viparent-announce / Visually impaired parent announce email listThis group is for parents to receive announcements regarding upcoming events in the visually impaired program of the san diego unified school district.Created:
7 Members,
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vipaus-diabetesVipAus Diabetes is a list to support Blind and Vision Impaired Australians who live with all types of Diabetes. It is not a substitute for medical advice.Created:
5 Members,
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vipCanadianExchangeA group for blind people to exchange items they no longer need or want.Created:
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viphone / VIPhoneAll iPhones since the 3GS have come with accessibility for the blind without special adaptation. In addition, all other Apple products are also equally accessible. This group is for the discussion of the iPhone, iPad, Apple TV and all other Apple devices which support various flavors of iOS, relating to access in the blind and visually impaired community.Created:
44 Members,
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vipkid-mcm / AnnouncementsA group for ViPKid MCM's to ask rubric based questions.Created:
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VIPMentoredThis group is set up for the "mentor" option of the 1listsculpting "Visions in putty" sculpting event. It's a private list where some experienced sculptors will get together with novice sculptors and help them through the proces of sculpting a miniature.Created:
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VIPPVashon Island Pet ProtectorsCreated:
16 Members,
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vips-boeken-club / Vips-Boeken-ClubEen forum waarin blinden en slechtzienden boeken bespreken. Tips uitwisselen. Ook boeken in braille uitwisselen kan via dit forum. Op die manier gaan er minder grondstoffen verloren. Ook kan er gesproken worden over apparatuur die naast de daisy spelers geschikt is voor ons als vips om boeken mee te lezen. Met de in opkomst zijn de iphone's en android's wordt de mogelijkheid om boeke...Created:
13 Members,
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vipsinthekitchenvipsinthekitchen is an email group aimed at visually impaired cooks or want to be cooks. we want to exchange experience/advice/discoveries useful to us in the kitchen. discussions on all cuisines/techniques/technologies and recipes, plus recommendations for Podcasts and home-made recordings will all be welcome!Created:
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vipslaves / Vip Slaves Community‘I want you at my mercy, kitten. And I intend to make you purr.’ “O master of my breath, create a man around these nostrils, and gather my heart toward the gravity of your name. Form me again with an utterance and open my mouth with your praise. There is no life but in affirming you, no world to walk on but the one which you create.”Created:
2 Members,
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VipswichThis group has been set up for people living in Ipswich (UK) and surrounding areas, for the discussion of local issues and events related to visual impairment.Created:
18 Members,
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Viptech / VIPTechA group to discuss different types of technology that helps partially sighted and blind people to use computers, I phones, I pads, smart phones This a friendly group, swap help and tips too other members of the group, so we can use our technology, at a Better levelCreated:
46 Members,
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vira / Vancouver Island Romance AuthorsPrivate group for members of Vancouver Island Romance Authors: https://www.vancouverislandromanceauthors.comCreated:
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VIRCCVIRCC - The Vermont Independent Repeater Coordinating Committee is the amateur radio frequency coordinator for repeater operations throughout Vermont and Northeastern New York. This is a discussion group for the repeater operators of VIRCC to discuss coordination and repeater issues.Created:
16 Members,
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2 Members,
0 Topics,
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virg / Vision Impact Research GroupVision Impact Research GroupCreated:
12 Members,
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VirginiaGenealogy research in Virginia -------------- This list is for genealogy research in Virginia, at anytime. Follow the directions below to join and post to the list. Guidelines for posting to thist list: 1. This list is for genealogical discussions only and only for the state of Virginia. All other posts will be deleted from the archives and the poster will be placed on moderation. 2. If someo...Created:
244 Members,
12 Topics,
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Virginia-genealogy / Virginia GenealogyVAGen originated as a now-defunct Rootsweb list called VIRGINIA. Messages to that list are archived at
84 Members,
23 Topics,
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VirginiaandTruckeeRRThis site is created to exchange any pertinent data regarding the Virginia & Truckee Railroad, its subsidiaries and environs. Free exchange of modeling data is encouraged and posting of photos of historical interest as well as model photos is welcome.Created:
200 Members,
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VirginiaAvenueAdventureA place for Deborah, Dave, Sarah, Erika, and Trav to chat and scheme.Created:
5 Members,
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