LearnToRun / Learn to Run CBRMCBRM Learn to Run instructionCreated:
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LearyGenealogy and family history research for the surname LearyCreated:
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leaseholdersarthurcourtTo enable all Arthur Court leaseholders to exchange freely their views about issues effecting the block, without prejudice, in a courteous manner, with the aim of improving the wellbeing of all leaseholders. No group or interest should be able to control or censor the debate taking place on the site. All issues effecting the way the block is managed should be debated in an adult and civilised ...Created:
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Leasey / LeaseyTo share tips, tricks and feature suggestions in relation to the Leasey product from Hartgen Consultancy.Created:
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leastternThis group has been formed to enhance communication among biologists working on the recovery of least terns in the Americas including Eastern least terns (Sternula antillarum antillarum), Interior least terns (S.a. athalossos), and California least terns (S.a.browni). Anyone working with least or little terns (Sternula albifrons) anywhere in the world is invited to join.Created:
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LeastVNA / LeastVNAA Sine Qua Non description of any VNA systemCreated:
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Leatherstocking-Spinners-Guild / Leatherstocking Spinners GuildHandspinning guild in the Herkimer / Little Falls region of NY State We meet on the third Saturday of each month at 1 pm in the Little Falls Public Library, right after the Friends of FiberCreated:
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LeaveIttoBeaverFansParents Ward and June, and older brother Wally, try to keep Theodore ('the Beaver') out of trouble. However, Beaver continues to end up in one kind of jam or another. These situations are easily resolved to the satisfaction of all involved and the Beaver gets off with a few stern moralistic words. Instigator and troublemaker Eddie Haskell is an older kid who always manages to avoid being c...Created:
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LeavenworthGenealogy Research of the Leavenworth Family anywhere at any time.Created:
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lebensmittel-maschinenПЕРЕРАБОТКА АГРОПРОДУКЦИИ, ПРОИЗВОДСТВО ПРОДУКТОВ ПИТАНИЯ: регулярные предложения Б/У оборудования из Европы для переработки сельхозпродукции, производства продуктов питания, упаковки, расфасовки и т.п.Created:
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LeBlond-Regal-LathesInformation and Questions Pertaining to LeBlond Regal LathesCreated:
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leblondlatheThis group is for sharing information about LeBlond lathes. To help prevent spam, anyone wishing to become a member must send a request with a short statement about why they want to join LeBlondlathe. Spam posts will be removed and spammers will be banned from the group. Note: This is a hobby machine tool group. It is not a group for discussion of politics, religion, or s_x. Posts that don't a...Created:
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lece-ppge-ufc / LECE-PPGE-UFC--- Lista de discussão da linha de pesquisa LECE -Educação, Currículo e Ensino do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação da Universidade Federal do Ceará e restrita a seus professores.Created:
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LeClerc-Gen / LeClerc-Gen, LeClerc Family Genealogy ForumLeClerc-Gen is a forum to assist genealogy researchers in their quest for family information and is a vehicle for finding other LeClerc researchers for the purpose of sharing their information. Spelling variations may include: LeClair, LeClaire, LeClerq, LaClergue, LeClare and LeClert.Created:
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LecoursdecompassionCours de compassion en françaisCreated:
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LeCroyOwnersGroup / LeCroy Owners GroupThis is a group for owner and users of LeCroy Oscilloscopes and related equipment. It is meant to share information about the use, maintenance and repair of these instruments. YOU WILL ALSO FIND FILES AND MANUALS ON www.ko4bb.com/getsimple. PLEASE LOOK IN THESE LOCATIONS BEFORE ASKING FOR MANUALS AND FILES ON EITHER GROUP. THANK YOU. SAM MODERATOR AND GROUP OWNERCreated:
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lectiodivinaA group for followers and practitioners of the art of Lectio DivinaCreated:
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ledcity-mitarbeiterDiese Mailingliste geht an alle Mitarbeiter der LEDCity AGCreated:
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LeDeeEcoleDebbieweb / LeDee_Ecole_Debbies_Luxueuseschool and Learning group for website coding and graphics design.Created:
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ledeinchristus / Lede in ChristusHierdie groep in vir kennisgewing van alle Lede in Christus nuuswaardighedeCreated:
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