vintage60Strat-O-Matic Basketball Draft LeagueCreated:
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Vintage_Featherlite-Flower_Sewing_Machines / Vintage Featherlite & Flower Sewing MachinesThis group is intended for owners of the very rare Featherlight & Flower sewing machine (not the famous Singer Featherweight) to share information on how to maintain the machine and use it. As far as I have been able to discover, the machines were manufactured in Taiwan and sold in the United States with the brand name featherlite which was registered by the now defunct C & J Distributing ...Created:
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vintageatlantaradio / Vintage Atlanta RadioThis group is devoted mainly to discussing vintage Atlanta broadcast radio. If you have old photos, audio recordings, or just wish to bring forward questions or recollections, please go ahead and share them here. If you have material from other parts of the country, it is okay for you to share here, but we want to focus on Atlanta, Georgia, or the southeast as much as possible. Other than that,...Created:
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VintageAudioA discussion group for enthusiasts of ALL types of HIGH-QUALITY Audio/Stereo equipment and the Music that equipment celebrates and honors!Created:
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vintageCalculatorsThis group is about vintage electronic calculators and calculating machines of all manufacturers. Exchange of informations about repairing, restoring, and collecting of vintage calculators.Created:
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VintageChoice / Vintage ChoiceThis is the place for all things vintage, from recipes, to antiques, to childhood memories!Created:
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VintageElectronics / Vintage Electronics Repair and RestorationA place to share knowledge and tips for repairing and restoring those amazing pieces of engineering of the golden age of analog electronic engineering. From test equipment to fine audio equipment. We sure love those good old days when quality and class mattered.Created:
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VintageElise2 / Vintage Elise 2Introduced in 1957, Madame Alexander's 16.5" Elise is a vision to behold. Madame created a very large assortment of fashionable clothing for her and she could be purchased fully dressed or or in her basic chemise. Elise has a body of hard plastic with soft vinyl arms and she is jointed at the ankle, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder and neck. Her shiny saran hair can be washed and combed.Created:
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VintageHO / Vintage HO OperatorsWelcome to our new Vintage HO Operators Group, a continuation of the former Yahoo Group. To see the message archives from the previous Yahoo group, click here. This is the list for those who still run the good old HO of the past, Varney, Penn Line, Athearn metal, the list is virtually endless. Generally, I'm saying anything from the early 60's and before. Athearn Rubber band d...Created:
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VintageHoneyDollandFriends / Vintage Effanbee Honey Doll and FriendsThis group is for all of us who collect (or just want to learn more about) the Vintage Hard Plastic Dolls of the '50's. Some of these are Effanbee Honey, American Character Sweet Sue, Arranbee Nanette/Nancy Lee, Rita, Raving Beauty, Madame Alexander Cissy and Elise, Binnie, Winnie, Maggie and Margaret Rose, Ideal Toni and Saucy Walker, Mary Hoyer, Roberta Lou, or any other of that era. ...Created:
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VintageKenmoreSew / Kinder and friendlier group to help find, ID, understand, use, repair, and learn about Sears Kenmore sewing machines.A kinder and friendlier group dedicated to helping you find, ID, understand, use, repair, and learn about Sears Kenmore sewing machines. We're NOT into a bunch of rules here. Just have a good time and let's all help one another. NOBODY WILL UNJUSTLY OR CAPRICIOUSLY BE TOSSED OUT OF THE GROUP - AS OFTEN HAPPENED IN ANOTHER SEARS-KENMORE GROUP ELSEWHERE. If you are removed, you will know ...Created:
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VintageKenmoresSew / VintageKenmoresSewHelping Others Use & Care For Vintage Kenmore Sewing Machines Creating Information Archives and Photo Albums for DocumentationCreated:
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VintageKnittingMachinesA group to pass on knowledge to those who are using vintage knitting machines now and in the future.Created:
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VintageKorg / Vintage Korg AnnouncementsWelcome to the Vintage Korg Groups, dedicated to the "vintage" gear of the Japanese manufacturer Korg, like synths, drum machines, or outboard equipment and all that good stuff. Everything from the early beginnings as Keio up to the mid-eighties gear like the DW-8000, when Korg moved over to digital synthesis. To subscribe to the Vintage Korg Maillist, click here. To view the maillist arch...Created:
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VintageMALissyThis is primarily a Reference Group for Collectors of Vintage and Modern MA Lissy and Lissy-faced dolls. We also have reference albums for special activities from the discontinued Yahoo Vintage Lissy Group. Photo Albums are presented in the following order: A. Urgent and New information B. Vintage Lissy Reference Albums C. Modern Lissy Reference Albums D. Special MA Character Dolls manufactured w...Created:
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VintageMALISSYreference / A Vintage Lissy Photo ReferenceA documentation group created for the MeWe All Lissy's Friends Activity Group to document Madame Alexander's Lissy and the Lissy faced Little Women, Kelly and Pamela. Lissy is Madame Alexander's pre-teen 11 inch doll. Albums dedicated to her original wardrobe by type, Kelly, Special Editions and Ballerinas, Presentations, Little Women, and all of the Modern Lissy's are included. ...Created:
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VintageModelYachtGroupThe source for Vintage Model Yacht information and historiesCreated:
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VintageMysteriesWe focus on vintage mystery novels. Authors may include Edgar Allen Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle, Raymond Chandler, Dorothy Sayers, Ellery Queen, Agatha Christie, Erle Stanley Gardner, Dashiell Hammett, Margery Allingham, Anthony Gilbert, G. K. Chesterton, and many others. We'll also have general discussions of this genre. If you love hard boiled and vintage mystery and detective stories, this is t...Created:
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VintageRadioControlSociety / The Vintage Radio Control SocietyThis message group is supported by members of the Vintage Radio Control Society and is used to provide an information source for those interested in vintage R/C airplanes. Through our bi-monthly newsletter and annual reunions we are dedicated to the preservation of our radio control history, including the achievements of those electronic and air frame design pioneers that made radio control fligh...Created:
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VintageRecipes / Vintage RecipesDo you love to share and collect vintage recipes? Vintage Recipes will focus on old-fashioned recipes your aunt, mom or grandma cooked back-in-the day. If you are interested in learning how to cook from scratch Vintage Recipes would be a good place to learn how to cook as the older recipes used basic ingredients. Vintage Recipes were often frugal too as they used commonly found ingredients. Sign u...Created:
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