olekdia / OlekdiaIt's the group of supporting the users of Prana Breath, Time Planner and Magic Intuition.Created:
367 Members,
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OLEOrientationFall2020 / OLE: Orientation to the U.S. Legal System (Fall 2020)An email discussion group for students in the Georgetown OLE: Orientation to the U.S. Legal System Fall 2020 course with Professor Stephen Horowitz.Created:
2 Members,
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OLHRcommunity / Old La Honda Rd Community PagesThis group is for past and present residents of Old La Honda Road (and it's feeder roads). Stay informed about neighborhood issues, add your insight, or post news we should be aware of (tree across road, power outage, emergency preparedness training, town programs from which we can benefit, annual neighborhood potluck, etc). Due to privacy concerns, this will be a "members-only" group,...Created:
102 Members,
692 Topics,
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OlingerAirparkMembers / Olinger Airpark Member ForumCommunity forum for neighbours in the Olinger AirparkCreated:
19 Members,
100 Topics,
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OliveATCSFor ATCS in general, go to the main ATCS group (found at this link: https://groups.io/g/ATCSMonitor) instead of this group. This group contains a live train log for the Metrolink Olive Subdivision in the Anaheim, California area. The main goal of this system is to detect freight trains headed to San Diego. Because Metrolink passenger trains also run on the Olive Subdivision, it is necessary to di...Created:
19 Members,
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OLIVERFor the research of the OLIVER surname including genealogy and DNA.Created:
23 Members,
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olivewattsTo Praise GodCreated:
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Olivia / Olivia Digital Mode Radioteletype on HFNEWS: Announcement: Special QSO Party Event Week, December 24 through December 31, 2023THE 1st OLIVIA DIGITAL MODE WINTER QSO PARTY!When? December 24 starting at 00:00 (UTC), ending at 23:59 on December 31, 2023 Sponsored by the Olivia Digital DXers Club Certificate for participants, and more. This is the second ever weekend QSO party for Olivia.Note: Join our DISCORD server for all things Oli...Created:
788 Members,
411 Topics,
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olkienikiThis newsgroup is a discussion group for persons descended from residents of Olkieniki, Lithuania, and others interested in that area. It's primary focus is on Jewish Genealogy. If you wish to join this group, please send an e-mail message to the moderator, Ernie Fine, egfine@cygnet.org, describing your interest.Created:
1 Member,
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OllisDiscussion of Ollis RelativesCreated:
6 Members,
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OlliterOLSDR / OlliterOLSDROlliter is a young startup dedicated to innovation in the field of amateur and professional radio, bringing a range of cutting-edge products to the market. Founded by the inspiration of a passionate HAM, Olliter is now supported by a team of expert radio amateurs, with advanced skills in RF and programming. Development in Switzerland, manufacturing in Italy. This group is to discuss about the Ol...Created:
5 Members,
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olneyholisticchamberOur primary purpose is to connect more consumers with holistic and integrated options for health, wellbeing, lifestyle, and business. We do this by increasing awareness, education, and access through our reference reviewed Members, website, social media, and public presence. We also support our Members in building better businesses so they can help themselves while helping others. It's time f...Created:
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OlneySprings / Olney SpringsThis private group is intended as a community listserv for Olney Springs, a residential neighborhood in Olney, Maryland. This community listserv is not officially associated with Olney Springs Community Association, Inc., the homeowners association for Olney Springs. Olney Springs homeowners and non-owner residents are welcome.Created:
80 Members,
223 Topics,
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OLOC-NortheastRegion / OLOC - Northeast RegionThis group is intended for discussion and connection between OLOC (Old Lesbians Organizing for Change) members in the Northeast region: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey. OLOC Mission Statement To eliminate the oppression of ageism and to stand in solidarity against all oppressions. OLOC Vision Statement OLOC will be a cooperative communi...Created:
9 Members,
3 Topics,
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OLOC-RI / Old Lesbians (59+) in Rhode IslandThis is a gathering and discussion space for Old Lesbians (59th year and older) in Rhode Island -- sponsored by OLOC-RI - Old Lesbians Organizing for Change.Created:
14 Members,
6 Topics,
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OLoGCHomeschool / Our Lady of Good Counsel Homeschool Support GroupThis group is for primarily for Catholic homeschooling mothers who live in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, east of Sacramento, CA and in the Sacramento area. We share information about helpful resources, community events of interest to Catholic homeschooling families, and support one another. We place this group under the patronage of Mary under the title of Our Lady of Good Counsel. Mary, ...Created:
28 Members,
102 Topics,
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OLOHPinterviewersA platform for posting news, info and exchanges between various women all of whom are involved in the Old Lesbian Oral Herstory Project as interviewers and volunteers.Created:
18 Members,
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OLoughlinFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – O'LoughlinCreated:
4 Members,
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olpc-xo-clubThe OLPC XO club exists as a community focal point for OLPC XO-1 and XO-1.5 owners. Celebrate the legacy of this machine with us, and come learn about how to revive it and keep it healthy, nearly ten years later!Created:
14 Members,
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OLPClassof1970Class of 1970 Communication and Posting Resource GroupCreated:
2 Members,
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