DECThe DEC group is for the falcon campus, extended care program, parents. The purpose of this group is to help facilitate pick up drop off (carpooling) coordination and community building. To request membership, please indicate your child's name, grade and teacher. This supports your membership eligibility. The DEC group is not to be used for advocating political or religious opinions, circulati...Created:
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decadesinthemaking / Decades in the Making CohortTBA soon by the owners of this group.Created:
3 Members,
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DecaturfirecapsCommunications group for member of the Citizens Assisting Public Safety Members working with Decatur Fire and RescueCreated:
1 Member,
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december98 / December98The December98 group is a pregnancy list for those due in December of 1998. It started in early 1998, although some friends joined later. We primarily discuss our children who were born in November and December of 1998 and January of 1999. We started on which became, and we very much appreciated their support. We moved to egroups because we wanted to have more con...Created:
62 Members,
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Deck-BuildersResidential Deck design and technique ideasCreated:
1 Member,
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deckelThis group is for owners or anyone interested in Deckel milling machines or any other Deckel machinery.Created:
25 Members,
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deckhouseownersFor owners of Deck Houses, made by the Deck House Company. Discussions about renovations, upkeep, and so on. This group is not affiliated with the Deck House Company. We start with the principle of believing these houses are worth maintaining and upgrading sensitively.Created:
128 Members,
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DecksideVillasDeckside Villas Of Oxnard, CACreated:
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declegacy / DEC LegacyA group for those interested in the DEC Legacy Event - for enthusiasts of DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORATION. See The DEC Legacy Website for more information.Created:
93 Members,
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decloner / Decloner UsersThe official Decloner Users' groupCreated:
3 Members,
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Deco-SwappersDo you love swapping decos? Do you need some people to swap decos with on a regular basis? Do you like making themed decos? Or do you like to swap established decos? If you've answered yes to any of the questions, then this is the group for you. This group was moved from Yahoo Groups after major changes in 2019. If you are interested in joining this group, you will have to fill out a pending m...Created:
40 Members,
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DecodingTheCoran / Decoding The CoranDecoding The Coran (Description will be added on later. If you've any suggestions, please write to me))Created:
2 Members,
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decolonizethelibrary / Decolonize the LibraryVernetzung und Austausch zum Thema Dekolonisierung und Antirassismus in BibliothekenCreated:
87 Members,
232 Topics,
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dedicated-friendsFriend of the friends networkCreated:
1 Member,
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DedicatedtoDedicatedto Group is alibeCreated:
1 Member,
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dee-ufc / DEE -UFCLista de discussão dos professores do Departamento de Estudos Especializados da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal do CearáCreated:
21 Members,
387 Topics,
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DeedMapperThis list is for users of the Deed Mapper program and those wanting to learn more about the product.Created:
86 Members,
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DeedsFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the surname – DeedsCreated:
4 Members,
3 Topics,
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deemarBoP / deemarBoPGroup for playing play-by-email games of the Birds of Prey wargame system ( refereed by deemar. The scenario that we are currently playing is Al'Iiesar from the December 2018 Patreon post. This puts a pair of Egyptian Air Force Rafale EM (Rafale C-F3) against a pair of Royal Saudi Air Force Eurofighter Typhoons. The powers that be have given permission for me to share ...Created:
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Deep-And-Wide-Albany / Deep and Wide: Reconnecting with the Radical Inclusion and Justice of JesusDo you… Feel stuck in a cycle of doom-scrolling? Experience the world as an increasingly scary and uncertain place? Believe that there must be more, a higher power, a better purpose? Long for a spiritual connection but have no interest in traditional religion? Are you… Losing hope in a positive future for yourself and the people you love? Wounded by organized religion, but still feel like mayb...Created:
10 Members,
11 Topics,
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