capitalastronomers / NCA Email ListThe National Capital Astronomers (NCA) is a non-profit, membership supported, volunteer run, public service group dedicated to advancing astronomy, space technology, and related sciences through information, participation, inspiration, research, lectures and presentations, publications, expeditions, tours, public interpretation, and education. NCA is the astronomy affiliate of the Washington Acade...Created:
154 Members,
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capitalcatfanciersCapital Cat Fanciers, Inc. (CCF), is a Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) affiliated local club in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Our members come from all parts of the local region, VA, MD and DC. Our common bonds are breeding, exhibiting, and simply enjoying our feline friends. This group is for CCF club members only.Created:
4 Members,
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capitalcitypcs / Capital City Public Charter School Parent Email ListThis is an unofficial email list serving the parents of Capital City Public Charter School in Washington DC.Created:
35 Members,
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CapitalNetworkingGroup / The Capital Networking Group for Addiction & Mental Health ProfessionalsThe Capital Networking Group is a collaboration of professionals nationwide, working together to help those suffering with mental health, substance abuse and addiction issues. We function in an ethical and unbiased manner to help our clients and patients receive the best care that they can get.Created:
1,370 Members,
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CapitalWingCAFCapital Wing Commemorative Air ForceCreated:
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CapitancillosMeadowThe Friends of Capitancillos Meadow are concerned individuals from the area surrounding Guadalupe Creek in Almaden Valley, San Jose. We are a citizen’s group dedicated to the enhancement of the watershed's environmental quality. We seek to raise public awareness and appreciation of the creek and surrounding habitat through education and outreach to watershed residents, businesses and landown...Created:
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CapitolfreemoCapitol Free-Mo is an open group of model railroaders who construct, operate and display an HO Free-mo modular model railroad at locations in and around the the Washington DC and Baltimore, Md., area. This group is a free forming group as there are no elected positions, no dues, and no club property. Each member purchases the needed materials and builds their module according to their interests ...Created:
116 Members,
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CapitolHillDC / Capitol Hill DCWelcome to Capitol Hill DC! We offer a forum for neighbors in the 20002 and 20003 zip codes to exchange insights, recommendations of services and anything that contributes to the enjoyment of our community. We encourage the sharing of information about local issues, local news and local events, and opportunities for us to come together as a community.Created:
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CapitolHillParenting / Seattle Capitol Hill ParentingThis group is a community resource to support families in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle. Members are welcomed to use the group to: * exchange news and information about kid-focused events & services, * connect our kids for play dates, * seek, sell and swap baby gear: strollers, cribs, carriers, toys, clothes * reach out for help and support for various parenting issues, * discuss s...Created:
561 Members,
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CapitolViewNeighbors / Capitol View NeighborsA group for communication within the Capitol View Heights neighborhood in Madison WI.Created:
40 Members,
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CapitolViewPark / Capitol View ParkCommunity news and sharing, related to the Capitol View Park neighborhood in Silver Spring, Maryland.Created:
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CAPLA / California Anti-Pet Legislation AwarenessCalifornia once considered by many to be "lost ground" in the fight against the Animal Rights agenda to eradicate all domestic animals from existence has moved to the frontlines in the nationwide battle. With major ongoing donations primarily from the naive Hollywood community that absurdly believes they are "supporting animal rescue" with their funding, the AR contingency has mana...Created:
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Caplakes / The LoopThe Loop, aka [Caplakes] is an email method for residents of the Capitol Lakes Retirement Community in Madison Wisconsin to communicate issues of general interest on a timely basis..Created:
152 Members,
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CapoeiraAngolaKasselCapoeira in Kassel, Associaçao de Capoeira Angola DobradaCreated:
14 Members,
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capoeirArcos / capoeirArcosInformation related to classes, the group, and Capoeira in generalCreated:
2 Members,
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CAPOfficers / Desoto Composite Squadron OfficersThis is for the DeSoto Composite squadron of the Civil Air Patrol to pass on information about senior member and cadet CAP activitiesCreated:
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cappire00 / Success,Funny,Inspirational QuotesWhat is it about motivational quotes that make them so endearing? Every driven person eventually figures out that there's a whole lot of feel-good time wasters out there that suck us because they feel like work, and browsing endless lists of motivational phrases are no exception. And yet, there's hidden value in finding a concise expression that perfectly distills our own beliefs.Created:
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cappnr-eb / CAPPNR Egyesületi BizottságCAPPNR Egyesületi Bizottságának hivatalos kommunikációs csatornája.Created:
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cappnr-kozgyules / CAPPNR KözgyűlésCAPPNR Egyesület Közgyűlésének és tagságának hivatalos kommunikációs csatornája.Created:
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CappynetMailinglist officiel de cappyCreated:
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