ekil426 / USS Lake Champlain CV, CVA, CVS-39Created:
25 Members,
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ekim / EKIM studiegruppGruppen för EKIM studenter.Created:
14 Members,
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El-NoahidaLas Siete leyes de Noé (en hebreo: שבע מצוות בני נח, Sheva' Mitzvot Bnei Noaj), también conocidas como Siete preceptos de las naciones o Leyes noájidas, son una colección de leyes que según el judaísmo rabínico, fueron otorgadas por Dios como un conjunto de leyes que agrupan a los «Hijos de Noé», es decir, la humanidad entera. En detalle, cualquier no-judío que se ad...Created:
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EL-ROPE / EL-ROPEA group of like-minded individuals working towards making Elliot Lake a better place to live, grow and have fun through collaboration with other service and recreational groups.Created:
8 Members,
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ElAdios / El Adios MilongaArgentine Tango dancing in Dallas, TX. Our milonga is held on the third Saturday of each month.Created:
40 Members,
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EladSDR / Elad SDRWelcome to official EladSDR (Software Defined Radio) Hardware and Software user and support group . There is another group in Italian language, named EladSDR-ITCreated:
1,349 Members,
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EladSDR-IT / Elad SDRBenvenuti al gruppo ufficiale di supporto delle radio SDR della Elad, sia per l'hardware che per il software C'è anche un altro gruppo in lingua Inglese, con nome EladSDRCreated:
268 Members,
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elafaces / East Lansing Area Families for Autistic Children's Education and Support (ElaFaces)This is a community for resources and support for families with children with autism and other special needs.Created:
10 Members,
7 Topics,
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elainegriffithbusiness / Washington Yoga CenterThis group contains information about the Washington Yoga Center located in Washington DC, in Tenleytown.Created:
0 Members,
2 Topics,
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ElaineMBlogNotice / Elaine M's Blog Notice GroupA group created to let folks know when I have posted to my blog. https://elainemarriott.blogspot.com/Created:
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elainesartistrychristianlettersWelcome to Elaine's Christian Letters. This group features a collection of Incredimail letters and tags that I and Terri make. Mine are shared with devotions, poems and other Christian things when time permits. Teri also shares wonderful christian music with us. Terri, and myself will be the only ones posting so will not be alot of mail. I also have a family letter group where you can get c...Created:
16 Members,
92 Topics,
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ElainesArtistryDesignsWelcome to my little space on the web. This is where I will share my Tutorials and Templates. I hope you will enjoy your stay here, and enjoy trying the tuts and templates. My wonderful Mod is JudyP. She sure has helped me and if you need something I am sure she will be here to help you also.Created:
100 Members,
207 Topics,
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elainesartistrytesters / Elaine's Artistry Tut TestersThis group is for testing PSP tutorial by Elaine of Elaine's Artistry....Created:
11 Members,
18 Topics,
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elainesfamilylettersGroup for family created letters to send and shareCreated:
16 Members,
146 Topics,
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elarCommunications of volunteers of Elizabeth Lake Animal RescueCreated:
1 Member,
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elb-ue / elb:ueMailingliste der Hamburger Literaturübersetzer:innenCreated:
76 Members,
294 Topics,
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elberonDungeons and Dragons player groupCreated:
7 Members,
194 Topics,
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elc / English Language CenterThis is a group for teachers and employees at BYU's English Language Center.Created:
1 Member,
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elcerritogardenclub / El Cerrito Garden ClubA place for El Cerrito Garden Club members to share information, photographs, questions and answers about gardening, conservation, and club business.Created:
41 Members,
309 Topics,
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elcicdeaconThis email service is for rostered Deacons in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in CanadaCreated:
15 Members,
187 Topics,
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