USFFriendsFriends from USFCreated:
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usfgfaceterslist / usfgfaceterslistThis list hosts discussions pertaining to gemstone faceting and design. Beginners and lurkers are welcome! The list is owned and moderated by Jim Clark Dedicated to education and the sharing of information about faceting gem stones. Posts of questions and answers, tips, techniques, hints, help and other faceting related information are appropriate and encouraged. When posting a new topic, pleas...Created:
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USFL / The official mailing list of the USFL, a fantasy football league established in 2019.The official group list for the United States Football League, (NFSL), a fantasy football sports league established in 2019.Created:
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USFOGA-Fats-Oils-and-GreaseUS FOG Alliance is a non-profit organization created and designed to bring together industry professionals that have experience and expertise within the handling and management of food grade fats, oils, and grease. We are comprised of industry professionals throughout the United States. We welcome a wide range of individuals with various expertise to our alliance. This allows members to share i...Created:
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usfw-maryland / USFW MarylandThis is the Maryland chapter of the United Society of Friends Women, a Quaker organization affiliated with Friends United Meeting.Created:
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usgenweb-archives / USGenWeb ArchivesThis list is for communication between file managers of the USGenWeb ArchivesCreated:
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ush-informatienetwerk / USH Informatie NetwerkDit is een Nederlandstalige groep voor iedereen die te maken krijgt met het Syndroom van Usher. Als je lid wordt van deze groep, word je deel van een netwerk. Een netwerk dat door korte lijnen tussen vraagstellers en (ervarings)deskundigen zorgt voor vraaggerichte informatie en advies. Het gaat dus om informatie en advies. het leuke is: ieder heeft weer een ander netwerk. Sommigen hebben alleen ee...Created:
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USHAStrat-O-Matic Hockey play by email league simulating the previous NHL season.Created:
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ushlsom / United States Strat-o-Matic Hockey LeagueFor members of the USHL, a Strat-o-Matic Hockey League since 1989.Created:
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USHPUtah Society of Health System PharmacistsCreated:
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USI / US Islands Awards Program Email GroupThe United States Islands Awards Program (USI) is an Amateur Radio (HAM) awards program that covers islands that are within the fifty (50) states of the United States, and the U.S Territories and Protectorates. These islands can be in lakes, rivers, and along the coastal shoreline. freshwater or saltwater. The USI was formed in 1994 to further enhance “island chasing” that had become so popu...Created:
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usingradiantresourcesA support group for people wanting to use the Radiant Recovery community to heal sugar addiction and do the seven steps of Potatoes Not Prozac.Created:
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USKBTCMEMBERSThis list is for the use of the Members of the United States Kerry Blue Terrier Club, Inc. It is a members only list and its members are updated in July of each year. Any posting on this list must be considered at public and may be forwarded outside of the members of this list. Please direct any question to
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uskdiarycontribution and circulation for the Usk and Raglan News Diary, a free magazine run by community volunteers in central MonmouthshireCreated:
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USLNet / Underwater Sound Lab Net (USL.Net)This group is established for Amateur Radio Operators who participate in the Underwater Sound Lab (USL) net on 3.941 MHz LSB Monday thru Saturday at 0900 EST. The net was initially established by employees of the Underwater Sound Lab USN/USL. It is operated by the remaining members, family members, and friends of employees. It is open to any amateur radio operator who would like to join. We strive...Created:
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USM2300American military writing subgroup of Etranger for 2300AD RPG. Currently an archive.Created:
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USMMA1963United States Merchant Marine Academy Class of 1963Created:
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USModulCPH / US modul modeltog KøbenhavnGruppen er for US H0 modeltog modulinteresserede i og omkring København. Målet er at skabe et forum, samle information og koordinere møder for interesserede i US H0 modeltog og modulanlæg i Københavnsområdet.Created:
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USMZ / US Modules ZealandIntern mailingliste for USMZ, US Modules Zealand. Vi kører med US modeltog i skala H0, bygger moduler efter Fremo standarden, deltager i Fremo træf i ind- og udland og afholder træf i Storkøbenhavn.Created:
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