ilads / ILADS Member Forum
ILADS is a nonprofit, international, multidisciplinary medical society dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and other complex inflammatory diseases. ILADS promotes awareness and understanding of complex inflammatory diseases through science, research and education. We strongly support physicians, scientists, researchers and other healthcare professionals dedicated to defining and advan...
394 Members, 2,149 Topics, Private Archive, Restricted, Last Post:
ILALEXANDER / Genealogy list for Alexander County, Illinois
This group is intended to be a place for exchange of genealogy information related to those who have lived in Alexander County, Illinois at any point in it's history. The group is being set up as a replacement for the Rootsweb ILALEXAN mailing list before it ends.
14 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
Keep an eye out for an invitation to join a group chat called ILBCC Connect. It works like Yahoo Groups or Yammer -- just an informal place to reach out or scroll through when you’d like to connect with your fellow African American Business Owners. So if you’re wondering about bid openings somewhere or have a question about finding a partner for an RFP or RFI, Freelancing Opportunities you can...
2 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILBOND / Genealogy list for Bond County, Illinois
This group is intended to be a place for exchange of genealogy information related to those who have lived in Bond County, Illinois at any point in it's history. The group is being set up as a replacement for the Rootsweb ILBOND mailing list before it ends.
35 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILBOONE / Boone County, Illinois Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILBOONE. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Boone County, Illinois including the surrounding region of north central Illinois and south central Wisconsin.
21 Members, 0 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILBROWN / Brown County, Illinois Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILBROWN. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Brown County, Illinois including the surrounding region of west central Illinois.
22 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILC / Intuitive Linked Communication email list
This is an email group to centralize updates, meeting invitations and such for Frank DeMarco's Intuitive Linked Communication (ILC) group.
29 Members, 160 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
ILCA / International Labor Communications Association Discussion List
Group hosted by the International Labor Communications Association for sharing tips, tools, techniques amongst labor communicators.
94 Members, 83 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILCALHOUN / Genealogy list for Calhoun County, Illinois
This group is intended to be a place for exchange of genealogy information related to those who have lived in Calhoun County, Illinois at any point in it's history. The group is being set up as a replacement for the Rootsweb ILCALHOU mailing list before it ends.
17 Members, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILCASS / Cass County, Illinois Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILCASS. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Cass County, Illinois including the surrounding region of west central Illinois.
21 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
Christian County ILGenWeb
16 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
ilchristianhikers / Indian Land Christian Hikers
Our group is having monthly hikes to explore God's beautiful outdoors. This includes Upper Midlands in SC and the Greater Charlotte area. Hikes are usually 3-5 miles of various difficulties.
30 Members, 30 Topics, Private Archive, Last Post:
ILCLARK / Clark County, Illinois Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILCLARK. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Clark County, Illinois including the surrounding region of east central Illinois and west central Indiana.
33 Members, 13 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILCLAY / Genealogy list for Clay County, Illinois
This group is intended to be a place for exchange of genealogy information related to those who have lived in Clay County, Illinois at any point in it's history. The group is being set up as a replacement for the Rootsweb ILCLAY mailing list before it ends.
26 Members, 4 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILCLINTO / Clinton County, Illinois Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILCLINTO. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Clinton County, Illinois including the surrounding region of southern Illinois.
59 Members, 7 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILCOLES / Coles County, Illinois Genealogy Group
A mailing list for anyone with a genealogical or historical interest in Coles County, Illinois. Interested individuals may want to check out the information provided at the Coles County ILGenWeb and the Coles County Trails to the Past web sites listed below.
14 Members, 7 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILCOOKCHICAGO / Chicago, Cook, Illinois Genealogy Group
Welcome! These are the former Rootsweb lists, COOK-CO-IL, IL-COOK-CHICAGO, IL-COOK-ELKGROVE, IL-COOK-SCHAUMBURG, and IL-CHICAGO-NORWEGIANS. A group for anyone with a historical and genealogical interest in Chicago, Cook County, Illinois. Discussions will be restricted to history and genealogy topics regarding the city and its suburbs. Also covering topics relating to the entire Cook County, Ill...
134 Members, 130 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILCRAWFO / Crawford County, Illinois Genealogy Group
Welcome! This is the former Rootsweb list, ILCRAWFO. We'll be discussing the history and genealogy of Crawford County, Illinois including the surrounding region of southern Illinois and southern Indiana.
30 Members, 1 Topic, Public Archive, Last Post:
ILDOUGLAS / Genealogy list for Douglas County, Illinois
This group is intended to be a place for exchange of genealogy information related to those who have lived in Douglas County, Illinois at any point in it's history. The group is being set up as a replacement for the Rootsweb ILDOUGLA mailing list before it ends.
9 Members, 3 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post:
iledgar / Edgar County Illinois Genealogy Mailing List
This group is devoted to the history and genealogy of Edgar County, Illinois and is a replacement of the Ancestry mailing list for Edgar County.
15 Members, 2 Topics, Public Archive, Last Post: