Harvard41Repeater / Harvard 41 Amateur Radio RepeaterThe Harvard 145.41 MHz Amateur Radio Repeater was established as a friendly gathering in 1977. Our goals are to establish a repeater that would be: reliable, open, and multi-functional. Our purposes are to support Amateur Radio and provide a forum for a broad range of topics and technologies related to Amateur Radio.Created:
38 Members,
128 Topics,
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HarvestChurchTX / Brother's in ChristEmail reflector for the men's group at Harvest Church in Temple, TX.Created:
1 Member,
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Harwell-ARS / Harwell Amateur Radio SocietyThis group is only available to members of the Harwell Amateur Radio Society (HARS). For details about how to become a member of HARS please visit our website www.g3pia.netCreated:
73 Members,
1,915 Topics,
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harwellscdc / Harwell SCDCHarwell (Oxfordshire, England) Scottish Country Dance ClubCreated:
30 Members,
376 Topics,
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HarwichNeighborsGroup to promote interests of Harwich, MA residents and neighbors.Created:
2 Members,
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HAS / Herefordshire Astronomical SocietyThis is a closed group for members of the Herefordshire Astronomical Society. The group is a place for sharing ideas, discussion and providing help and advice for astronomers living in Herefordshire.Created:
12 Members,
41 Topics,
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HasBrouckEnginesFor builders of engines designed by the late ray HasBrouck.Created:
25 Members,
2 Topics,
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hashs1986 / HASH AG Class of 86Harvey Agricultural High School Class of 1986Created:
1 Member,
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hashtagsHashtags have become a very important way to spread the word about one's writing. This group will attempt to figure out optimal ways to create invitingly effective hashtags.Created:
2 Members,
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haskellAn advanced, purely functional programming languageCreated:
1 Member,
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HaskinsHaskins Family Genealogy ResearchCreated:
13 Members,
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HASL / Hearing And Sight LossThe Hearing And Sight Loss Email group exists to facilitate discussion of the issues experienced by people who have a combination of Hearing- and Sight-Loss. It resulted from discussions among the Visually Impaired community regarding the issues experienced by people with existing visual impairments once they also begin to experience problems with hearing. However, anyone experiencing, or interest...Created:
39 Members,
33 Topics,
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HastingsGiantsCrewMembers / Hastings Giants Crew MembersGroup for managing Hastings Giants Crew MembersCreated:
16 Members,
15 Topics,
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HastingsTableReadersEmail Group for the members of Hastings Table ReadersCreated:
7 Members,
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HastingsVineSquadThe Hastings Vine Squad is a group of resident volunteers seeking to preserve the health of our trees (and ourselves!) by removing invasive vines. Come join us for productive fun and exercise. No experience necessary: we provide training and equipment. In two hours, you'll feel good about making a difference and saving a tree. You'll meet new people and learn about the plants in our ecosys...Created:
2 Members,
0 Topics,
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hatbatHatbat group page.Created:
1 Member,
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Hatcher-FamilyFor all Hatcher descendantsCreated:
11 Members,
2 Topics,
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hatchlabAn incredible group of climate-concerned scientists, activists, nonprofit leaders, and media-makers.Created:
0 Members,
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HatfieldDNAandGenealogyGenealogy group for the sharing and discussion of DNA and documentation for Hatfield families in the U.S. and elsewhere. This group will be the primary repository for information relating to the Hatfield Ancestor Project at GEDmatch.Created:
3 Members,
2 Topics,
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HATForumEmail list for HAT Members and The Forum attendees to find latest topics and discuss them before and after the meetingCreated:
43 Members,
721 Topics,
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