HaywoodARC / Haywood County Amateur Radio Club
The Haywood County Amateur Radio Club (HCARC) consists of both FCC licensed Amateur Radio Service operators (AKA "hams") and those who are interested in becoming licensed in the future, and who live in Haywood County or adjacent counties in western North Carolina, USA. The interests and activities are highly varied, spanning socialization via chatting and meeting new hams via radios, comm...
20 Members, 83 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
HaywoodEmComTeam / Haywood Community Emergency Communications Team (HCECT)
Who are we? Haywood Community Emergency Communications Team (HCECT), also known as Haywood EmCom Team, is an all-volunteer association of FCC licensed Amateur Radio Service operators who provide radio communications during emergency incidents and public events, supplementing normal communications when they are impractical or unavailable. We are solely focused on emergency communications and ev...
19 Members, 88 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
HaywoodHikers / Haywood Hikers of WNC
**APOLOGIES BUT WE ARE NOT CURRENTLY ACCEPTING NEW MEMBERS** The group formed in 1994 in Waynesville, NC for outdoor enthusiasts to hike in the Smoky Mountains, the Blue Ridge Mountains, and the surrounding National Forests of Western North Carolina. Hikes average 5 to 7 miles but may occasionally be longer.
52 Members, 413 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Groep voor discussie en vragen over de genealogie programma's Haza-21 en Hazadata.
131 Members, 296 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
hazard / Hazard Family
A email group for the [Weldon] Hazard family!
12 Members, 6 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
Hazelwood / Hazelwood
Whether we call it the cottage, the lake, the cabin or God's country we are all fortunate to have this beautiful place in our lives and in our hearts -- hopefully this group will give us a forum where we can communicate and share our love of Hazelwood in order to keep it standing for another 3 generations and more.
9 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Formerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – Hazelwood
11 Members, 5 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Same as all other freecycle groups, just not any strings attached to anyone anymore. Offers, & Wanteds & Taken post are the same. Please reduce and reuse. Lets keep saving those landfills for those grandbabies. Be A BLESSING or Be BLESSED.
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
hazelwoodurbanag / Hazelwood Urban Agriculture Team
Hazelwood Urban Agriculture Team is a collection of growers and producers from the Hazelwood neighborhood of Pittsburgh who are working together to establish local food security! We meet monthly, usually third Monday of the month from 6-8PM. Location TBA, usually one of our garden sites.
26 Members, 147 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
hazmat101 / The Hazmat 101 List (tm)
The Hazmat 101 List (tm) is an email discussion list/group dedicated to hazardous materials (AKA dangerous goods), chemical, industrial and transportation, safety and environmental issues. If you are interested in learning about these important issues while sharing your knowledge with your colleagues in email discussions, this list/group is for YOU. Visit the "Hazmat 101 blog" for tips, re...
135 Members, 32 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
HB-Francophones / HB-francophones
Radioamateurs parlant français résidents en Suisse ou sympathisants
57 Members, 402 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
hb9zg / HB9ZG - USKA Sektion Zug
Die HB9ZG Gruppe ist für die Diskussion und den Datenaustausch zwischen den Mitgliedern der USKA Sektion Zug. Freunde und Gäste sind herzlich willkommen. Damit Ihr an den Diskussionen teilnehmen könnt und zum Hochladen Eurer Dateien und Fotos müsst Ihr "Member" werden, was kostenlos ist. Wir freuen uns auf Eure Themen. 73, Peter - HB9PJT
27 Members, 23 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
HBBCTV / Hayes Barton Baptist Church broadcast crew mailing list.
Hayes Barton Baptist Church broadcast crew mailing list. Raleigh, NC
20 Members, 112 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
hbca / Holiday Beach Citizens Association
This is a group webpage of the Holiday Beach Citizens Association (HBCA) - in development.
39 Members, 1 Topic, Private Archive, Last Post:
HBCRideForum / Huntington Bicycle Club Email Forum
The HBCRideForum is a Huntington Bicycle Club group email Forum. This Forum is used to communicate HBC club information. This Forum is for bicycling related topics only. Please do not post about other topics. This information can be about a bike ride or event. For example if a ride leader decides to cancel a scheduled ride due to weather it can be posted here. Other bicycle related topics are als...
4 Members, 35 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
HBCRiders / Huntington Bicycle Club Email Forum
HBCRiders is the Huntington Bicycle Club group email Forum. This Forum is used to communicate HBC club information. This Forum is for bicycling related topics only. Please do not post about other topics. This information can be about a bike ride or event. For example if a ride leader decides to cancel a scheduled ride due to weather it can be posted here. Other bicycle related topics are also acc...
121 Members, 457 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
HBES-Gardening-Club / Hoffman-Boston Elementary School Gardening Club
Hoffman-Boston Elementary School is a Title I school located in South Arlington. We are lucky to have green space for school gardening and would love your support to sustain care and maintain them for our students, teachers, families and community. We are asking for volunteers to pitch in to help our school grounds look fresh and beautiful. Please extend this opportunity and encourage your neighb...
13 Members, 12 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Hit and Bounce Net
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Solutions for 3Gen Smart Cities
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
hbqrp / Midwest Home Brewers QRP Group
Midwest Home Brewers and QRP Group. Our purpose is to promote Amateur Radio low power operating, kit building, and trying other circuit designs.
20 Members, 241 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: