WaverleyGreenStauntonWaverley Green of Staunton Neighborhood List is an open, unmoderated community Neighborhood list for owners and residents of the Waverley Green community in Staunton, VA. Subscribers join voluntarily. Posted messages are unedited submissions of individual subscribers and they do not necessarily reflect the views of anyone else. Please post and act responsibly. Respect your fellow members' ...Created:
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WaverlyParents / Waverly ParentsWelcome to Waverly Parents!This group was created for the community in and around PS 11*, past & present but is open to the expanded community. Please feel free to share information on community events, housing, items to give away or sell, employment, education, etc.. *Not affiliated with or endorsed by PS11 Brooklyn.Created:
140 Members,
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wavesWAVES Women Athletes Endurance SportsCreated:
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Wavetek-test-equipmentThis group has been setup for information on wavetek/stabilock service monitors and test equipment.Anyone sending SPAM to the group will be removed and banned from this group.Created:
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WAVEvillages / WAVE_talkCommunication forums for members of non-profit 501(c)(3) community villages in the greater Washington, DC area (including suburban Maryland and northern VirginiaCreated:
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waveyunlv / Wave YunlvWave Yunlv is a constellation of researchers distributed internationally. We span multidisciplinary research in the arts, sciences and design. We build on a variety of philosophies and on systems thinking. See an English definition of wave at the Oxford English Dictionary. Yunlv (also spelled Yùnlǜ or 韵律) can be translated as rhythm, cadence or meter.Created:
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WavViewDXThis group is a meeting point for all WavViewDX users, a software for medium wave and short wave DXers. Share your experiences, successes, feature wishes and bug reports.Created:
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wawa / WICHITA AREA WIRELESS ASSOCIATESLife got you down BUNKY?? Tired of COVID-19?, POLITICS? Someone ate your Halloween candy? Dealing with a pecking order?? Can you use barbed wire for an antenna? Do you need GROUNDING? Well, we've got news for you BUNKY!!!! This is for Radio Operators and those interested- AMATEURS, GMRS, CBers SWLers, QRPers, Preppers, DIYers, or Otherwise NO Dues, NO officers, NO MEETINGS, No associatio...Created:
33 Members,
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waxingmooncircle / Waxing Moon CircleWaxing Moon Circle is a Wiccan circle in the south San Francisco Bay Area that's been active since 1982. Having been well established from traditional lore taught to its founders by Alison Harlow, Victor Anderson, and Julie Tower, and led by seasoned and ordained Wiccan leaders, Waxing Moon is its own Wiccan tradition, which offers a non-gendered hierarchy in which the High Priest and High Pr...Created:
52 Members,
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Waybright-genealogy / Waybright History and GenealogyA surname discussion list for Waybright and all variations of the surname, including Weybright, Weibrecht, Weybrecht.Created:
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WayCrossing / ~WayCrossing~Worlds and times apart, you find yourself lost in a Realm running naked and fighting for your life through dense, deadly jungles. Or, perhaps you're in a Fantasy Realm, fighting Dragon-kin and evil Wizards, alongside beautiful Faeries and powerful Gryphons. Another Realm has you living in the hidden, modern world of Vampires, Lycans, Witches and Demons or... amongst them as their innocent prey...Created:
15 Members,
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Wayfinder-JobClubGroup for posting information between all Job Club members.Created:
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waylanddemsThe Wayland Democratic Town Committee works, through the election of Democratic candidates to public office, to support the health and well-being of our communities. We foster and advance the ideals and aims of the Democratic Party with broader goals of economic, social, and environmental justice. We work and organize for the success of the Democratic candidates and progressive policy in our Town,...Created:
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WaylandSquareProvidence / Wayland Square ProvidenceThis is the successor to the Wayland Square Yahoo! Group that began in 2004. Anyone interested in the Wayland Square neighborhood of Providence, Rhode Island, whether currently living here or not, is welcome to join. So are those interested in local affairs on Providence’s East Side or in Providence as a whole. This is not the place for direct commercial notices, although the moderator will re-p...Created:
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WaylandVoters / WaylandVotersNetworkHello, Welcome to the Wayland Voters Network listserv group at Groups.io. Thank you for subscribing. Please forward it to your friends and neighbors in Wayland who also would find it informative. The public can subscribe by sending a blank email to: main+subscribe@WaylandVoters.groups.io If you have never registered with Groups.io before, your account will not have a password set yet. Use the ...Created:
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waylandwaterinformation about wayland PFAS water issuesCreated:
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WAYNE-INA genealogical mailing list for Wayne County, Indiana. This replaces the list at rootsweb.com, which Ancestry plans on shutting down in March 2020. https://mailinglists.rootsweb.com/listindexes/details?list_name=wayne_inCreated:
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waynestatemusicbizA list for alumni/ae of the Wayne State University Music Business program.Created:
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WayneTownshipFiremensReliefAll correspondence for Wayne Township Firemen's Relief Association.Created:
26 Members,
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WAYtourA forum for past participants of the East Coast Greenway Week-a-Year Tour and related persons. Useful for posting pictures of past tours, arranging visits, and discussion of other tours people will be participating in.Created:
14 Members,
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