LCWWFlorida / LCWW Shows & NewsWelcome to Loving Cats Worldwide - LCWW Florida is a group to help build Florida and surrounding areas. This group is informative as well as educational. Show posts are encouraged, as well as questions to find answers for you. We support all exhibitors, managers, clubs and anyone who would like to join. Join in group discussions to give suggestions, or feedback of any kind as long as you keep ...Created:
232 Members,
358 Topics,
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LCWWJudges / LCWW JudgesThis group is a private group for LCWW Judges to communicate within the LCWW Judges circle only. Please post your comments, suggestions, and questions to help improve or provide information for our team. Feedback is welcomed.Created:
41 Members,
10 Topics,
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LCYCThis group is for currently enrolled LCYC families. Share information pertinent to the preschool or preschool age children.Created:
64 Members,
34 Topics,
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ldartedigital** LD Arte e Criação Digital ** É um grupo destinado a artes digitais em geral, como: - Tubes - Imagens (sem restrição autoral) - Materiais para Paint Shop Pro e Photoshop - Papéis de Carta - Etiquetas - Scrapbook Digital - Eventualmente Tutoriais Entre outros. Faça parte do nosso grupo e compartilhe sua experiência!Created:
2 Members,
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ldbaThis is a group for members of the Long Distance Baseball AssociationCreated:
33 Members,
19,188 Topics,
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LDCcommunityThe online forum of the Lutheran Deaconess Conference (LDC)Created:
2 Members,
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ldedcmembershipMembers-only listserv for Les Dames D'escoffier DC ChapterCreated:
123 Members,
557 Topics,
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LDEstrada5Testing 1 2 3...Created:
1 Member,
0 Topics,
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ldgelectronics / LDG ElectronicsThis is a volunteer-run group for Hams interested in discussing & sharing ideas about LDG Electronics accessories.Created:
1,607 Members,
432 Topics,
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LDNLDN stands for Low Dose Naltexone. Typically this dosage ranges from 1mg to 5mg per day. This group seeks to allow people to explore and consider the subject of LDN and it's effects on human health and wellness.Created:
3 Members,
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ldpag2 / Leicester disabled peoples access groupThis a group of people with different disabilities that want to work together to make all areas of Leicester accessable for every body that visits and lives in LeicesterCreated:
4 Members,
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LDRiders / Long Distance RidersA group of good friends who enjoy riding together. This site helps to chronicle our annual motorcycle trips 2011 - DREW & BILL'S Excellent Adventure to Knoxville, Tail of the Dragon, etc. 2012 - Maine - World's Best Clam Chowder - yuck, Bar Harbor, Quoddy Head Lighthouse 2013 - Virginia - Back of the Dragon, Blue Ridge Parkway, Grandfather Mtn. and The Tilted Kilt 2014 - Nova Scotia ...Created:
8 Members,
10 Topics,
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ldsig / Layout Design SIG Discussion GroupThis discussion forum is for members and friends of the model railroad Layout Design SIG. Membership in the Layout Design SIG is encouraged, but not required. Model railroaders, model train enthusiasts, and everyone who loves model railroading: we welcome discussion on all aspects of model railroad layout design, construction, and operation in this group! Posts deemed as an advertiseme...Created:
3,079 Members,
22,349 Topics,
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LDXA / LDXALafayette DX AssociationCreated:
23 Members,
1,803 Topics,
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le-leo-amiensGroupe d'échange du Club de plongée Le LéoCreated:
2 Members,
0 Topics,
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LeadershipOMVNA / OMVNA Leadership CouncilThe OMVNA Leadership Council consists of the Steering Committee: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Newsletter Editor, Community Liaison, and 2 Members-At-Large; as well as the Chairs of the standing subcommittees.Created:
12 Members,
483 Topics,
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leadinglearning4genderequalityWelcome to the Leadership Facilitators TeamCreated:
5 Members,
2 Topics,
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Leafscan / Leafscan discussion groupAn open forum for owners of LeafScan film scanners to discuss any and all topics regarding LeafScan scanners.Created:
25 Members,
26 Topics,
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LeagueofFanFunds / LFFA private mailing list for occasional UK discussion and co-ordination of science fiction fan funds, aka the League of Fan Funds.Created:
7 Members,
29 Topics,
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LeaheyFormerly Rootsweb genealogy list. For the discussion and sharing of information regarding the Leahey surname.Created:
3 Members,
3 Topics,
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