extreme weaving
Created: 10/25/22
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
set up to replace Urban Maglev YahooGroup site archive
Created: 11/30/19
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
A group for those interested in urban/industrial model railroading.
Created: 6/07/18
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
urbanrailnews / Urban Rail News
This newsgroup is devoted to discussion of urban passenger rail worldwide: metros, subways, heavy rail, light rail, trams, as well as mainline railways within metropolitan areas (but not intercity rail). This group is the successor of the UrbanRail.net group that closed in March 2018. This group migrated here from http://groups.yahoo.com/urbanrailnews in October 2019.
Created: 10/18/19
78 Members, 645 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Mar 17
UrbexLands Foggia è un gruppo fondato nel 2022, dedicato agli appassionati di esplorazione urbana nella città di Foggia e dintorni. Da quando è stato creato, il gruppo ha esplorato oltre 14 luoghi diversi, portando alla luce la storia nascosta e dimenticata della città. Gli esploratori di UrbexLands Foggia hanno documentato ogni visita, lasciando il loro segno attraverso racconti fotografici e...
Created: 8/25/24
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
UrChickensAlly available information for people who have chickens from our property. Shared advice, examples, family pictures, classes, and product recommendations available to a closed group. Membership is only granted to those who have been added by the Ur Chickens Ally group. For general info, FB page San Francisco Bay Area Chicken Keepers is an open group.
Created: 10/17/19
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
URContest / Ukrainian Ham-Radio Contest Reflector
Ukrainian Ham-Radio Contest Reflector
Created: 1/15/20
118 Members, 228 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 10/04/24
URDX / Ukrainian Ham-Radio DX Reflector
Ukrainian Ham-Radio DX Reflector
Created: 1/15/20
92 Members, 113 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 5/09/24
URepColorado / Universal representation advocates
Advocacy group seeking to expand universal representation in Colorado.
Created: 1/11/23
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
We will discuss and share research on the ancestors and descendants of Uriah Stone and Elizabeth "Betsy" Lesley. We will also focus on their son, Asbury Hampton "Berry" Stone, and his wife, Asenith "Annie or Seny" Massey.
Created: 2/04/20
2 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post: 7/28/20
This group is for all members of the URI Peacebuilding through Earth Restoration Learning in Action Series 2024. The purpose of the group is to connect and collaborate sharing ideas between our monthly sessions.
Created: 9/07/24
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Mailinglist för människor med urinkateter.
Created: 3/12/24
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
Urloffen / Urloffen, Offenburg, Baden, Germany Researchers
Researchers and descendants of the village or Urloffen, Offenburg, Baden, Germany.
Created: 1/18/20
18 Members, 6 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Jan 31

Created: 5/24/18
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
urqrp / UR QRP Group
urqrp is a mailing list for persons interested in low power amateur radio communication (or QRP) in Ukraine. QRP awards and contests, construction of QRP equipment, social gatherings of QRPers, announcements of QRP activity, QRP club news and the arrangement of QRP skeds/tests are all relevant topics for this list. Subscribing will be of benefit if you are at all interested in homebrewing and port...
Created: 9/05/17
0 Members, 27 Topics, Public Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 1/11/18
URSA / Astronomes amateurs de Suisse Romande
Cette liste sert de contact entre les astronomes amateurs de tous niveaux, de Suisse Romande et environs. Les sujets en sont l'astronomie dans tous ses domaines (observation, matériel, CCD, etc...) et l'informatique en rapport avec l'astronomie. La liste sert également à échanger les informations sur les activités de chaque société (conférences, observations, etc...) pour en fa...
Created: 12/12/20
41 Members, 22 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: Jan 17
URSA-Comite / Comité d'URSA
Cette liste sert de lien entre les représentants des différentes sociétés d'Astronomie romandes à URSA. Elle est utilisée pour transmettre les documents (tractanda, PV, etc...) qui peuvent également être placés sur le site, ainsi que les annonces diverses.
Created: 12/12/20
33 Members, 25 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post: 8/23/24
A group for intermediate students of Irish who would like a forum to translate and discuss novels that were specifically written for adult learners.and also other Irish literature.
Created: 4/08/06
114 Members, 7,633 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: 6/24/24
Alternate for ICUS
Created: 2/11/15
1 Member, 0 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
juego de russian fishing 4
Created: 11/02/24
1 Member, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: