jugglerdotnetFor management of the juggler.net email redirectorCreated:
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jugs / JUG Leaders ListJava User Group Leaders from all over the world meet here.Created:
613 Members,
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juhu-gruppe / juhu-gruppeDie juhu-grupppe diskutiert alles Mögliche vorwiegend zu den Themen Patchwork, Quilten, textiles (Kunst-)Handwerk...Created:
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JuiceJacksEngineering and modelling considerations for trolley, 3rd rail, and heavy mainline electric railways. Trackwork, catenary, power distribution and other related info.May also include operational issues, crewing, maintenance facilities, or anything else related to building and operating an electric railroad, model or prototype. As Bob Hegge's Crooked Mountain Lines logo once proclaimed: "The...Created:
17 Members,
10 Topics,
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jujumamaGroup for Basic JLA studentsCreated:
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JukiPickAndPlaceDiscussion trading experiences with older Juki or Zevatech pick and place machinesCreated:
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Julia-B-and-JList / Julia-B-andJListThis list is for the purpose of discussing the characters portrayed by Grayson Hall on Dark Shadows, particularly Julia, and Barnabas and Julia as a couple.Created:
49 Members,
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julian-may-fansFor fans of the works of Julian May.Created:
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julianchoraleJulian Arts Chorale: Schedule updates, announcements, carpooling requests, Group CalendarCreated:
17 Members,
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JulianSociety / The Julian Society - continuing the legacy of the Emperor Julian, the last Pagan emperor of RomeThis is the official discussion forum for The Julian Society, a religious order dedicated to the restoration of Paganism as a respected major world spirituality. Our efforts are inspired by the works of the Emperor Julian, the last Pagan emperor of Rome, who reigned as Caesar of the Western Empire from 355-360 BC, and then as Augustus of the full Roman Empire from 360-363 AD. During his lifetime ...Created:
359 Members,
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juliasneedledesigns / Julia's Needle Designs Machine EmbroideryWelcome to Julia's Needle Designs!! Thank you for joining our group. This group is for all machine embroidery enthusiasts who would like to download my FREE designs, get helpful tips and ideas, swap, and chatter. I want everyone to have fun and enjoy! Thank you so much Cindy Russell Please visit my website for lots of Freebies at https://www.juliasneedledesigns.com Please follow me on Faceb...Created:
347 Members,
41 Topics,
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JuliusDornFamilyThis is a private group for descendants of the late Julius Dorn, Sr. and his wife Sylvia (Dye) of Brooklyn, New York.Created:
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July73WUJSCoordinating group for sharing stories and pix among our Machzor from July, 1973Created:
16 Members,
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jumbospotMMDVM :: Open Source (Multi-Mode Digital Voice Modem)Created:
46 Members,
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jumpingchollasJumping Chollas Agility Club, located in N. Phoenix, offers agility classes, trials, seminars, and more for all breeds of dogs! This group is for communications, questions, and information relating to agility and general canine activities and issues. All new members must be approved. Please include your full name when joining (display name) or add it afterwards. Thanks very much!Created:
410 Members,
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june-aiTesting Groups.ioCreated:
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June1998MomsWe are the moms that have been together for over a quarter of a century (months before our June '98 babies were born.) We were on the Pregnancy Today site, then yahoo groups, then Facebook. Starting on this forum especially for those who are spending less time on Facebook.Created:
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JuneauHillsHOA / JuneauHillsHOAGroup for Victoria Falls Drive, Ellicott City, MD community residents.Created:
8 Members,
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JuneberryNeighbors / Juneberry NeighborsThis is an unmoderated mailing list for all of the residents who live on or branch off of Juneberry Lane in Plain. Use this alias to reach out to neighbors about anything from borrowing a cup of sugar, to heads up about local wildlife, or invites to a BBQ. We're here to take care of each other!Created:
13 Members,
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JuneteenthVASEThis group is designed to develop and implement the Juneteenth Amateur Radio Special Event slated for June 19.Created:
3 Members,
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