SAUDSNSAUDSN The SAUDSN is a group of Ham Radio operators that used to get on the air and talk to each other in the 1970's. We now meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8 am Pacific Time on 3.755 MHz. We also gather Saturday at 7pm Pacific time on 3.755 MHz. Our alternate frequency for 3.755 MHz is 7.231 +/- QRM. If propagation, lack of a radio or other flimsy excuses prohibit you from jo...Created:
22 Members,
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Sauer-genealogy / Sauer History and GenealogyA genealogy discussion group for the SAUER surname and variations including Sauers, Sower, Sowers.)Created:
15 Members,
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sauerlandFamiliengeschichtsforschung, Regional-, Orts- und Hausgeschichte im Sauerland Diese Mailingliste dient dem Austausch zur Familiengeschichtsforschung (Genealogie) und zur Regional-, Orts- und Hausgeschichte im Sauerland. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem ehemaligen Herzogtum Westfalen (etwa: Hochsauerlandkreis, Kreis Olpe, Teile des Kreises Soest). Erfahrene Familiengeschichtsforscher und Regionalhis...Created:
49 Members,
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saultbirds / SaultbirdsDedicated to birds and birding in the Sault Ste. Marie area. Feel free to post any sightings of rare or uncommon birds in the Sault area. The Sault Ste. Marie birding area is defined as a circle of radius 50 miles around the centre of the International Bridge - see map here: SSM AREA MAP Posts with pictures, ID requests, sightings of common birds, and general chatting about birding in the area...Created:
58 Members,
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SaundersPoint / Saunders Point Community, Neighbors -Talking-to-NeighborsThis email group is to facilitate neighbors-talking-to-neighbors conversations in the community of Saunders Point on the Mayo Peninsula in Anne Arundel County, Maryland. Please indicate your connection to the community and your street address when applying for group membership by replying to the "Response required to act on your request for membership in group" ema...Created:
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SAUsers / SAUsersThe purpose of this group is to discuss technical issues related to the IBM Z System Automation product with your peers. The purpose is not a place for SPAM, marketing or recruiting. By accepting membership in this group you agree to abide by those rules and will be removed if you violate them.Created:
362 Members,
455 Topics,
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sauveurtestgrouptest group for sauveur mailing listsCreated:
1 Member,
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savagetideSavage Tide Adventure PathCreated:
9 Members,
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savannahastronomy / The Oglethorpe Astronomical AssociationThe Oglethorpe Astronomical Association is Savannah’s group for those interested in astronomy, space science and weather. Continuously active for over 50 years, we are an award winning organization with a very active membership. OAA members range in experience from those just getting started in astronomy to those with many years of experience either as a hobby or in a professional capacity. From...Created:
103 Members,
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SavannahBreedMentorsGroup created to help new breeds with mentoring by more experienced Savannah cat breeders.Created:
4 Members,
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savannahcatenthusiastsThis group is a companion group to the FB group, Savanah Cat Enthusiasts. TICA registered savannah cat breeders may post Savannah cats or kittens for sale.Created:
9 Members,
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SavannahCatRehomingA group hosted and moderated by Savannah Cat Rescue for pet owners to find new homes for their Savannah Cats. Posts will be limited to those offering an altered adult Savannah (older than 6 months of age). Posts should include the location of the cat, name of cat, age, gender, generation, spay/neuter status and also the adoption (which should be less than $500). We do believe that offering "fr...Created:
3,125 Members,
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SavannahCatRescueSavannah Cat Rescue is a 501c3 rescue group for the Savannah breed of cat. Managed by a core group of volunteers throughout the US and Canada, we will use this group to send out emails to people interested in hearing when we have a Savannah available for adoption.Created:
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savannahkittens / Savannah KittensLooking for a Savannah kitten? Posts are limited to classifieds or wanted ads for Savannah kittens/cats, you can view the posts or sign up to receive notification of new kittens available from a variety of TICA-registered catteries. If you are a TICA-registered cattery, you should email to verify your cattery so that your kitten posts are approved. Posts should include bo...Created:
25 Members,
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Savannahkittensforsale / Savannah Kittens for SaleSavannah kittens for sale is a group for TICA registered savannah breeders to showcase their kittens. This is meant to be a group where buyers and sellers can connect and have a happy ending...where savannah kittens can find wonderful homes and buyers can find wonderful kittens.Created:
3 Members,
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1 Member,
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Save-Andys-Fruit-VarietiesThis is a group for people interested in preserving rare fruit varieties from Andy Mariani's orchard, so that they can be enjoyed and perhaps even used for further plant breeding. Most group members will be from California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG), but that is not required. We will need help planning, grafting, digging, and maintaining several different orchard sites, and this will be our mai...Created:
41 Members,
6 Topics,
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Save-Culters-GreenbeltThis email group is now suspended - any questions to
48 Members,
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Save223 / R&LHS Golden Spike Chapter - Save 223This is a mailing list for members, volunteers, and friends of the Railway and Locomotive Historical Society, Golden Spike Chapter. Our mission is to see D&RGW narrow gauge C-16 locomotive restored to operation. Note that this group is set up for public access.Created:
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SaveAmerica / SaveAmericaHello Patriots! Let's discuss our great country and ways to keep our great values and history! Share local and state news. We are Faithful, God-Fearing folks, love our Flag and our long history of being #1 in the world. At this moment we're watching the dismantling of the progression DJT made in just his short 4 years. We watched our great President Trump Make America Great Again and h...Created:
14 Members,
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