SATERN20 / SATERN - Strategic Auxiliary Team Emergency Readiness NetWE PROVIDE BACKUP SUPPORT IN COMMUNICATIONS DURING DISASTERS FOR THOSE IN NEED Strategic Auxiliary Team Emergency Readiness Net. (SATERN) Net conducted daily, Mon-Fri, starting early checkins at 15:00UTC (10am EST, 9am CST, 8am Mountain, 7am PST). Regular check in and comment round starts at 16:00UTC (11am EST, 10am CST,9am Mountain, 8am PST). All radio amateurs are welcome to join the net, no nee...Created:
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satestSA test group. One time for the ppl in the backCreated:
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satfmSAT-FM foi criado para proporcionar intercambio de informações entre os radioamadores que utilizam satélites e ou para aqueles que pretendem utiliza-los. 73, Carlos - PY2FFZCreated:
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satk / SATKSATK and Bare-Metal programming on mainframesCreated:
54 Members,
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satpc32A discussion group for users of Sat32pcCreated:
86 Members,
56 Topics,
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satsagen / SATSAGENSATSAGEN - Spectrum Analyzer Tracking GeneratorCreated:
444 Members,
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SatSignalAn end-user self help group for users of David Taylor's Satellite Software Tools including the orbit predictor WXtrack, the file decoders GeoSatSignal and SatSignal, the HRPT Reader program, the remapper GroundMap, and the manager programs - MSG Data Manager, GOES-ABI Manager, AVHRR Manager etc. Open to all, and monitored by David Taylor.Created:
819 Members,
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SATT1019 / Start At the Top Oct 2019This is the group created for those who attended the "Start At The Top" seminar in Singapore 11-13 Oct 2019, to facilitate communication.Created:
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SattlerFormerly Rootsweb. For the purpose of genealogy discussions pertaining to the Sattler surname.Created:
6 Members,
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Saturday-soccerSaturday soccer game, usually at McBride ParkCreated:
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saturdaystridersWe are an informal group of friends who enjoy running in Brisbanes' northern suburbs early every Saturday and then enjoy breakfastCreated:
7 Members,
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SaturdaySupportGroupThis is a closed Group that meets at the Le Boulanger Restaraunt in Sunnyvale, CA.Created:
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saturdaywegmansbiblefellowshipTrying to create a new group for the Saturday Morning Wegmans bible group in Sterling/Ashburn.Created:
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Saturn-System-Amateur-Radio-Group / Saturn System Amateur Radio GroupThe Saturn System is a friendly community of ham radio operators. Our system call be accessed by Allstar, Echolink, Hams Over IP, and Hamshack Hotline. Please feel free to join us and make yourself at home. Allstar 547810 Echolink K2SHF-R 791197 Hamshack Hotline 94005 Website Facebook Group Discord
10 Members,
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SaturnalibraryboardThis group is for members of the Saturna Library Board to communicate with each other on board mattersCreated:
7 Members,
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satva / SATVA- Systems' Approach to Vedic Astrology(i) If you are unable to find reasons for your life problems; and (ii) if you are fed up with confusions, inconsistencies and contradictions in classical Vedic astrology, you are welcome to learn the Systems' Approach (SA) to Vedic Astrology (SATVA). SA Astrology offers solutions to life problems through jyotish remedies and strengthening of planets through Special Kavachs / Gemstones. One...Created:
194 Members,
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SaucesGravies-nMarinadesSaucesGravies-nMarinades Sauces, gravies, marinades and flavored vinegarsCreated:
32 Members,
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SaucesGraviesMarinadesJamsJelliesSalsas / Savory Sauces, Great Gravies, Masterful Marinades, Jams, Jellies and Salsas plus Condiments Galore!This is where we can post any type of condiment recipe. This can be sauces, gravies, marinades, jams, jellies, salsas, pickles, etc. They don't have to be tried-n-true, just something that sounds like it might be interesting to share, make and taste! There is no posting requirement for this group. There won't be a weekly "theme" to the recipes posted to this will more o...Created:
10 Members,
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SaudiThis group is all about Saudi ArabiaCreated:
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Saudi-peds-endo / Saudi Pediatric endocrinology Clinical case Mailing ListSaudi Pediatric Endocrinology Clinical Case Mailing ListCreated:
4 Members,
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