oldfartnet / Old FartnetAlumni of Yale's Society of Orpheus and BacchusCreated:
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OldFartzSkiersA loosely knit group of mostly senior-citizen Colorado skiers has come together to share their love of skiing Mary Jane at Winter Park, Copper Mountain, and Loveland Basin during the week, for the most part. Coming up from the Metro Denver and foothills area each day, most of these guys and gals head for the black diamond bumps.Created:
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OldFashionedKYASC / Old Fashioned KY ASCA group for members of the Old Fashioned KY ASCCreated:
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OLDFILMGEARLooking for hard to find 35mm film equipment, bring film into the digital age. As everything moves further into the world of digital technology it becomes increasingly more difficult to shoot film. Not because film itself has changed, but the accessories needed to translate the film camera to modern methods of the film making process has, and that equipment that is needed is extremely hard to loca...Created:
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OldFoxRadioClubHaving fun with radio ,antennas,homebrew,etcCreated:
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OldFriendsNet / Old Friends NetThe Old Friends Net meets on 3715 khz every Sunday at 4 PM and Tuesday at 9 AM . There is also a session every Thursday at 9 AM on 3715 khz. We use AM mode only. Any kind of rig from modern transceivers to giant, tube filled racks is fine. We enjoy discussing our stations and everyone within hearing range is welcome. Most stations are located in NC, SC, TN and GA area. Please use this email lis...Created:
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oldgeezernet / Old Geezer NetAmateur radio group that hold a net @ 8:00 AM EST on 3.952 LSB 6 days a week. Everyday but Sunday. All are welcome and please join us on the net. GEEZER PRIDE! Geezers are easy to spot: At sporting events, during the playing of the Star Spangled BANNER, Old Geezers remove their caps and stand at attention and sing without embarrassment. They know the words and believe in them. Old Geezers re...Created:
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OldGloryBankOGB / Portal / Thank youCreated:
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OldGoatsAmateurRadioRepeaterGroupA group about Amateur Radio in and around Bad Axe Michigan.Created:
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oldgrannygrandmas, senior citizens, family, encouragingCreated:
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OldGuysCrazy old fools travelingCreated:
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oldhickoryassociation / Old Hickory Association, Inc.The Old Hickory Association is dedicated to honor the men of the 30th Infantry Division, who left their homes, jobs and families to fight for our American Ideals of Freedom. We participate in veteran reunions, public presentations, and honor ceremonies. We also portray 30th Division soldiers at living history events and battle reenactments several times each year.Created:
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OldiesClassA group for students of John Jensen's "Roots of Rock & Roll 1950s-60s" classes from the Bellevue College Continuing Education program in Bellevue, WA. We will discuss the pop music of (mostly) the 1950s and 1960s -- our memories, our favorites, interesting trivia, and so forth.Created:
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oldladygroup / Old Lady GroupThis list is for anyone who Owns a Golden Retriever Or Owned a Golden Retriever. This List is a FUN GRoup. You can talk about anything you feel like... Tell Jokes "What Ever!" So if you think your Old,You are Old, Or going to be Old someday come and join the funCreated:
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OldMachineRestorations / Old Machine RestorationsA place where members can post about their projects of machines they are restoring or have restored previously. Get advice, tips, source materials and parts and showcase your work. Lets see your handiworkCreated:
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oldmachineryenginesandsteamowners / Oldmachinery-engines and steamownersThis group is for owners and amateurs of old machinery excavators, road making,old stationary engines and steam related tractors and engines. It is dedicated to help each other in restoration projects and aid to find old classic machinery. When you become member of this group you can look at thephotos.Created:
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oldmainlinegroup / Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Old Main Line SubdivisonThis group is for the historical examination of the B&O Railroad's Old Main Line subdivision (Baltimore to Point of Rocks, MD) with additional examination of the associated Frederick Branch, Adamstown Cutoff, Washington County Branch (to Hagerstown) and the Shenandoah Branch. The OML was the first commercial railroad line open to the public in the United States. The OML started operation o...Created:
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OldMTVevents / Old MTV EventsAn events-only mailing list for residents of the Old Mountain View Neighborhood. To keep this high signal, we will limit what can be posted to events hosted by Old MTV Eventors.Created:
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OldPfaffPforum / Old Pfaff PforumPfaff sewing machines have long been known for their engineering and reliability. Because of this, a lot of older Pfaffs are still in use today. This is a place to talk to other Pfaff enthusiasts about the old, all-metal Pfaffs that weigh over 25 pounds. If your Pfaff is made of white plastic, you are welcome to join, but probably won't hear any discussions about the later model Pfaffs. You mi...Created:
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oldradiosinternationalOldRadiosInternational - formerly GrundigSatellitInternational@yahoo.com. Originally started in 1999 as a Grundig Satellit Collectors Group by Mike Petrozello, Ian Waugh, Tim Maxwell, Michael Crook and Thomas Baier. Only Mike P remains from the original group. Now dedicated to all radios - new and old - especially WORLDBAND portables, upper-end ham wide band receivers, vintage tube-type radios,...Created:
16 Members,
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