feministbirdclub-jc / FBC-JCFeminist Bird Club of Jersey City! We are a group of feminist avian-lovers who go on adventures together in the New Jersey area.Created:
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FeministHorrorBookClubLet's read feminist horror books together! Invite your friends! Must know another member of the group or be able to meet locally. Related Sci-Fi Group Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/234787-feminist-sci-fi-book-club Email list: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/feministscifibookclubCreated:
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feministimagegroup / Feminist Image GroupThe Feminist Image Group was formed in 2009 by artist and curator Anna Stump. FIG is a coalition of visual artists who meet to discuss art, see exhibitions, and support one another in our careers. We work across many media, including drawing, painting, photography, sculpture, installation, digital media and performance. As artists, we are concerned with how women continue to be portrayed and t...Created:
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feministindiaA platform for feministsCreated:
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feministpsychotherapists / Feminist PsychotherapistsThis group aims to connect feminist psychotherapists of all disciplines.Created:
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feministsindiaSouth Asian FeministsCreated:
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femm / FEMM (Finite Elements Magnetic)This group is for users of software Femm ( Finite Elements Magnetic ). This group is for users of Finite Elements Method Magnetics (FEMM). FEMM is a Windows program for solving 2D and axisymmetric problems of AC and DC magnetics, electrostatics, heat flow, and current flow. . Home page: http://www.femm.info/Created:
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femmasnouGrup de correus de Fem MasnouCreated:
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FemmesInRubberBootsThis site was created by Mike Frankovich, II, and although we have lost Mike, his many friends all around the world are keeping it going as best we can. We are trying to stay true to his original vision as a place for those who share his love for Femmes in Rubber Boots. Mike welcomed everyone here who shared these interests.Created:
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femmysteryGroup for people who enjoy mysteries by written by female writers. By no means are we limited to female writers.Created:
17 Members,
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FencingBookClubGroup Discussion on Fencing Manuals: how to read them; how to learn from them; historical study.Created:
27 Members,
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Fenderstrat0031To understand and further my knowledge with regards to all avenues of Radio especially the restoration and conservation of all things in this field..Created:
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FenerbahceFenerbahçe spor kulübüCreated:
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FENG-Houston / FENG HoustonGroup for the Houston chapter of the Financial Executives Network GroupCreated:
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fengshuiA continuation of the former yahoo group that was known as Traditional feng shui. Although all forms of feng shui are welcome here unlike the old group.Created:
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FenixGenealogy research of the surname Fenix anywhere.Created:
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FENWICK / FENWICK GENEALOGYA list for anyone researching the family history & genealogy of the surname FENWICKCreated:
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feosGroup for the FEOS (Formación estelar y objetos subestelares) collaborationCreated:
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fepic / FEMALE EYE PHYSICIANS IN CANADAPlease join us at FEPIC (female eye physicians in Canada). The intention of this listserv is to create a safe and confidential space to discuss all issues related to female ophthalmologists in Canada as they pertain to us locally, provincially, regionally and nationally. Please be kind, honest, thoughtful and respectful to yourself and all members of the group.Created:
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FeralCats / FeralCatsHOW TO HELP feral and stray cats -- care of cat colonies, how to TNR (trap-neuter-return), taming, working with traumatized cats. I coined the term "hard stray", circa 1993, to help us think in terms of a spectrum of socialization, rather than either/or, feral/tame -- List touchable cats as FOUND! at official animal control! Assume that cats are LOST, not dumped (& if dumped, often wer...Created:
1,463 Members,
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