savedelpuerto / Save Del Puerto CanyonGroup for discussion of effort to save Delta Puerto Canyon.Created:
14 Members,
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SaveElephantsHelp @BritneyMuller save Elephants.
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SAVEENVIRONMENT121212In this Group we are going to discuss how to save environment from pollution and other harmful things.Created:
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savelandlines / Save Landline Telephones CoalitionDiscussion list for the Save Landline Telephones Coalition.Created:
64 Members,
480 Topics,
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saveleithwalkCampaign Organising Group for Save Leith Walk CampaignCreated:
62 Members,
384 Topics,
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SaveNiceMailing list for advocates to work on preserving the old Nice Bridge for bicycle and pedestrian use.Created:
6 Members,
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SaveOurLibrary / Save the Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park LibraryEmail group for information sharing on the efforts to save the Juanita E. Thornton/Shepherd Park Library from closure. In its Master Facility plan, the DC Public Library recommends the eventual closure of the Shepherd Park Library and opening of a new library south of the current location to serve the Shepherd Park, Brightwood, Brightwood Park, and Manor Park neighborhoods. To view the DCPL Maste...Created:
15 Members,
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savereidparkDedicated to maintaining Saving the Heart of Reid Park in Tucson, Arizona, intact, and keeping Reid Park free for the people of Tucson to use.Created:
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SaveSterlingOpenSpace / Save Sterling Open is an e-mail group dedicated to opposing or steering any potential development of the property associated with the Sterling Hills Golf Club.Created:
10 Members,
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SaveThemAll / Certified Emergency Animal Responders - NWWe are certified emergency animal responder volunteers from the Pacific Northwest who deploy to local and national disasters and criminal cases involving domestic animals. This group was formed in order to facilitate communication between responders, provide a place to upload forms and photos, and to create a sense of connection as we deploy around the country. Certifications can include, but are ...Created:
19 Members,
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SaveTheWorldSave The World !Created:
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SavingtheSimsStaffGroup for messaging the ones who help with Saving the Sims files.Created:
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SavingtheSimsUpdatesGroup to send out updates for The Sims world!Created:
67 Members,
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savoiretpartage / Savoir et partage territorial. De l’expérience à la connaissance et de la connaissance aux citoyens. Les communes au cœur de l’innovation.Savoir et partage, est une plate-forme d’échange, de partage d’expérience et de bonnes pratiques entre les praticiens du développement en général et du développement local en particulier. Savoir et partage permet la collaboration et la co-construction de projet et l’innovation entre les collectivités territoriales au Togo. Savoir et partage permet aux communes togolaises d’apprend...Created:
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SavoniousWindpowerDIYA forum to exchange ideas and designs for Savonious windmills for electric power generation, pumps, or powering a shop. Sources of parts or how to manufacture your own parts or complete windmills in your home shop. Discussions of same. Research and development.Created:
1 Member,
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SavvyScribesSavvy Scribes critique groupCreated:
5 Members,
1,122 Topics,
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SawneeAmateurRadioAssociation / Sawnee Amateur Radio AssociationSARA - Sawnee Amateur Radio AssociationCreated:
130 Members,
176 Topics,
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SawneeRadioSawnee Amateur Radio AssocitationCreated:
2 Members,
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SaxonA list for the genealogical research of the Saxon surname.Created:
9 Members,
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SaxonRegistryThe Saxon Registry encourages Saxon owners and those interested in Saxons to exchange information, inquiries, stories and photographs about Saxon Motor Cars.Created:
3 Members,
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