watt / WATTWoodstock Area Tech Talk, based in Woodstock Ontario Canada, primarily HAM Radio - Amateur Radio Technical Talk. The idea of the Group is to discuss Technical Topics around Ham Radio and discuss other home-brew radio projects etc. In order that the Group can prosper we welcome & encourage members to share and discuss projects of their own. Please lets keep the discussion to radio or ele...Created:
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watt-32 / Watt-32, the 32 bit Waterloo TCP/IP stackThis group is targeted at developers and users of the enhanced Waterloo tcp/ip library called Watt-32. This library is used to create networked TCP/IP programs under DOS and Windows. It requires a DOS Packet, SwsVpkt or WinPcap network-driver. Watt-32 supports Borland, Watcom, Metaware, Digital Mars, Quick-C, Visual-C and GNU C with djgpp or MingW. Watt-32 includes BSD-sockets, DHCP, BOOTP, TFTP, ...Created:
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wattsenseA group dedicated to announcements of new features and bugfixes.Created:
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wattsfamily / Larry & Ramona Watts Family GroupGroup for children, spouses, and posterity of Larry and Ramona WattsCreated:
11 Members,
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WAUC / WAUC (Email address: MAIN@WAUC.groups.io)The Wisconsin All-computer Users Club is for computer users of every level of expertise, from novice to expert. Our computer user group supports a variety of computer platforms. Be SURE to subscribe (see left hand sidebar) to get the full impact of all of the options available with this system. For WAUC information pages please check out the WIKI pages. (Click on WIKI). Check on the WAUC newslett...Created:
43 Members,
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WaucAndroidPhonesWAUC Sub Group for Android Phones.Created:
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WaucIphones / WAUC I_Phone GroupThis is the IPhone Sub Group for WAUC.Created:
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WaukeshaPantryRecipesTipsI am starting this blog to list recipes that utilize mainly items commonly found at Waukesha County food pantries. May be helpful to pantry recipients in general elsewhere. Also will include a post with a list of apps & links to useful sites to save money on food.Created:
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WaukewanVillageBoardofDirectorsThe active members of Waukewan Village Association, Meredith NHCreated:
6 Members,
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WaukewanVillageownersThis is a group of property owners at Waukewan Village, Meredith NH.Created:
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WaukewanVillageResidentsA group of individuals that either own or rent a home at Waukewan Village, Meredith NH. This page is operated with the hope of sharing information about snowplowing, trash pick ups, and other maintenance issues at the AssociationCreated:
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WaupacaCountyARES / Waupaca County ARESSERVING: WCEM Waupaca County Emergency Management Waupaca County Emergency Management coordinates effective response and recovery efforts relating to natural and technological disasters within Waupaca County. Through planning, training and exercising, we prepare our citizens and our response personnel to help mitigate the loss of lives and property. WEM Wisconsin Emergency Management Wisconsi...Created:
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waupacacountyaresracesAmatuer Radio Emergency/Event Communications. ARES/RACESCreated:
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WAVAFamiliesThis group i has been created as a place for WAVA Families to connect outside of Facebook - as more and more people move away from that platform in search of a more secure and private virtual space. Your data will never be shared by anyone in this group, nor will you ever be spammed.Created:
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wavca / West Acton Village Condo AssociationWest Acton Village Condo AssociationCreated:
15 Members,
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wavebjj / Wave Brazilian Jiu JitsuWave Brazilian Jiu Jitsu members and friends groupCreated:
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Wavelab24GHzThis group like to link all Ham radio amateurs who are building the Wavelab 24G Addon module from PA0MHE. Here we can pose questions, publish results, share improvements or modifications. The design files are on the GitHub page: https://github.com/PA0MHE/Wavelab-24G-Addon-module
205 Members,
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waveletWavelet Solutions sdn bhdCreated:
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waveneyheritageAn email group for the board Waveney HeritageCreated:
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Waverley-Amateur-Radio-SocietyEmail group for the waverley Amateur Radio Society.Created:
64 Members,
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