ILKANKAK / Kankakee County, Illinois Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILKANKAK. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Kankakee County, Illinois including the surrounding region of northeastern Illinois and northwestern Indiana. An act of the Illinois Legislature created Kankakee County out of the north part of Iroquois County and the south part of Will County in February 1853. The six original townships w...Created:
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ILKNOX / Genealogy list for Knox County, IllinoisThis group is intended to be a place for exchange of genealogy information related to those who have lived in Knox County, Illinois at any point in it's history. The group is being set up as a replacement for the Rootsweb ILKNOX mailing list before it ends.Created:
18 Members,
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ILLAKE / Lake County, Illinois Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILLAKE. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Lake County, Illinois including the surrounding region of northeastern Illinois and southeastern Wisconsin.Created:
24 Members,
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ILLASALLE / Genealogy list for Lasalle County, IllinoisThis group is intended to be a place for exchange of genealogy information related to those who have lived in Lasalle County, Illinois at any point in it's history. The group is being set up as a replacement for the Rootsweb ILLASALLmailing list before it ends.Created:
32 Members,
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ILLAWREN / Lawrence County, Illinois Genealogy GroupWelcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILLAWREN. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Lawrence County, Illinois including the surrounding region of southeastern Illinois and southwestern Indiana.Created:
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IlliniRail / IllinirailIllinois is second only to Texas in the number of rail lines criss-crossing the state. The northern portion of the state is cluttered with railroads, each of them gaining access to the "Rail Capital of the World", Chicago. The middle portion of the state is filled with trunk lines which connect Illinois industrial centers with the rest of the nation Railroading in Illinois is vast and exc...Created:
188 Members,
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IllinoisGenealogy Research in IllinoisCreated:
78 Members,
75 Topics,
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Illinois-Amateur-RadioHave an interest in Amateur Radio? All aspects of amateur radio will be discussed here.Created:
5 Members,
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Illinois-Terminal-RR / Illinois Terminal RailroadFor Fans of the Late and Great Illinois Terminal Railroad. New Members postings are moderated until established as legitimate participants and not spammers or worse.Created:
100 Members,
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IllinoisAmateurRadioThe Illinois Amateur Radio Group is dedicated to promoting closer communication and sharing of amateur radio knowledge & technique among fellow amateur radio enthusiasts. The goals of the Illinois Amateur Radio Group are: To provide an efficient means of disseminating amateur radio news, announcements, and event information; To promote the activites, newsletters, events, and meetings of AL...Created:
114 Members,
174 Topics,
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illinoiscentralmodel / illinois-central-modelSome folks like to celebrate the history of the Main Line of Mid-America through the building of models. Although the primary focus is IC/ICG modeling this group is not limited to just modeling since most modelers participate in other railroad related activities. Feel free to talk about anything from railfanning to railroad modeling and proto-type railroad news. You are encouraged to list your rai...Created:
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IllinoisCommitteeofBlindVendors / Illinois Committee of Blind VendorsThe Illinois Committee of Blind Vendors welcome you to this open forum to discuss, network, announce, seek answers about anything Randolph Sheppard - Business Enterprise Program for the Blind. Simply send an e-mail to anytime that you want to reach evereyone in the group.Created:
7 Members,
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IllinoisD-STAR / Illinois D-STARThe Illinois D-STAR group is for D-STAR repeater owners & D-STAR radio users in Illinois. The purpose of the group is to facilitate communication between D-STAR users and support the exchange of information relating to D-STAR technology and its usage in Illinois.Created:
160 Members,
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illinoisd-starnetThis is the Official page for the Illinois D-Star Net.Created:
2 Members,
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IllinoisGenListsPlease note. This group is not intended to be a genealogy research group. Its intended to be a directory of genealogy groups for the State of Illinois. If you see a group that interests you, please Copy and Paste the name into the search. Thanks!Created:
3 Members,
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IllinoisGenWebRequired list for all ILGenWeb CCs. Only announcements from the SC or ASCs.Created:
1 Member,
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IllinoislinkThis is to anything Ham radio wise going on with the Illinois Link system or ham radioCreated:
83 Members,
68 Topics,
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IllinoisP25-DMR-NXDNGroup for Amateur-Ham radio use of digital voice technologies designed for public safety & business including APCO P25 Public Safety, DMR(Digital Mobile Radio), NXDN Digital Mobile Communications and dPMR(Digital Private Mobile Radio).Created:
150 Members,
12 Topics,
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IllinoisPacketRadio / Illinois Packet RadioThis group is focused on the use of packet radio in Illinois, including keyboard-to-keyboard, BBS, APRS, Outpost, Winlink, Networks, ARES/EmComm & other packet radio applications.Created:
187 Members,
54 Topics,
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IllinoisSystemFusion / Illinois System FusionIllinois System Fusion group is for System Fusion repeater owners & radio users in Illinois. The purpose of the group is to facilitate communication between System Fusion users and support the exchange of information relating to System Fusion technology & it's usage in Illinois.Created:
85 Members,
66 Topics,
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