party Tracer. This is your group, feel free to ask questions of your own and interact with other members. As more work-from-home seekers join the ranks of Third Party Tracers, the popularity of this group is endless. If you love helping people and working from home, why not spread the word within your social circle an...
1 Member, 67 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FHC - WV planning team
4 Members, 173 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FHDCsafety / Forest Hills DC Safety Coalition

15 Members, 32 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
The Federated Hockey League's purpose is to provide a fun, engaging, participatory and innovative means of enjoying the great sport of HOCKEY. We strive to provide an escape from the everyday drudgery of life and allow us to vicariously enjoy the sport. Players take the role of team owner, coach and general manager in a realistic environment. We use Action! PC Sports Hockey as our computer sim...
24 Members, 7,175 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FHmail / FH MAIL
Fairfield Harbour Community Website: https://fhmail.groups.io Topics & Messages: https://groups.io/topics Register: send an email to FHmail+subscribe@groups.io Unsubscribe: main+unsubscribe@FHmail.groups.io This is an AD free enhanced e-mail and web group for residents (currently well over 200 members) of Fairfield Harbour. Users have many choices when it comes to receiving e-mails. The cho...
257 Members, 134 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
We are motorcycle enthusiasts who love to ride. Our goal is to have fun, build camaraderie, and practice responsible rider safety. We are open to all FHPOA homeowners and renters. You're welcome to invite friends to join us. We'll catch a bit of wind therapy while adhering to all "rules of the road" and state laws. Contact Joe Milia at 610-606-8283 or fhmcriders@gmail.com.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
FHNA / Forest Hills Neighborhood Association, Durham, North Carolina
This is a listserve for residents of Forest Hills, Durham, NC.
426 Members, 5,671 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
FHPEVC / First Hill Plaza: Electrical Vehicle Charging
This Group consists of those residents of First Hill Plaza who have electric vehicles and use the FHP's electrical resources to charge their vehicles. Some members of this committee may be interested in buying an electrical vehicle in the future and/or is interested in creating better charging stations in the building.
3 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
fhplayers / Forest Hills Ultimate
Forest Hills Ultimate is two coed games with overlapping crowds that play at Forest Hills Park in Durham. The Game that Time Forgot, AKA the Tuesday/Saturday game, is a very informal game that's been going on for a long time. No sidelines, no stall count, no lights and darks. Tuesdays at 5:30pm during Daylight Saving Time and Saturdays at 11:00am all year round. All skill levels are welcome an...
550 Members, 4,564 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Fulford Harbour pod Salt Spring Island. Emergency preparedness group around Fulford Harbor. Radio communication net.
21 Members, 50 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: