oldsalvatoriansOld Boys of Salvatorian College Harrow Weald sharing our memories and souvenirs through this group and our website. We maintain the truth and whilst we do not claim to be completely objective, we aim not to see the past only through rose-tinted spectacles.Created:
128 Members,
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12 Members,
293 Topics,
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OldSchoolFarmProject / Old School Farm ProjectA community-led development project.Created:
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oldsleepyhollow / Old Sleepy Hollow NeighborhoodWelcome to the online message group for the Sleepy Hollow Neighborhood in Falls Church, Virginia. The Sleepy Hollow Citizens' Association (SHCA) uses this group to let neighbors know about association news and upcoming events. Individuals may use the group to share resources or to discuss neighborhood happenings. Please use this group responsibly and limit the discussion to topics of con...Created:
280 Members,
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oldswissmachinesDevoted to user and collectors of old Swiss machines for metal work, toolmaking, fine mechanics and equipment. Other makes are also welcome! Welcome are topics / pictures / information about the following: -Aciera -Schaublin -Astoba UW 1 / Meyer&Burger UW1 / Astoba KWM -Fehlmann -Tripet -Studer -Christen -Charmilles -SIP -Sixis -Hauser -Habegger -Simonet and oth...Created:
300 Members,
385 Topics,
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oldtimeCHIA new group for Old-time musicians in and around the Chicago, Evanston, and Skokie area -- to share events and such related to Old-time music.Created:
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OldTimeRadioResearchers / Old Time Radio ResearchersThe Old Time Radio Researchers group is a community of enthusiastic fans, avid listeners, and strong supporters of old rime radio. The group’s goals include researching, restoring, preserving, and sharing the classic shows from what is commonly known as the Golden Age of Radio (1930-1960). The OTRR group, comprised of a diverse world wide group of volunteers, has undertaken many ongoing projects...Created:
323 Members,
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oldtimersweekendMailing list for the annual gathering of Old Timers at Old Timers Weekend at The Station Inn in Cresson, PA. Long-time guests, visitors, friends, and business associates of the proprietor, Dr. Thomas A. Davis.Created:
13 Members,
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oldtimeseattle / Old-Time SeattleConnect with the Seattle old time music community! Share announcments for upcoming old time music events, dances, jams, parties, workshops, carpools to festivals, instruments for sale, musician housing, etc.Created:
220 Members,
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oldtimeSFOld time musicians interested in gathering in or around San Francisco to play old time tunes.Created:
735 Members,
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OldTimeSpeedwayImages and histories of old-time speedwayCreated:
2 Members,
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oldtools / OldToolsOldTools is a mailing list catering to the interests of old hand tool aficionados, both collectors and users. To quote from the OldTools list charter: The purpose of this list is to provide an entertaining, not-quite-moderated, light-hearted, fun, jolly, happy, informative forum to discuss the history, usage, value, location, availability, collectibility, and restoration of traditional tools, incl...Created:
798 Members,
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OldTrucksandVans / Old Truck sand VansYe Olde Truck and Van Stop! Need advice? Have advice to share? Looking at or working on a project? Come on in and tell us about it! Any Truck, SUV, or Van, we'll discuss it here! Thanks for joining!Created:
6 Members,
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OldTryonNC / Old Tryon County GenealogyA mailing list for genealogical discussions about families in the area of Old Tryon County, North Carolina, including the following NC counties: Rutherford, Cleveland, Gaston, Lincoln, Burke, McDowell, and Polk; and the following SC counties: Spartanburg, Cherokee, York, Chester, Union, Laurens, and Greenville. Families in this area are sometimes closely related and often moved from county to c...Created:
140 Members,
99 Topics,
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OldTymeCookingThenandNowMs. Jean's Old Tyme Cooking Then & Now chat groupCreated:
18 Members,
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OldVTRS / OLD VTR's the web forum for users of Videotape Recorder technologyA gathering palace for those interested in old Videotape recorder technology. This group is to be a place to do the following, ask questions, share information and create a public archive of information about those wonderful machines that record television images, Videotape recorders.Created:
221 Members,
6,868 Topics,
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OldYahooCarGroupsThis is a grouping of old Yahoo groups that were related to several car forums.Created:
38 Members,
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OLE"OLE" stands for "Once LEXIS Employees." It is FREE and for people who were once employed by either Mead Data Central or its successor, LEXIS-NEXIS. The purpose is to facilitate communication and "net-working" among members of this group, and answer the question, "What ever happened to...?"Created:
2 Members,
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ole-emeriti / Ole EmeritiThis is a group for St Olaf faculty emeriti and friends to discuss matters of general interest.Created:
20 Members,
49 Topics,
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OLEJBFind all the all the law enforcement job postings in one place! Please feel free to post some as well.Created:
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