jt65digitalhams / JT65DigitalhamsAs the popularity of JT65 increases, my friend VA7HZ (Ron) and I decided that it would be nice to start a Yahoo group that helps promote the JT65 Digital experience. As more and more people get interested in JT65, there are a lot of people who are looking for answers to questions. We felt this would be an appropriate place to discuss and help others. Please feel free to post about JT65 and your ex...Created:
520 Members,
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JTACertificationStudyGroup / JTA Certification Study GroupThis is a study group for students of Japanese temari who have passed Level 2 and are actively working to apply for Level 3 or Level 4 certification with the Japan Temari Association.Created:
33 Members,
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JTAlertThis group is for anyone running WSJT-X and JTALERT. You can post questions and files for all. Enjoy!Created:
100 Members,
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JTASThe Junior Texas Astronomical Society (JTAS) is devoted to youth interested in the sciences of Astronomy & Meteorology. Members ages 12 to 21 are welcome to join this group.Created:
3 Members,
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JTC1R1 / JTC 1 Running communityGroup for JTC 1 social communications in relation to running This group is for any JTC 1 members, who are runners, to provide a mechanism to socialise official events or adhoc runs taking place at face to face events, plenarys, working group meetings, etc. The group is for all running abilities and as this is a social group the intention is to be as inclusive as possible.Created:
8 Members,
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JTG1 / Jerusalem Translators GroupJerusalem Translators Group - the e-mail presence for the group. Open to translators in the greater Jerusalem area (including Beit Shemesh, Gush Etzion and Hebron/Kiryat Arba, and the Binyamin region.Created:
144 Members,
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JTRG / Jupiter Tequesta Repeater GroupTeamwork Makes it happen!!! Join us for the JTRG weekly Rag Chew Net every Tuesday Night at 8:00pm on 146.625MHZ Pl 110.9 This is the official email digest of Jupiter Tequesta Repeater Group. The Jupiter-Tequesta Repeater Group is located in Jupiter, Florida and was established in 1982 to further the art of amateur radio communication, serve the public, and promote high standards in amateur radio....Created:
60 Members,
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JTSDK / JTSDK ToolsJTSDK Development Traffic, Support, and General AnnouncementsCreated:
111 Members,
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jtw-astronomy-usersUser group for JTW Astronomy equipment such as the Trident equatorial mount. Group rules: no harassment, no politics, please be respectful to each other.Created:
91 Members,
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JuanAPAHumEquipos, y pruebas de Laboratorio, Documentación etc..Created:
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jubailmarathi / मराठी मंडळ, जुबैलThis is the first group of its kind for Jubailkars! All Marathi Jubailkars can communicate through this platform. Announcements for all gatherings, functions, etc. will be done through this platform.Created:
16 Members,
14 Topics,
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JubileeNews and announcements about the Gospel Jubilee with Chip and Denny. Includes weekly and special podcast announcements.Created:
9 Members,
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jubileecitychurchJubilee City Church MembersCreated:
1 Member,
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JudeeSillDedicated to the life and music of American singer/songwriter Judee Sill.Created:
13 Members,
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Judges-Forum-WCFO-canine-freestyle / Judges Forum- WCFOThis is a judges-only forum for the World Canine Freestyle Organization. This group will be used to discuss judging criteria and issues related judging of canine freestyle for WCFO.Created:
3 Members,
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judykavitskyartgalleryfor any artists to join and put your painting 0r skeches hereCreated:
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Judys-Angels / Judy's AngelsJudy's Angels: Where Family and Friends work together with love to maintain Judy's dignity and quality of life as she faces her evolving life challenges. Judys-Angels@groups.ioCreated:
3 Members,
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juevespizzaSanta Fe, ArgentinaCreated:
8 Members,
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jugband / Jug BandDiscussions of Jug Band music, musicians and instruments for people of all ages.Created:
3 Members,
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jugbd / Java User Group Bangladesh (JUGBD)Java User Group Bangladesh (JUGBD) is a volunteer organization that strives to distribute Java-related knowledge. Website: http://jugbd.org/ Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/jugbd/ Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/jug-bd/Created:
1 Member,
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