USAFMDXCOASTTOCOASTUSA FM-DX Coast-to-Coast is for reporting FM Broadcast signals that have been heard over 1,000 miles (1609 km) distance via any propagation mode. Log Format: Date: Time(UTC): Frequency: Callsign: PI Code: Distance (miles): Station location (City, State): Your location (City, State): Comments:Created:
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USAFStrategicJetBombersandTankersThis group is about jet-powered strategic bombers and tankers of the U.S. Air Force, specifically the B-47, YB-49, B-52, B-58, YB-60, XB-70, B-1, B-2, B-21, FB-111, KC-135, KC-10, and KC-46. Because many of them had jet engines, we'll excuse them for having radials, too, and include the B-36. All of the other versions of the C-135 family, with or without a boom such as the EC-135, RC-135, and ...Created:
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usagmrsassociation / GMRS Licensed Radio Operators GroupOur goal for this group is to have a place to ask questions, share information, and/or offer up any additional knowledge of or about GMRS (General Mobile Radio as described by FCC Rules and Regulations)...Topics about GMRS Mobile Radios, GMRS Handi-Talkies, GMRS Repeaters, GMRS Repeater use, GMRS Repeater Linking, GMRS Radio Nodes, GMRS Radioless Nodes, and/or sharing for local, state, and nationw...Created:
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usamajlis / Majlis of the United States of AmericaNational forum for the Hashimi-Darqawi branch of the Shadhili tariqa in the United States of America to receive important messages and help find local gatherings.Created:
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USAphotomapsUSAphotomaps is a free program by JDM Cox for displaying maps and photos provided by . With numerous features it can interface to GPS receivers to provide a moving map display of the current location. I have found it to be a very fun program to learn and use. This group provides a place for users to discuss usage and ask questions. Feel free to ask any question or to just say ...Created:
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usApp / Cloud | SECURE Cloud A catalyst for innovation. -Hacker community protection. -Open source supported.Created:
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USARaceWalkingAll things race walking in the United StatesCreated:
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USARSUPTHAI / USARSUPTHAI ASSOCIATIONUSARSUPTHAI (United States Army Support, Thailand Association) established in 2009 dedicated to working with our fellow Veterans seeking fair and equal treatment and compensation with the Department of Veterans Affairs for suffering the ailments and symptoms of exposure to rainbow herbicides (Agent Orange) used on ALL U.S. military bases during the War in Southeast Asia. Backstory: In 1996 the US ...Created:
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USATelevisionDXAnyone that likes to receive distant television signals, either digital or analog from different forms of propagation, sporadic-e, tropospheric, meteor and aurora scatter.Created:
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USB-Midgard / USB-61 "Midgard" - offene SpielerlisteDie offene Spielerliste für die USB-61 "Midgard". Eine Rollenspieleinheit der Starfleet Germany.Created:
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usbastratFor members of the USBA Strat-o-Matic League for sharing and storing baseball information.Created:
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usblindchess / United States Blind Chess AssociationThe United States Blind Chess Association email group. The United States Blind Chess Association's goal is to promote chess among the blindness community and all its benefits through email and live chess and accessible chess information and community involvement.Created:
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uscra / USCRAUSCRA is US Classic Motorcycle Racing AssociationCreated:
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uSDX-Rogrup de cumparare in comun pentru constructia uSDX, cu scopul reducerii consturilor de achizitieCreated:
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usdx-users / usdx-users完全中立的usdx讨论组,不受任何团队限制,欢迎讨论任何usdx的硬件设计,畅所欲言的技术讨论,但不接受任何人身及种族攻击! ps:这个小组由中国人创建,所以中文是这里的主导语言,但是我们也会使用翻译软件将其翻译成英文,以帮助那些中文不好的朋友。 The completely neutral usdx discussion group is not ...Created:
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UsedStamps2ExchangeHello, Welcome to the group UsedStamps2Exchange. In this group we will exchange used stamps with each other via groupsexchanges but also via Round Robins etc. Feel free to join and I hope you will enjoy your stay here with us. Bye HermiCreated:
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uselectricarThis group is for the various US electricar owners out there. With the implosion of Yahoo Groups, this will be the temporary-ish site for the USE files and images until I can find a better hosting service. Please feel free to sign up and peruse the files, code, and other information.Created:
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userland / UserLAndA group for talking about UserLAnd.Created:
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UsfbldynastyYahoo Dynasty baseballCreated:
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