ei-bm-server-noticesMailing list to inform Repeater/Gateway owners (or indeed anyone) of any maintenance or other activities that may affect service on the BrandMeister Ireland Server.Created:
49 Members,
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ei-dmr / EI DMR PlanningMailing list for the discussion of: * DMR Talkgroup Planning and allocation * Assisting potential repeater and gateway operators with any future applications (frequency re-use etc.) * Providing some initial/basic code-plugs to get operators on the air as quickly as possible. * Back end DMR infrastructure * Suggestions for frequency co-ordination * DMR usage on all active bandsCreated:
12 Members,
12 Topics,
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EIACVSEastern Iowa Auxiliary Communications Volunteer ServiceCreated:
1 Member,
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eialodi / Lodi Empires in Arms gamePlay by email Empires in Arms groupCreated:
8 Members,
45 Topics,
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EIARESEastern Iowa Auxiliary Radio Emergency ServicesCreated:
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EicherFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – EicherCreated:
6 Members,
5 Topics,
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EichlerFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – EichlerCreated:
3 Members,
4 Topics,
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EICOTubeAudio / EICO Tube AudioThis group is for sharing information, experiences, and fun on collecting, restoring, tweaking and playing with EICO tube audio gear. Interests may include other tube audio equipment such as Heathkit and DIY audio projects. To access EICO manuals, schematics and data, click "FILES". Members are encouraged to post their photos; just create a folder and add your photos. This group is the...Created:
142 Members,
56 Topics,
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EifelGenealogyDedicated to research or history of the Eifel area in the western Rhineland, next to Luxembourg.Created:
1 Member,
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eifelvulkane / IG Eifelvulkane - Interessengemeinschaft zum Erhalt der EifelvulkaneIG Eifelvulkane Interessengemeinschaft zum Erhalt der Eifelvulkane Die Interessen Gemeinschaft (IG) Eifelvulkane kämpft für den Erhalt der Vulkanlandschaft in der Eifel. Der nachhaltige Schutz dieser einzigartigen Landschaft und der geologischen Wasserspeicher muss Vorrang haben vor kurzfristigen Gewinninteressen. Der immer schnellere industrielle Abbau der charakteristischen Berge der Vul...Created:
39 Members,
7 Topics,
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EightRiversAmateurRadioGroup / EightRiversAmateurRadioGroupA group where Amateur Operators meet and stay connected!Created:
1 Member,
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eightstreets / Eight Streets Neighborhood Associationmailing list for the Eight Streets Neighborhood Association in the South End of Boston, MACreated:
256 Members,
1,150 Topics,
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Eikenberry-genealogy / Eikenberry History and GenealogyA genealogy discussion group for the Eikenberry surname and variations, including Ikenberry.Created:
4 Members,
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EiklorFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Eiklor and Eichler surnames and variations. Ancestry message boards: https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.eiklor https://www.ancestry.com/boards/surnames.eichlerCreated:
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eildonramblers / Group email addressesGroup email addressesCreated:
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EileenMo5EEileenMo5E - tracking time at 5ECreated:
4 Members,
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EileenUpdatesUpdates on Eileen's medical visits.Created:
22 Members,
104 Topics,
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EIMAgilitySTL / Canine Excellence in MotionStudents of Agility in the St. Louis area. Communication tool for CEIM to communicate with current and future studentsCreated:
168 Members,
297 Topics,
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EIMJuniorsSTLThis is for Junior handlers of Excellence in Motion. For them to communicate and ask questions of other Juniors and Karen WinterCreated:
8 Members,
3 Topics,
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Einsichtsdialog-Bern / Einsichtsdialog BernWir treffen uns alle paar Wochen nach Ankündigung zur Übung / Vertiefung des Einsichtsdialogs in Bern. Detaillierte Informationen zur Praxis findest du auf den folgenden Webseiten: Einsichtsdialog – Insight Dialogue – Meditationspraxis Insight Dialogue Community - Living Relational Dhamma Verpflichtung zur Vertraulichkeit, einschließlich Nicht mit der ganzen Gruppe teilen, was von a...Created:
37 Members,
11 Topics,
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