Say-Hey-History / Say Hey Retro LeagueA history of the Say Hey Retro LeagueCreated:
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SAY-IN / Saint Anne's Youth - IndianaThis is the Saint Anne's Youth e-mail list server. This e-mail group will be used to communicate with the youth and/or their associated guardians. We do not permit the following: Pornography, adult content or nudity. Harassment of any kind. Sharing media or content whose distribution would be in violation of copyright law. ANY promotion of extreme, hateful, or exclusionary ideas, inclu...Created:
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SB-ApeldoornDeze groep is bestemd voor hen die wonen, werken, sporten en/of recreëren in Apeldoorn en slechtziend of blind zijn. Tevens voor direct betrokkenen.Created:
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SB-studiesDeze groep is bestemd voor diegenen die belangstelling hebben voor studies die betrekking hebben op slechtzienden en blinden. In die studies kan het gaan over mobiliteit, kwaliteit van leven, inzet van ervaringsdeskundigheid, omgaan met energie, toegankelijkheid et cetera. De studies kunnen op verschillende niveaus verricht zijn: 4 is mbo-niveau en 8 is doctoraatsniveau. Het kan kwantitatief en kw...Created:
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SBA / Stratospheric Ballooning AssociationThe Stratospheric Ballooning Association (SBA) is a non-profit organization with a mission to support those engaged in high altitude ballooning by promoting the field to others, mentoring practitioners, and facilitating collaboration. The SBA’s vision is to promote high altitude ballooning through empowering its members and public on high altitude ballooning, to encourage collaboration with al...Created:
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SBAGNEBoard / Spina Bifida Association of Greater New EnglandA central location for online discussion among SBA Greater NE Board Members.Created:
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SBARA-VE-GroupSub-group of the South Bay Amateur Radio Association (SBARA) for conducting ARRL-sponsored Volunteer Examiner (VE) sessions for administering examinations for Technician, General, Amateur Extra class licenses. ARRL-certified VEs are welcome along with those who wish to support the exam sessions.Created:
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sbarahams / South Bay Amateur Radio Association (SBARA)The South Bay Amateur Radio Association (SBARA) is a ham radio club located in California. We are centered around Fremont, California, which is on the south east side of the San Francisco Bay. Check the club's main website ( for meeting location and further information.Created:
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SBBreedSectionTICAThis group is home to The International Cat Association (TICA) Siberian Cat discussions. Membership is open to current TICA Siberian Section members in good standing.Created:
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sbc-obxSBC-OBX Discussions for planning, remembering, etc.Created:
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SBC-Programming / SBC Programming & Project DevelopmentThis group deals with the educational use of Single Board Computers (SBCs) with a prime focus on the ADAFRUIT CIRCUIT PLAYGROUND BLUEFRUIT microcontroller and associated hardware. Our prime programming tool is Adafruit CircuitPython. This group serves as a forum where students can share their work & ideas and ask questions regarding their class work. Class files will also be available here fo...Created:
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| page for the DMA/DARA single board computer SIGCreated:
21 Members,
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sbcara / San Benito County Amateur Radio Association annoucementsSan Benito County Amateur Radio AssociationCreated:
153 Members,
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sbcgeelong / Single Board Computer Geelong users forumUser forum for single board computer users like Arduino, raspberry piCreated:
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sbcgeelonggUser group for users of Single Board conputers, based in geelongCreated:
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SBCityCERTGroup for San Bernardino City CERT membersCreated:
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SBclubpageThis Forum is established for the use of members of Smethurst's Basement gaming Group. We meet on Wednesdays, 7pm, Use the MAPQUEST link to get directions.Created:
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sbcobirding / Santa Barbara County BirdingSBCOBIRDING is a discussion group devoted to sharing information about the birds of Santa Barbara County, CA. This includes the nearshore ocean waters and the Channel Islands within the county area. Topics may include daily trip reports, rare bird sightings, early and late migration dates, status and distribution, and ID issues. Brief announcements of upcoming meetings, hikes, and pelagic trips ...Created:
799 Members,
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SBE102This is the email exchange for broadcast engineers in SBE Chapter 102, West MichiganCreated:
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SBE134For members of Society of Broadcast Engineers chapter 134 in SE TX and SW LaCreated:
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