adlibilimleradli bilimlerCreated:
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adlusMigration of Adlus from YahoogroupsCreated:
750 Members,
7,587 Topics,
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ADMABoardThis is an email group to TEST sending messages to the Board of Directors of ADMA.Created:
9 Members,
39 Topics,
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ADMAlumniGroup for the ADM Alumni organizationCreated:
90 Members,
3,224 Topics,
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AdministratingYourPublicServants / Administrating Your Public ServantsCreated:
0 Members,
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AdminMenGroup / St. Alphonsus Men’s GroupNational Shrine of St. Alphonsus Men’s GroupCreated:
42 Members,
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AdminOAEAThe Association was founded to keep the Antarctic experiences and memories alive. Membership in the Association is available to all in the following ways: Regular memberships in the Association are open to all that have shared the Antarctic Experience and Associate Memberships are available to anyone having an interest in Antarctica. The Antarctic Experience, for membership purposes, is defined ...Created:
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adminORtaxtalkOregon tax propfessionalsCreated:
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admiralscovefishingclubEmail discussion list for the Admiral's Cove Fishing ClubCreated:
12 Members,
3 Topics,
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AdmiralsRow / HHBT Admirals Row Owners GroupThe purpose of this group is to provide a forum for discussion, communication, and dissemination of useful information to owners of Admiral’s Row.Created:
102 Members,
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AdmiraltyTrilogyThis group is for the Admiralty Trilogy Group's games: Harpoon (modern),Command at Sea (WW2), Fear God and Dread Nought (WW1) and Dawn of the Battleship (late 1800s)Created:
175 Members,
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admmswmoja testowa grupaCreated:
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admobizThis is a private group to allow for communications among and between businesses in Adams Morgan.Created:
3 Members,
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admuce96ADMU CE96 Mailing List / GroupsCreated:
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ADnetworkAngela's networkCreated:
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adobe / The Adobe Mud Brick Mailing ListSun-cured earthen adobe bricks (not the software) used for home and large building construction of walls, floors, roofs, arches, domes and vaults. Mainly a forum for owner-builders worldwide to exchange ideas, techniques, inspiration and support. Professional builders, architects, engineers and students are most welcome. This group was founded on the idea that plain, simple adobe as used over the ...Created:
78 Members,
65 Topics,
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AdobeWellsNeighbor support and information group for Adobe wells Sunnyvale.Created:
83 Members,
274 Topics,
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Adopt-cleftThis group replaces the Yahoo group Adopting Cleft-Affected Kids. It is for families that have adopted cleft lip and/or palate children internationally. This list is open to parents wanting to adopt cleft children, parents that have cleft children (bio or adopted) and have experience with adoption, and others that can contribute or learn from our conversations.Created:
13 Members,
5 Topics,
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adoptasetterAdopt A Setter is an email list of folks who have adopted setters throughout the USA and Canada.Created:
199 Members,
404 Topics,
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Adopted-and-Searching / Welcome to Adopted and Searching groups: Wondering, Searching, Reunited.ADOPTION-related Private Discussion Groups (Join for access). Adoptee Search Posts (If public, group membership not required). Post-adoption Search and Reunion Support and Guidance. Tips, Resources, and Insights. NOTICE: Report immediately any communication requesting money. We are an entirely NON-COMMERCIAL resource. TY!Created:
2 Members,
2 Topics,
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