This is a list for genealogy enthusiasts to chat about their ancestors who lived in the Northern Neck of Virginia in the 1600s and 1700s. Although later is not off topic, these seem to be the years that have been of most interest on our old Rootsweb mail list. This list takes the place of the list created at Rootsweb by Craig Kilby. We welcome your input to the discussion!
42 Members, 15 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
VirginianRailwayEnthusiasts / Virginian Railway Enthusiasts
This is a group for railfans and modelers interested in the Virginian Railway. Discussion of and sharing facts, data, and photos relevant to the Virginian and related railroads is encouraged. Sharing information and photos of Virginian models is likewise encouraged.
654 Members, 6,988 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
VirginiaRailfans / Virginia Railfans
Group for Virginia Railfans to come together to share tips, photos, railfan locations etc.
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
VirginiaSwampBusters / Virginia Swamp Busters
This Virginia discussion group aims to promote grassroots democratic reform at the State-level through: The establishment of a clearinghouse of information on grassroots democratic reform organizations active in Virginia to facilitate communication and coordination Encouraging dialogue among organizational leadership to better exchange information critical to strategy development, best pra...
79 Members, 354 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Members of the Virginia Writers Club are invited to study craft by sharing and commenting on writing exercises from Steering the Craft by Ursula LeGuin.
3 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
virina-agado / Virina Agado UEA
Tiu ĉi grupo arigas virinojn kaj virojn interesatajn de virina agado en, pri kaj por Esperanto kadre de Universala Esperanto-Asocio.
27 Members, 193 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
malgranda grupeto por la komisiono de virina agado de UEA
8 Members, 34 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Post any sighting of any train from any of Virtual Railfan's camera locations! Flagstaff, AZ Hesperia, CA (Cajon Pass) San Juan Capistrano, CA Davisville, RI Norwalk, CT Altoona, PA (Horseshoe Curve) North East, PA (Lake Shore Railway Museum) Folkston, GA (Folkston Funnel) Thomasville, NC Ashland, VA Sweetwater, TN Chattanooga, TN (TVRM) La Grange, KY La Plata, MO Deshler, OH Fort ...
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
This group is dedicated to the post concerning Age Of Steam games organised on Internet
1 Member, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
virtualcitizenresearch / Virtual Citizenship Research
This is the official discussion platform for Virtual Citizenship Research Group.
9 Members, 2 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
VirtualConCon / Virtual Convention Convention
Virtual Convention Convention is for the exchange of ideas on running a virtual convention. Hardware and software tools, legal issues, logistics issues, etc. See for a list of suggested topics. un-useful spam, things wildly off topic will be moderated with extreme prejudice. NOTICE: By posting here you are giving permission for your writing to be posted...
8 Members, 17 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Discussion group for students in the Conducting Virtual Consults class, August 2017.
19 Members, 28 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
This a Non-Profit Organization for Low income, Elderly, and Disabled Veterans. We take that extra step! !
2 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
VirtualGIJoe / Virtual GI Joe: Season 3
A working group for the creation of a virtual season of the Sunbow GI Joe Cartoon and storyline continuity. Current Project: "(Sunbow) G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero: Virtual Season 3". Project still in need of: Fanfic writers: To write text-"episodes". To join staff as one, please submit at least 3 full pages of a virtual episode you'd like to create, Microsoft Word/Ope...
4 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
VirtualHarmony / Virtual Harmony: Promoting Harmony and Musical Collaboration at a Distance
We are a network of harmony seekers -- music teachers, choral leaders, ensemble instructors, rounds fanatics, choir singers, and other musicians intent on fostering singing / playing "together" as much as is possible during the pandemic. We are searching for and sharing tips, tricks, techniques, and technologies to help us maintain our musical communities while we are physically separated ...
18 Members, 28 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
virtualharpcircle / The Virtual Harp Circle
An international group for harp players of all levels, Don't have a harp circle near you? Our Virtual Harp Circle could be just the place to bring you in contact with other harp players! Our virtual harp circle originally began as a spot for harp players (celtic/lever or pedal) to have a place to compare notes, discuss what they were working on, make new friends and share ups and downs as we ...
347 Members, 11,415 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
VirtualIndian / Virtual Indian
The Virtual Indian group is a forum for discussing all aspects of the 1901-53 US built "Indian" motorcycles. The bias is on the technical aspects, but all Indian-talk welcome.
699 Members, 61,855 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Dedicated to the discussion of actor Keith Szarabajka and his numerous projects.
5 Members, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
virtualmoon / Virtual Moon Atlas
Discussion about the Virtual Moon Atlas software.
78 Members, 28 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
in these tough times we all need distractions from news, we all need hope, we all need positivity, and we all need laughter come join the virtual party, exactly what it says on the tin: a party on the internet!. bring some humor, some interesting facts, a virtual drink, or swing by just to say " hi!" you're all invited- come join the party!
0 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: