ferd / Free Energy Research and DevelopmentElectric power is everywhere present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas, or any other of the common fuels. - Nikola Tesla This group devoted to FE R&D.Created:
10 Members,
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ferexblog / Ferex BlogGrupa poświęcona działalności strony Ferex Blog, oraz znalezionym ciekawostkom w pracy autora. Przewijać będzie się tu content poświęcony IT, programowaniu, serwerom oraz elektryce czy elektronice.Created:
2 Members,
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FermanaghA group for anyone interested in family history in County Fermanagh, Northern Ireland. Formerly Rootsweb.Created:
159 Members,
124 Topics,
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fermenteriet-beer-club / Fermenteriets ölklubbFermenteriets ölklubbCreated:
4 Members,
3 Topics,
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Fernsail / FernsailA forum for sailors on Fern Ridge Reservoir near Eugene, OregonCreated:
93 Members,
257 Topics,
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ferrarichatAustralian Private Ferrari ChatCreated:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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Ferret-GeneticsA discussion group were anything genetically related (about ferrets) can be studied, discussed, questions posed, and photos accepted!Created:
15 Members,
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ferrethealth / The Ferret Health ListThe Ferret Health ListCreated:
900 Members,
263 Topics,
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ferrismowersusersThis group is for users and interested parties of mowers and equipment. The idea is to exchange information, help others find solutions for issues for their equipment, and just brag about what you have. If you have enhanced your equipment, show it off. Perhaps you had a problem and went to a lot of trouble to find a solution. Others could benefit from your experience.Created:
1 Member,
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FerryGroups / Ferry Groups (Ferries of Northern Europe)Home of the former Yahoo 'Ferries of Northern Europe'/ 'Ferries of Southern Europe'/ 'Ferries outside Europe'Created:
976 Members,
35,463 Topics,
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ferrymagnet14this is for personal useCreated:
2 Members,
2 Topics,
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ferrysloops / Ferry SloopsFerry Sloops is an environmental sailing organization dedicated to educating the public about Hudson river history, ecology and public policy, and sailing on the river. This group is a mailing and discussion list for group members and other interested parties. Announcements and meeting minutes will be distributed via this list as well as our website www.ferrysloops.org and newsletter. Sign up on ...Created:
67 Members,
306 Topics,
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FerryUpdateThe FerryUpdate group is a collection of people who rapidly share information about changes to the Toronto Island Ferry Service and associated Island commute issues. It is targeted at people who are frequent users of the Toronto Island Ferry service, such as people who live or work on the Toronto Islands. Since ours, and every ferry service, is subject to disruptions due to weather, mechanical and...Created:
563 Members,
483 Topics,
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fervidOpen source devops solutionsCreated:
1 Member,
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2 Members,
3 Topics,
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fessenden44xxThis is a group for the residents of the 4400 block of Fessenden Street NW, Washington DC. Let's use this address to communicate to our neighbors, plan events, share recipes, stay in touch, etc.Created:
13 Members,
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FesslerFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – FesslerCreated:
5 Members,
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festers / SummerFestersSummerfest is an annual 11-day music blowout that takes place on the shores of Lake Michigan in downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin - featuring everything from alternative to Zydeco on 12 different stages. During Summerfest we meet every night at 6:30 p.m. at the Generac stage (nee Harley-Davidson, nee Pabst) beer tent.Created:
15 Members,
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festiniograilway / Festiniog Railway discussion groupThis group is for supporters of the Ffestiniog Railway running from Porthmadog to Blaenau Ffestiniog, North Wales. This is an unofficial discussion group and is not promoted by any official part of the Ffestiniog Railway.Created:
432 Members,
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FestivaThis is the new home of the old Festiva Mailing List, previously on Yahoo Groups. We welcome discussion and information about the Ford Festiva and Aspire, Mazda 121, and any variants or related models.Created:
12 Members,
28 Topics,
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